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Mar 25, 2023
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I don know what you mean?

Delgado said that PCR is a scam and is used precisely so that they can get positive results. When there is actually no "virus" in the sample. And he said that they get the best results with even using tap water.

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Sorry, Sirius, yes of course what Delgado says is correct. I started looking at other things there and one transcript was crediting someone and compared them to Drosten as being a great scientist! So I will delete my comment.

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No worries.

Have you seen these?

“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome"


and this

“Toxic Nanoforms inside Pfizer-Biontech mRNA Covid Vaccine”. Study by Italian Biochemist highlights an Alleged Crime!"


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Since falling down a rabbit hole August 2020, I have discovered the true history of western medicine, vaccines, pandemics, banking system, geopolitics, why wars really started and by whom, how lies get repeated enough they become the truth! I read many articles from global research but not aware of the Italian website. However, most people on substack are aware of what's happening and post good info although I'm sure there are plenty gatekeepers on here also. But I don't think the masses will be reached. Most are double jabbed already, I know of 4x, 5x and 1 who is 6x! My stupid children, partners and friends took them just to travel. If the GO is there for the MAC and wireless communication plus digital ID for CBDC and carbon credits, etc., how could an unjabbed survive with bills to pay if you need this technology? I'd previously read about Kalergi plan and it is coming to pass. We in UK claim to be Christians, like Europe, but religion no longer taught in schools and majority only step inside a church for a wedding (that's becoming less now as brides prefer a grand hotel or sunny beach venue) or for a funeral - majority of those now a chapel at crematorium. All these changes have been socially engineered. You must have heard about Chrislam, the one religion the Pope and Muslim leaders signed up to?

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Yeah mate, we are in for a tough ride! I have written this piece on this topic recently:


And the focus of my blog is showing the root of this problem. It is all done by people who use satanism to gain power. They impose usury through trade and banking. They subvert and destroy societies with porn, transgenderism, pedophilia and homosexuality.

Vatican is lost. It now serves the synagogue of satan.

Here are some titles if you want to dig really deep:

A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind"

by Stephen Mitford Goodson,

"The Plot Against The Church" by Maurice Pinay,

"The Jewish Onslaught" by Tony Martin,

"The jews and Ritual Murders of Christian Babies" by Lyutostansky Ippolit Iosifovich,

"The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews" by Robert Aleksander Maryks,

"Red Symphony" by J.F.Landovsky.

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