Transhumanist immortality spiel - a cover for subduing and stealing human soul and consciousness? CoVID EXPLAINED?! -Kira Smith-
There was never a pandemic! No vaccines were ever administered! CORONA = CO-ordinate and RO-uting System for NA-nonetworks! CBDC/social credit SCHEME!
Since so many are focused on deconstructing the how and why behind CONvid I shifted my focus on other things that seem important to me. But two weeks ago this “research paper” caught my attention and after checking it out I decided that it should be stacked about. Especially because I do not remember seeing it on any of the familiar channels. And I think that I would have remembered it. It was published in January 2022!
As many people have suggested/concluded - and regardless of what the trans-humanist crowd claims (and what millions of gullible fools and damn useful idiots parrot after them), the true reason behind the plandemic is
→ the deployment of a human-body-nano-tech-network with the goal of achieving implementation of the CentralBankDigitalCurrency and SocialCreditScore - which are supposed to be embedded in the user slave.
This evil plan can succeed only if the old established ways of life are destroyed so that it will be more easily accepted by (a semblance of) majority of society!
///UPDATE 22.04.2024:
FU, Derrick
JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR.
Do not be fooled, the medical application of this nano-tech is just a part of the sales pitch! It is very probable that graphene and all this nano crap CAN NOT be SUSTAINABLE in a HEALTHY human body AT ALL!
Otherwise there would be some concern for the health of all the people who think they have been inoculated, no!? And surely, they would have been informed about the content of concoctions that they would be getting.. and their consent would be asked for?! No?! Come on, the possibilities for manipulating people who carry such functioning nano-technology are HUGE&INSANE (!)! For heavens sake, if all that they claim would work, they could be installing and running the coming of messiah/alien invasion directly inTO your HEAD (pics and sounds) and BODY (feelings and organ functions)!

No SIRIUS. This technology will be used only for good causes.
Hold my red wine.. I choose a negative position on this one. Until you let me know that everything has changed and that we now live in a world in which technology is actually developed for support of a more natural development of humanity and all of our environment. That would be a radically different society, wouldn’t it? On a radically and VERY noticeably different evolutionary path! Instead of this mainstream path that is produced by our bank/power/resource owning scum and pushed through corporate media, big industry and tyrannical government and which can be named “we can be crazier and more destructive than the craziest psychopaths”.
Like being fascinated with and rooting for the possibility that humans should EVER look like this!?

Note that this “research paper” (it has a feel of a sales pitch as well “-Look here investor/victim → What we did and can and SHOULD do if you are serious about ..”) explains what is their end goal and also shows in detail how it all should be functioning.
The fact of the matter is how all of us who do not have powerful microscopes have to believe in all the nano-tech information that is being shared with us just like one would have to believe in Santa Claus. Also, it was hard to miss the fact that the author presents herself as someone who is VERY connected to the military industrial complex.
So when it comes to invisible threats - I tend to be a skeptic for obvious reasons. Have I mentioned that contagious viruses DO NOT exist? Now I have (I will post relevant links below)!
The thing is, I personally know a victim of Morgellon’s! Which for me is a confirmation of completely illegal inception of human-body-nano-technology onto the unsuspecting wider public.
On top of the above mentioned nano-disease crap, in the years 2018 and 2019 I had to go to numerous hospitals with my ex and for myself, and being a human-radar for hidden things, I was able to learn much about what was going on at that time in those places - on top of other allopathic poisons the doctors were prescribing 3 different antibiotics for everything, AND they could not even catch all the symptoms in majority of cases! So they silently proclaimed a number of strange new NEVER BEFORE SEEN “diseases”!
And all the things which the control system is implementing since the start of the plandemic of 2020 also confirm how nano technology could be used as a key part of this planned global police state,
which is just an upgraded new techy look for the current/old usury based pyramid power system!
To digress for a sec, while I am talking about my visits to..
..intensive care units? ICUs are basically demon spawning vats where they torture and kill loners, sick and dying schizos and demented/alzheimer patients. There only very well connected get a “nice“ treatment. Which is frequently ending with death regardless of their high status in society. Surgery is the only thing that hospitals are somewhat good at. But when they open you up they infect you with super resistant bacteria and then they try very hard to make you an dysfunctional addict with post-operational “care”.
→ Let us now see what this paper is about →
“Research” was done by Kira Smith and posted on Researchgate (short bio at the end of this post). ///Did you see her pic? Not that relevant but she is a heavy anime looking lady! Anime animations being the top carrier for futuristic dystopian motifs, with plandemics being the main theme in many many anime series/movies.///
Independent Researcher - Experimental Medicine, MD. MSc in Experimental Medicine and Forensic Pathology.
Security Specialist for Special Operations in Unconventional Warfare and Military Intelligence
Specializes in:
Experimental Medicine: finding anatomopathological implication in diseases, drugs research with new molecules discovery, in particular about Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Genetics, Genomics. Sars-CoV-2 and its treatments: host interaction, pathogenesis issues, vaccines analysis of risk/benefit ratio, alternative interventions. Military, Combat, Tactical Medicine and Intelligence; Forensics Pathology and Cybersecurity. Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Medical Robotics.
///the needed credentials are ALL there, maybe even a bit extra///
→ List of abbreviations:
GQDs: Graphene Quantum Dots; Hz: Hertz; IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; IoT: Internet of Things; IoMT: Internet of Medical Things; IoNT: Internet of NanoThings
LoRaWAN: Low Power Wide Area Network; MAC: Media Access Control
ML: Machine Learning; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mux: Multiplexer; QCA: Quantum Cellular Automata
SDM: Software Defined Metamaterial; TDMA: Time-Division multiple access; TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy; THz: Terahertz; TS-OOK: Time-Spread On-Off Keying; WNSN: Wireless Nanosensors Network
CoVid Vaccines Based on Graphene, Nanonetwork and Internet of NanoThings (IoNT)
In the blood of vaccinated persons and also in a vial of Pfizer vaccine, samples containing parallel and perpendicular lines, quadrangular or cubic structures, composed of crystallized graphene, were observed by various electron microscopy (TEM), phase-contrast, MRI and other techniques, suggesting artificial products, referring to electronic circuits. This was possible through a process of rasterization, focusing and delimitation of the edges of the image. What was detected was the circuit of a nano router, which we will see described later, and suggests, along with other images detected, the presence of a nano network inside the human body.
Nano sensors deployed in WNSN, equipped with graphene based nanopatch antennas, can detect symptoms or virus by means of molecules or bacteria behaviors. The advancement of graphene based biosensors allows the application of graphene for the detection of glucose, Cyt-c (Cytochrome-c), NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydride), Hb (Hemoglobin), cholesterol, AA (Amino Acid), UA (Uric Acid), and DA (Diamino Acid).

Indeed, a number of E-Health measures were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, proportionally to the progress on BAN (Body Area Network) and intra-body networks, in which the BAN is a form of IoNT domain:
EARLY DIAGNOSIS: proposed by Doffman in 2020, with replacement of infrared thermometers with thermal camera, optical camera, GPS and LWPAN modules to identify the COVID-19 suspects.
REMOTE PATIENT MONITORING: at China, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center (SPHCC) and seven other hospitals used connected thermometers to monitor the diagnosed patients continuously. VivaLNK’s body temperature sensors coupled with Cassia IoT Access controller were used and the information about any changes in the body temperature of patients was wirelessly communicated to the nurse station. A single gateway had the capability to pair and connect up to 40 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. Furthermore, the data generated by nearly one million connected thermometers was also used for producing daily data about the trends of Influenza-like Illness (ILI) at United States by Kinsa Health.
QUARANTINE MONITORING: smart wearable tracking de-vices have been used by South Korea, Singapore, Middle-Eastern and European countries to detect if recent travelers have broken the quarantine. Different variants of smart wristbands comprise of GPS chips and/or couple with smart phones of the users to track their locations and movements.
PREVENTATIVE ALERTS: IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia has designed a smartband iFeel-You to measure the body temperature and send alerts. Furthermore, the smartband detects the human body movement and identifies the presence of another band in a certain radio range; as soon as it is found that another smartband is in proximity, both vibrate to intimate the users about social distancing. Immunotouch is another version of smart wristband which vibrates as the user brings his hand near to his mouth, nose or eye. The wristband is integrated with accelerometer and tracks the movement of hand 10 times in each second.
FACILITY CLEANING: in Vancouver, IoT buttons have been used to send alerts to the authorities for advising about cleaning and maintenance of the public facilities. These buttons have been designed by the Visionstate and known as Wanda QuickTouch. The alerts can be sent by public or staff of the facilities such as nursing stations, restrooms, patients’ rooms to immediately notify the management or cleaning staff.
CONTACT TRACING FOR DIAGNOSED PATIENTS: an innovative set of wearables have been developed by Estimote. In case a person is detected positive for the COVID-19 and as he sets the health state to diagnosed, the device sends an alert to all the people who had been in contact earlier. These devices can also prioritize the list of people by providing details about the time for which each contact was active.
FOOD AND MEDICINE DELIVERY TO PATIENTS: firstly, the internet technologies integrated with web pages and mobile apps allow the end users to place their orders and secondly, various proposals have been made to use robots or drones to deliver the supplies to patients or quarantined people to ensure social distancing. The home automation technologies such as smart door locks, surveillance cameras, motion detectors and video phones allow the safe and contactless ordering and of supplies.
WORKPLACE SAFETY: the mobile applications can be provided to the employees which remind them to wash their hands, the wearable devices could be provided to prevent them from touching the face, and range sensors could be used to maintain the safe distance at the public spaces of the workplace such as restrooms or canteens. Another version of contact tracing wearable devices or keychain has been developed by Microshare and Kerlink which are asset tracking companies. As the employees come near to each other, the employees’ unique ID’s along with the encrypted codes can be stored. The contact data is also uploaded on the secured and centralized database through Low Power Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN), which helps the authorities to trace the contact of the employees
Until now, however, no one has gone so far as to implement a set of sensors from inside the body.
This is how a nanonetwork works in a biological environment.
The packet routing system used is called CORONA (COordinate and ROuting System for NAnonetworks).
This model requires the configuration of nanonodes distributed throughout the body, i.e., nanosensors and nanoantennas, which have the ability to achieve high transmission rates over very short distances when operating in the most promising operating spectrum of the Terahertz band(0.1 - 10.0 THz), which propagate the signal to the other nanon- odes; some of them must be fixed and are positioned on the body tissue (endothelium, blood vessel walls and tissues of the various organs) like an anchor, and triangulate the position of the other nanonodes, measuring their distance and the hops in the connection; others are instead mobile, since they are present in the circulatory system, i.e. dynamic with the ability to aim at specific targets. In the operational phase, the routing uses the appropriate subset of anchors, required by the sender of the packet, to transmit the data. This system operates efficiently, resulting in packet re transmission and very low loss rate, promoting energy efficiency.
Sending data outside the body must be sufficiently powerful, while maintaining optimal signal clarity, since skin hydration, propagation distance and frequency range affect the loss of trajectory that blurs the signal and with it the message; it is therefore important to use different frequencies: 0.1 - 4 THz to pass through the epidermis; for signal propagation through the blood and resistant gases in the lungs, the range is: 0.01 - 0.96 THz.
Subsequently, the CORONA model was improved and simplified, allowing the transmission of packets to more distant anchors, avoiding intermediate steps: it was then completed with a multi-hop routing scheme based on a distributed cluster, with cluster selection algorithm; it was then renamed DCCORONA.

The protocol used in nano-communications is called TSOOK (Time-Spread On-Off Keying), encoding the activation and deactivation of time propagation on and off, It is the appropriate activation method by which request response/client-server mechanisms are enabled in this type of networks. A logical 0 or 1 is represented by silence (short pulse) with a relatively long transmission interval (long pulse), respectively; this simplifies the receiver and avoids the probability of collisions, as well as recovering the signal and interpreting it without noise or interruptions, given its simplicity. Basically, data packets and headers are encoded with 0s and 1s, according to IEEE communication protocols. The binary-coded signals are then transformed into data packets by the demux circuit. The parallel-to-series converter, on the other hand, is a circuit that can take different sets of input data, carry them on different QCA wires, and transmit them at different times on the output wires.

This explains why devices with Bluetooth, such as smart-phones, are able to detect MAC addresses, originating from people who have received the "vaccine": it is inherently taken for granted the presence of a Media Access Control (MAC), in particular it would be likely the DRIH-MAC model, which is a receiver-initiated protocol for communication between nanonodes in a wireless electromagnetic nanoreticle, with the aim of maximizing energy consumption; this protocol is a distributed and predictive technique to access the media; the scheduling of communications is in coordination with the process of energy harvesting, which is optimized by 50% compared to the MAC protocol and this is an essential factor for the limitations related to the scale and application environment.
Bluetooth can be used in contact tracing and Global Positioning System (GPS) can be used in monitoring the realtime as well as historical locations of COVID-19 patients.
The phenomenon regarding the attraction of coins by inoculates could also be explained: although neither graphene nor its derivatives are magnetic, both graphene and graphene oxide can conduct enough electricity across cell membranes to magnetize nearby superparamagnetic particles, to cause widespread magnetization of people receiving the vaccine.
In order to synchronize communications between nano-nodes, the presence of a nano-CPU is essential, which requires at least one oscillator, which defines the clock frequency (oscillations per second), measured in Hertz (Hz).
In-vivo interaction of nano-oscillators is given by the ability to activate them, via bio electric signals and can be used to selectively rectify the operating frequency of a given field. For example, nano-oscillators can harvest wireless energy and produce wireless electrical stimulation of cells such as neurons.
In the topology hierarchy, there are next the nanorouters, which receive signals from the nanonodes, process them and send them to the nanointerfaces, which will emit them outside the body, with signal effective to cross the skin barrier. They are needed to route and decode the signals for sending, but also for receiving.
To form a nanorouter it is necessary to have wire crossings that create several overlapping circuit structures: logic gates, demultiplexer (demux) and parallel-series converter.

Going back to the circuit observed by Prof. Campra during the observance with electron microscopy of the blood of vaccinated people: the quantum cell (QCA) consists of 4 quantum dots (GQDs), whose polarization is variable. It is possible to distinguish the binary code, consisting of 0 and 1, based on the positive or negative charge of the quantum dots. A QCAcell would require 4 GQDs (regions where an electric charge may or may not be localized) to compose itself. Each cell has 2 free moving electrons, which can create tunnels between the quantum dots, but tunneling to the outside of the cell is not allowed, due to a high potential barrier. This circuit represents a nanorouter, but through the combination of QCA cells it is possible to obtain electronic schemes of transistors, processors, multiplexers, demultiplexers, etc., with various functions and shapes.
Regarding the bidirectional capacity of the nanorouter, I point out that graphene -and therefore the entire nano network can cross the blood-brain barrier, sometimes carrying other substances (e.g.: improving the targeting of some drugs); it is therefore likely that in the near future thoughts, memories, sensory perceptions and everything that we now call "consciousness" will also be detected.
It is not known whether those who have already received the vaccine, once the nano network within the entire body will be formed, will be influenced in thought and behavior, in their actions, through a controlled release of neurotransmitters and catecholamines (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.) or other hormones, going to enhance or impair some characteristics, in favor or to the detriment of others: it is possible to level emotions, change the degree of perceived satisfaction, increase attention, promote learning or inhibit it, even enabling the phenomenon of subliminal (unconscious) conditioned learning.
For these reasons, however, future pandemics will be managed optimally, through predictive algorithms of contagions, just as many of the current chronic diseases will be treatable, through sending stimuli to the release or inhibition of certain elements in the body, depending on whether they are needed (or deficient), or in excess.
The computing power of quantum computers and the flexibility of Machine Learning will be combined with the speed and zero latency of the 5G network, to transmit the data of each individual.
After all, the Internet of Things (IoT) has made objects "smart" by sending data, parameters, sometimes initial pro- cessing of the same, before reaching the destination clouds.
How much longer can humans stay out of it? It is already inside the Internet of NanoThings (IoNT), but does not realize it, although it is not known whether the WNSN is hierarchical architecture, i.e. with bottom-up transmission (from nanosensors to nanorouters) or non hierarchical, with autonomous components in data and signal record- ing, transmission, activation and programming. The non- hierarchical topology, at the same time as the hierarchical topology, remains the most likely option, given the properties of graphene: it is inherently tunable, so it is possible to create an SDM (Software Defined Metamaterial) that allows drivers to modify the electrostatic bias applied to different areas of the graphene sheet. Graphene can in essence be controlled and programmed like software, in its various layers.
In recent years, graphene-based biodevices, such as DNA carriers, graphene nanopores for DNA sequencing, and a graphene DNA biosensor, have been highlighted with extraordinary sensitivity, rapid readout and good biostability.
Graphene is an excellent substrate material for adsorption and also for spatial patterning of DNA origami structures. The strategy is to integrate the top-down patterning of chemically modified graphene through conventional photolithography with bottom-up self assembly of DNA origami structures upon the patterned chemically modified graphene. The adsorption of DNA origami structures can be systematically tuned to allow spatial patterning on chemically modified graphene.
However, it must be pointed out that graphene is highly toxic in any form it is presented and taken into the human body, in fact its presence has not been declared among the components of the "vaccine" by the pharmaceutical company. From studies that have emerged, graphene, hence the basis for the nanonetwork, seems to be present in all "vaccines", except for AstraZeneca, which, perhaps not by chance, was eliminated from the market, claiming responsibility for numerous adverse effects, even lethal, even though, in reality, it presented about the same probability (slightly higher) of developing pathologies or incurring sudden cardio/cerebrovascular accidents, compared to other serums.

Returning to graphene and its derivatives, it is possible to say that it is highly thrombotic, in fact, coagulated blood has been examined by several researchers: first of all Prof. Campra, but also Dr. Robert O. Young, who has published all his studies and findings, in great detail on his personal website:
Nano and Micro Graphene Tubes Cause Pathological Blood Coagulation Leading to Hypercapnia, Hypoxia and Death
Dr. Robert O. Young, MD., DSc, PhD, in Hikari Omni Publishing , 2021 and other scientists, among which Dr. Jose Louis Sevillano has distinguished himself for the warnings launched against the introduction of graphene in the population. In addition, the said nanomaterial presents genotoxicity, mutagenicity, high pulmonary toxicity, causes damage to the circulatory and cardiovascular system, nervous system, endocrine, reproductive, urinary, can lead to apoptosis (cell death), severe inflammatory state, immunosuppression, up to multi-organ dysfunction.
Recall also, that the artificial electronics that are going to form from graphene in hydrogel, by electrophoresis and teslaphoresis, in response to magnetic fields and electromagnetic (EM) waves, can easily affect in a negative mode the electrical conduction of the heart and brain, thus leading to lethal fibrillation (arrhythmia) or neurological disorders of considerable magnitude.
///AND NOW FOR THE MOST FUN PART - Kira Smith offers these:///
So there are still many question marks,
such as the premature demise that will happen to some vaccinated, but will allow the eternal survival of consciousness for others.
Certain aspects,
behaviors (eg: race to the vaccine and hatred for the unvaccinated) probably, are part of evolution and as such have an explanation of instinctive matrix,
unless it is not already in place an unknown form of mental control and induction to act to achieve a goal unconsciously.
It is clear, then, how this is an obligatory step for humanity,
beginning in these years
to lay the foundations for intracorporal nanoreality and concluding, in my estimation, within a century.
There are links on the web to go deeper, but if you look for information on graphene material, nanotechnology related to biology and the Internet of NanoThings (IoNT),
a new world will open up,
where academics already
know and take for granted and normal everything I have described in this research.
→→→ end of this “research paper” ←←←
There are no grants or founders. The author also didn’t receive any compensation for her work. The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest and all work was developed with her own funds. The undersigned Kira Smith claims to be the sole author of this research paper and to have had no collaborators.
Short bio
Dr. Kira Smith was born in the 1988, in Novara, Piedmont, Italy. She graduated in 2008 in Computer Science High School Diploma and in 2013 she degree in Medicine at the University of Studies of Turin, then she attended the Experimental Medicine Master of Science course, at the Queen’s University Belfast. She has worked for major Cybersecurity companies and in many hospitals and ASL in Italy, like Policlinico di Torvergata in Rome and Maggiore della Carità in Novara.
Full paper with all the references can be downloaded here.
Note: it contains few more pics which I could not extract from the pdf version and which were not uploaded to the online publication of this research paper.
Good example can be found in this post from
which shows how some of this looks under a microscope →"Nanotechnology In The Blood: A Compendium" from Nov 28, 2023
SIRIUS conclusions
Rich psychopathic cretins who fund all of this think that they will get to be immortal, that they will be able to switch from an old and used body into a new unused one! They are so damn gullible to think that they would be safe in a scenario in which they FORFEIT their consciousness to someone or something!
Questions that we can now answer:
Are these people now cyborgs? Yes. CybNanOrgs.
Cyborg _noun
a creature that is part human, part machine
pronunciation: /ˈsaɪbɔːɡ/
Word origin: 1960s → blend of cyber- and organism.
Can this nano technology co-exist with human biology and do what transhumanist crowd claims while allowing for majority of humans to remain human? Seems like a NO!
Good biostability of graphene depends on poisoned humanity! And who knows how long will the guinea-humans that were inoculated and are not detoxing be able to live with self assembling nano technology inside their bodies, only time will tell. We can not even know who is and who is not infected without powerful microscopes. And we have to be sure that this investigation is done by honest and 100% truthful people.
Yes, the human body will try to adapt to graphene just like any other poison which gets into it without killing it right away. Which means that this situation will also have an impact on the DNA. DNA responds to the new set of environmental parameters with adjusting bodily functions. Which is why people need to pay close attention to their environment!
Can these graphene based nano thingies be removed from the body? Yes! But again, human body is “programmed“ to expel any foreign substances. That is what is known as Morgellon’s disease!
Since graphene is not a product of the body, the body will want to move it it out in any way possible. And since this evil nano-tech-network depends on it, it CAN NOT exist without it! So if the “owner” of the body stops filling the body with graphene and gets rid of graphene that has previously gotten inside, the problem is solved. I will not go into how here, but a good place to start creating a detox/cleansing protocol for anyone that is interested can be found here:
Is all the depopulation that we are seeing separate from or just a side effect of the implementation of this technology?
It seems it is a separate effort. And it makes complete sense that in that separate effort they are targeting people with specific DNA. So we can be quite sure that they are administering radically different “vaccines“, depending on their goals.
There is also what can be called - the hospital kill tier, where we see how “vaccines“ are not strong enough to kill immediately so they use extra medical care to do it. Hospital ventilators and medazepam is one known combination. And I bet many add xanax to it, which can only make things better. There are many possible scenarios and for now it is impossible to be 100% sure about what are all the different tactics that they are using in hospitals.
So there would be three types: a placebo/saline, a nano-tech-graphene-experimental and a DNA-kill-shot.
Why would they want to subdue the connection of the body to the soul and the spirit world? So that the affected humans become perfect vessels for evil incorporeal/invisible spirits/entities from the spirit world. And after death such souls could very well be harvested or manipulated into UNLAWFUL regions of the spirit world.
Imagine being a rich philantro-eugenicist shekel monster who plans on achieving immortality and the only way to do it is to do possibly-lethal experiments on billions of goys!
So, now you understand why Bill Gates and scum like him smile all the time when they talk to us plebs. He looks us in the eye and all that he is seeing is a goy piñata, a cattle-like resource that can make him richer and maybe even immortal.
But I think how such delusional parasites all get to have a huge scary surprise on their deathbeds, if they are not already and completely drugged out of their consciousness!
Are all who have been jabbed with the loaded c19 "vaccines" now patented nano-tech carriers that are owned by the government and big pharma?
Elana Freeland explained:
Elana Freeland's "Geoengineered Transhumanism"
Additional resources on toxicity and dangers of graphene in the human body and on the nano device deployment:
How graphene affects the misfolding of human prion protein: A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study
There was never a VIRUS, let alone SarsCov2! Let explain with these two bombshell stacks:
+ few excellent investigative articles on the topic of human-nano-networks from →
and from →
and on Morgellons - investigative report from →
Thank you guys for all the work you do!
What else to say? Oh yeah
Fourth year of the PLANDEMIC underway and a
huge majority continues to honor the social contract between them and the government? Are they under a magic spell? DO they have any cognitive abilities left? Should you, who see through all of it, tie your energy with people who refuse or are unable to understand what is actually going on and what needs to be done to stop it? Only if you like to WASTE your energy! Like this:
Be smart and take care!
Thank you for reading.
previously on this topic:
-all rights reserved!-
2,935 Videos.
I just reread your horseradish as a cure for graphene oxide post. The young tender leaves of horseradish plants can be used as a salad green. Do you think that eating the young leaves of horseradish plants offers the same benefits as eating the grated root?