Apr 14Liked by SIRIUS

I just reread your horseradish as a cure for graphene oxide post. The young tender leaves of horseradish plants can be used as a salad green. Do you think that eating the young leaves of horseradish plants offers the same benefits as eating the grated root?

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Apr 14Liked by SIRIUS

Thank you Sirius for another well written article.

Surgery is the only thing that hospitals are somewhat good at. But when they open you up they infect you with super resistant bacteria and then they try very hard to make you an dysfunctional addict with post-operational “care”.

I have to go under the knife and I am much afraid of these super bugs.

I have strengthened my immune system, one of the supplements I'm taking pre surgery is Liposomal vitamin c.

Could you please offer some advice.

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I’m pretty sure this will be achieved through the Salto security systems hardware. Digital ID that is internal.

It will include the use of what everyone is already harbouring inside their bodies which is still in the “Not released for public consumption & knowledge phase” at this point in time.

I discovered several weeks ago that I can operate certain Salto security door locks with ANY part of my body just by holding it up to the security lock system on the door. I also routinely set off security alarms & sensors when walking through or past them!

I posted a video on this subject that I shot in a hurry at the time which is in my posts… I will be updating both the video & the information to accompany it over this weekend with some links too. I pieced some more information together regarding this!

I think they are aiming to activate this security access system to control everything we can or cannot do… door access to buildings, access to digital funds, cars, transport etc. Food supplies….. If they block your digital body ID you can’t access anything. A fool-proof way to completely control the population & its movements.

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deletedApr 13
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