Share this postSIRIUS ispod strujePlandemic 2020Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePlandemic 2020→Transhumanist immortality spiel - a cover for subduing and stealing human soul and consciousness? CoVID EXPLAINED?! -Kira Smith- SIRIUS·April 13, 2024Since so many are focused on deconstructing the how and why behind CONvid I shifted my focus on other things that seem important to me. But two weeks ago this “research paper” caught my attention and after checking it out I decided that it should be stacked about. Especially because I do not remember seeing it on any of the familiar channels. And I thin…Read full storyMeet Stanley Plotkin MD - The Godfather of modern Jabbing Programs!SIRIUS·January 25, 2024Read full storyGRAPHENE OXIDE DETOXIFICATIONSIRIUS·October 21, 2023Xcuse my rant! But damn! Isn’t it kinda dumb to continue giving any support to the industry which is trying to make you an addict? Because all these isolated supplements are actually found WHERE? Yeah. Make NO mistakes fam, there are billions to be made with supplements for post-vax damage.Read full storyEverything points to graphene - now even FDA admits there is graphene in VACCINES!!!SIRIUS·July 15, 2023Read full storyPRESEDAN! Moderna virologija poražena na sudu! Sve više i više ljudi postaje svjesno Pasteurove i Rockefellerove prevare! SIRIUS·May 14, 2023Read full storyNWO digital communism - how a worldwide digiGulag is being created in our facesSIRIUS·April 15, 2023Read full storyWas SarsCov2 pandemic made up so that the government bio-security and central bank digi-currencies seem necessary and unavoidable? SIRIUS·April 5, 2023Read full story5G Graphene SARS-Cov2 connection revealed!SIRIUS·March 21, 2023Read full story