5G Graphene SARS-Cov2 connection revealed!
Groundbreaking court ruling in Germany! Can mobile phone communication trigger miscarriages? Who is behind 5G-AI-total surveillance push? Slow death by WiFi! Modern virology DEBUNKED!
I found an excellent source of knowledge and information on the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation, on german KlaTv. This material is graded A MUST WATCH and A MUST SHARE! I pasted some of the transcripts so that you can read it here too, but there is more in the videos. Links to videos are under headlines, videos are available in multiple languages. If there are sources and links for the covered material, they can be found under the video player on kla-tv. So make a cup of tea or a coffee, maybe even grab a beer and some pork cracklings and go watch these videos and share them with as many people as you can. Do it like your life depended on it.. and indeed it does!

Delgado is confirming everything that Stefan Lanka (Lanka debunked modern virology in 2009.) and Tom Cowan were saying. Spanish Flu was actually a sideffect, a wave of deadly disease that spread when new radio and radar technology was being implemented on a big scale and experimentation with vaccines was done in various places.
What graphene oxide and nanotechnology have to do with 5G, interview with Ricardo Delgado Martin, the founder of “La Quinta Columna“
Kla.TV: Okay, so let's get started. Welcome Ricardo Delgado Martin. A short Introduction of yourself for the German-speaking audience.
Well, Ricardo Delgado Martin is founder and director of "la Quinta Columna" (The Fifth Column)/on rumble and on odysee. He has a degree in Biostatistics from the University of Seville. He has a Master in Biostatistics, Postgraduate in Health Biology, Clinical Microbiology, Epidemiology and Clinical Immunology, applied at the European University Miguel de Cervantes. University expert in clinical genetics from the University Antonio de Nebrija. Certificate of scientific contribution, from the University of Seville and Postgraduate Master in Child Psychology. Master's degree in banking and finance from the Instituto Superior de Técnicas y Prácticas Bancarías (Master in Banking and Finance from the Higher Institute of Banking Techniques and Practices. Master in personal training. In other words, a long and extensive dossier.
Kla.TV: Okay, how did you come up with the idea of founding the platform "La Quinta Columna"?
Mr. Delgado: It arose from the urgent need to form a human collective, a group of conscious human beings, who absolutely do not share the reality that they want to paint with this so-called 2030 agenda. Then, from there, little by little, the channel grew exponentially, especially when we decided to analyze the vials, first from Pfizer and then from Astra Zeneca, Moderna and Johnson as well. From then on, we logically started to provide information based on observation and putting in quarantine everything that came from the official version and from the scientific articles of the pharmaceutical companies themselves.
Kla.TV: Okay, so the question is, what is your mission, practically, well, you have answered this. I guess it is to acknowledge all those inconsistencies and those doubts etc. I would imagine.
Mr. Delgado: As of today we can state even more clearly, the mission of the "The Fifth Column". It is to save literally as many human beings as possible. Since, where they want to take us, is the loss of any kind of identity and intrinsic humanity, to transhumanism or the extinction of the human species, as we know it.
Kla.TV: Why do you think there are not more biostatisticians, as is your case, or people in the research world? Science dedicated to these topics, that is to say to analyze and research this topic concerning the vaccine, and the epidemic etc.
Mr. Delgado: There are, the problem is that those who know are silent, and it is this complicit silence that is causing the loss of a great number of lives, and the rest precisely comply and work for the system. Of course with large amounts of money on the table, blood money, to put it precisely.
Kla.TV: Well, if we go back to the beginning of events, that is to say, everything we have lived through of the so-called pandemic. How could it be better explained, or put in such a way through the official media, what has been told to us, or what has NOT been told to us, in this sense.
Mr. Delgado: Well, we have been told that everything is a consequence of a non-existent Coronavirus and therefore we have a pandemic and the reality is evident; that it is a genocide by the introduction of a toxic chemical compound inside the body. First it is the flu campaign and directed to the elderly homes and then to the entire collective of the world's population. Therefore, if we introduce a chemical compound that has a radio modulable capacity and that inside the body acts as a pathogen, we are talking about a premeditated, conscious act and of course of a genocide and not at all of a pandemic. That is why they can know exactly with absolute precision when a wave appears, the second, the third, which they call variants, which is only a justification of the deaths caused and disease with what they call vaccines, which logically is not a vaccine at all.
Kla.TV: Okay. From what moment, or rather, at what moment did you really start to suspect, or as they say, something doesn't add up. At what moment did you have those doubts or did you start to not find logic in everything that we are being told and that we are experiencing.
Mr. Delgado: Well, practically from the beginning. Initially we thought that there could indeed be a type of biological agent that was not what we were told. We started to crunch the numbers, precisely using the figures that epidemiological patterns can give, we made comparisons with the common seasonal flu and we considered the countermeasures that were being taken and that we also had the precedent of the famous influenza A of 2009/2010, all this made us suspect that there was a major operation behind it: the famous 201 event held in New York City on October 18 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum, and that is very important. All of that was very suspicious, but especially when we analyzed the vaccine, that is, when they started injecting and we saw first the exacerbated magnetic effect, first in the area of the puncture and then it extrapolated to the area of the upper solar plexus and finally the head, that is, the electrically conducting tissue of the body. So, we started to see that there really could be a material or a nanomaterial that was being injected into people, we developed the hypothesis that it was a derivative of graphene based on everything we already knew and the hypotheses or the high indications that there were and finally we proved it with a preliminary analysis and then with a final one that we will expand a little bit more later on.
Kla.TV: So we have heard so far that the SARS Cov2 virus, that is the virus that supposedly causes this disease COVID 19, has never been isolated or sequenced. What does it mean to isolate or sequence in the sense of a virus?
Mr. Delgado: Sequencing and isolation of a viral Corona type biological agent, in this new case, would mean having the exact nucleotide sequence and the combination of all those pairs that did not make it look like it was 29,800, or about 30,000 nucleotide pairs. It's a DNA format, that is, we don't have that. What you have is a virtual construct assembled with a computer algorithm that is also called MUSCLE, that is to say, they are viruses in silicon or chimera viruses, that is what it is called. It only exists in the computer. SARS Cov2 does not exist in nature. From the mucus of 3 pneumonia patients or 3 patients who died of pneumonia in Wuhan precisely, different types of pneumonia, they extracted genetic material and tried to sequence something, but with only an initial seed, from there they extrapolated. They don't need to, they have computer software! But not only of this biological agent, but of all the previous ones as well. So there is no real sequencing knowledge in the nature of SARS Cov2. Nobody has it. Had they had it they would have supposedly made a traditional vaccine attenuating the agent. Nor is there a laboratory that can have a culture of it and there are already about 180 institutions in the world: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health, university institutions of any kind, etc. none of which have sequencing of SARS Cov2. Nevertheless, they tell us about variants and sub-variants.
Kla.TV: Exactly, so at some point in history, as far as we know, is there any sequencing of any virus? Generally speaking, do we know that certain viruses, I don't know, Ebola?...
Mr. Delgado: It is possible that there is one, Angel, it is possible that there is a real sequencing of some biological agent. Because now we also have to ask ourselves whether what we call viruses are the consequence of diseases or the cause of diseases and not the product. It is likely that current virology is literally to be chopped up and thrown in the wastebasket. We have led everyone to believe based on pharmaceutical interests, first the Rockefeller Foundation and now the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is taking over. That what we call viral or viral agents are the cause of the disease, when it is most probably the consequence. And the disease is caused by radiation phenomena, intoxication, etc. as is the case we are going to see now with this thing they call Covid19.
Kla.TV: Then from the start we would have to, as they say, take it with a grain of salt, that perhaps there is a flu virus, smallpox, measles, AIDS, Ebola, etc. that is to say that we do not really know if that in itself has been - as never before - sequenced or isolated, as you say.
Mr. Delgado: And neither is there the myth of contagion as such, nor has it ever been demonstrated that a person supposedly infected with influenza can contract or spread the disease to another person by air, because it has been demonstrated that the information travels, the genetic information, but as a messenger alert, that is, what we call Coronavirus -these types of viral agents, probably are Inter-species alert messages to alert that there is a phenomenon such as radiation that is affecting everyone. Then the virus synthesizes a protein that will protect the individual, but not to kill him, but to protect. …/there is more in the video/
Groundbreaking court ruling heralds turnaround in mobile communications policy!
The largest ever EU study to research the connections between genetic damage and cell phone radiation - known as the "REFLEX study" - was carried out between 2000 and 2004 by twelve research groups from seven European countries.It has clearly demonstrated the mutagenic effects of mobile phone radiation, in particular through the DNA STRAND BREAKS it causes, already well below the current limit values of 2 watts per kg of body weight – a mere thermal term anyway.
Professor Adlkofer, who led this study, sums up its significance as follows: "Indeed, if the EXISTENCE of athermal effects of health significance were admitted, the entire limit value edifice would collapse." However, soon after their publication, the results of this study were denigrated in the media by the mobile phone lobby, who, to this day, claim the results are scientifically unsustainable, even falsified. Professor Alexander Lerchl, now Freie Jacobs University in Bremen, stood out. He is, in the field of mobile communications, what Dr. Drosten is in the field of virology. As a key member of the German Radiation Protection Commission until 2011, and as chairman of the Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation, he was thus the most senior German radiation protection officer, adviser to the Federal Government and representative of Germany in international committees.
Now, the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Bremen has put a stop to Leerchl’s falsification claims in its ruling issued on December 11, 2020. The REFLEX study was not only confirmed to be scientifically sound, but also revealed previously suppressed or ignored facts which show the harmful biological effects of mobile phone radiation. Here now the judge's decision against Prof. Lerchl in the original wording:
"Prof. Leerchl is sentenced and ordered to refrain from publishing and/or HAVING published, his allegations of forgery (see above) with reference to the plaintiff, subject to avoidance of an administrative fine of up to 250,000 EUROS to be determined for EACH case of infringement and, in the event that this fine cannot be recovered, to imprisonment for up to six months. Prof. Leerchl shall bear the costs of the proceedings. The judgment is provisionally enforceable. The amount in dispute is set at 20,000 euros. The appeal is not admitted." A court ruling from the Netherlands is equally groundbreaking in this context. On December 18, 2020, the Gelderland Administrative Court confirmed an increased health risk due to wireless technology, also well below the limit values set by the state. … /there is more in the video/
Mobile phone communication - a trigger for miscarriages?
What would you say if you were a pregnant woman - expecting - and I told you that your mobile phone or the mobile phone antenna on the roof accross the street could cause massive damage to your unborn child? I am Sarah, a midwife, working independently in prenatal care and home birth. Among other things, I care for families in a newly established 5G prototype city - a model city, where 5G is being activated massivly. At the beginning of the 5G expansion in this city, the miscarriages suddenly increased. In a period of 2 months I had to attend to 5 miscarriages. … /there is more in the video/
5G, Artificial Intelligence and total surveillance
Flowery words are used everywhere to promote applications for artificial intelligence AI and 5G. But if you ask people: “Would you like to see total global surveillance and the enslavement of humanity under smart machines handled by anonymous elites?” Hardly anyone would agree to this. But these are the very technologies that are being pushed forward and that will allow total control over humanity. China is a pioneer in total surveillance and wants to surpass the USA in terms of technology. Watch this program to learn more about this issue;
1) How military and secret organizations are pushing for total surveillance
The Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in 2017 that China’s artificial intelligence would catch up with the USA in 2025 and lead the world in 2030. As a result, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) was set up in the USA in 2018. In a published document the “Chinese Tech Landscape Overview”, the mandate of the NSCAI is described as follows: ...developing ways in which the U.S. government, together with private companies can defend its technological lead in Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and related technologies against China. The chairman of the NSCAI, Eric Schmidt, is a former Google executive. His deputy Mark O. Work was a senior military expert in the US Department of Defense. Major corporations such as Microsoft, Amazon, the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Army, as well as George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the former head of U.S. intelligence Michael Dempsey are also represented in the NSCAI. A combination of secret services, military, the Pentagon and tech industry like Silicon Valley, is working towards the U.S. becoming a totalitarian surveillance state.
2) Big Data for the expansion of power
For the United States and its Western allies, domination of the global oil market guaranteed the expansion of their supremacy in the 20th century. In the 21st century, however, data and information are the new oil. They offer large corporations and governments great potential for expanding their power. Total surveillance requires vast amounts of data, so-called Big Data. Everything that generates data is interesting. Therefore, one can see a worldwide race for data. Everything is to be digitalized: Digital payment replaces cash. Online trading is being strengthened by weakening the retail. Medicine is being transformed into telemedicine, electronic patient files and health apps. China is also a pioneer in data collection. Chris Darby, NSCAI member, CEO of 'In-Q-Tel' commented: “Data is the new oil. China is currently being flooded with data and does not have the same constraints as we do when it comes to collecting and using them, because there are differences in privacy protection between our countries. Having the largest tagged data set in the world will be a great strength for them.”
3) Data protection and a well-functioning infrastructure are hindrances to Artificial Intelligence
Data protection rules as well as a so far well-functioning analog infrastructure through the nationwide supply of cash, bank branches, doctors, hospitals, teachers and functioning individual and public transport system, etc., prove to be hindrances for the USA and the West. On the other hand, the lack of privacy protection allows the Chinese government to award technology companies huge contracts for mass surveillance. Lack of doctors would promote remote diagnosis and treatment with A.I. support. Congested cities boost the urgency to develop self-driving rental car fleets as a replacement for individual car ownership. Payment apps replace cash, etc. Once you get the picture, you will understand why all the obstacles to Big Data and A.I., and thus also to 5G, are being removed rapidly pace and with fine arguments that always sound good.
4) A Brave new world
Singapore is the pioneer in showing how A.I. can be used in everyday life. In the wake of Corona, the use of A.I. is booming for example, with robot dogs in public places: If the robot dog spots park visitors standing too close to each other, it runs towards them and reminds them of the rules. In a hospital, a robot brings medication to a ventilator patient and asks about their well-being. Robots transport groceries from supermarkets to the customer’s home, and robots roll along sidewalks urging people to stay home. New technologies that would hardly be accepted in normal times are now getting their big chance, says Martin Ford, author of the book “Rise of the Robots”.
5) In Conclusion
Under the never-ending "progress" mantra, everything seems to get better and better. But is it really desirable to end up in a cold technology-network of anonymous players, when there is a truly miraculous network-of-life with sky-high superior marvels? Instead of “progressively” destroying the unique network of life and replacing it with clumsy technology, every one of us should ask himself: Where do I give power to the destructive network of technology in exchange for comfort or out of fear? Because change and reconsideration start with each and every one of us. With you and with me.
WiFi - slow death as your guest! // Witness report by Ivo Sasek
The worst thing about the following witness report is that only very few people even want to hear it- even though we are talking about one of the most insidious attackers on human life. If the same people were asked if they would do something against it if they knew that their loved ones were in danger, they would immediately answer “are you crazy, of course”! But this willingness to help collapses immediately when it’s about an invisible danger -- invisible like WiFi radiation for instance. And yet tens of thousands have already been testifying that their well-being drastically decreases while being exposed to microwave radiation of all kinds. It is the same as with a “cancer” diagnosis ... as long as it does not affect the own life, one can live quite well with it ... even today, although every second person is dying of cancer. And there is yet another parallel: once the deadly diagnosis has been made, it is already too late -- life will no longer be the same from then on. …
My appeal to everyone: Not only the newly emerging, 100 times stronger 5G mobile communications technology must be prevented. All previous microwave communications technology must be abolished as quickly as possible and replaced by harmless technologies such as fibre optic technology. From 1G to 4G everything has to go! From mobile phones to WiFi, everything has to be abolished. With this technology we have brought our own systematic breakdown upon us and sure creeping death into the world, indeed: into our own home and life.
/there is more in the video/
Stefan Lanka: Biology as it is not - Refutation of Genetics, Virology and Cell Theory
Lecture recorded on January 21, 2022.
Biologist and marine biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka tells us the history of virology. He refutes previous knowledge about genetics, virology and cell theory. As a virologist, he looked into in the previous concepts and understood that they are not correct. Most people believe in a terror biology in which our own molecules turn against ourselves and only want to kill and that can spread. Lanka refutes this misconception.
1. Biology as it is not
2. Democritus material explanation for life
3. Eugen Rosenstock on sham research
4. Rudolf Virchow Basics for euthanasia
5. Anti-science as the basis of virology
6. When, why and who created virology?
7. Refutation of genetics
8. The start of Corona in China
9. Inaccuracy of the PCR test
10. A chance to generate a leap in human development
Translated and edited by Northern Tracey & John Blaid