I just reread your horseradish as a cure for graphene oxide post. The young tender leaves of horseradish plants can be used as a salad green. Do you think that eating the young leaves of horseradish plants offers the same benefits as eating the grated root?

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No. The root is where the action is w horseradish. Leaves can be eaten to slightly "boost" the action of the root but do not have the desired effect by themselves. HR should be eaten at least for 2-3 weeks (a month is best) - daily. H202 boosts horseradish. So soak your body w it 2 hours before or after you will be having lunch.

You can also add few drops H2O2 to your water when waking up.

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Thanks very much! I appreciate your reply.

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Thank you Sirius for another well written article.

Surgery is the only thing that hospitals are somewhat good at. But when they open you up they infect you with super resistant bacteria and then they try very hard to make you an dysfunctional addict with post-operational “care”.

I have to go under the knife and I am much afraid of these super bugs.

I have strengthened my immune system, one of the supplements I'm taking pre surgery is Liposomal vitamin c.

Could you please offer some advice.

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Thanks Roark!

Well, just by knowing these facts you are already somewhat "protected".

And it would depend on what you have and will be operating.

Here is what I did when my thin colon burst and I ended up in surgery. Back then, I did not know MUCH of what I know today - it was a new experience for me - and I still managed to "win in the end".

I did not take anti-acids that they started giving me as soon as I came to the hospital, I secretly threw them away (stomach acid is the most important to have in recovery!!! no nutrition derived from food? = no chance of real recovery! you see how they do it?).

The food they gave me was so weak that I had to start learning what type of food is actually PROPER for humans to be able to heal! And thats meat/eggs/dairy! Period! I had to learn the hard way but this is what saved me in the end. And later when I started with exercise and grounding I started gaining my strength back.

Being an PTSD patient (I did not get the diagnosis to avoid being put on sedatives etc., I have seen what that did to my friends and family), I also had a hidden bottle of CBD oil (10%) that I took daily. I was also smoking tobacco and cannabis (I did not have THC oil, that is much better than smoking) whenever I had the chance, to ease the stress of the environment. But be careful w THC, if not experienced it can be counter-productive. CBD is well tolerated by everyone.

So have a maximally positive mind, do not let negativity from hospital and staff in your experience. Meditation and prayers do the trick. Positive outlook IS CRUCIAL!

And know what food can heal you and avoid everything else (you can say you are allergic to the shit they will try and give you in the start). Having pure living water with pure sea salt is also an excellent way to avoid loosing energy, I wish I knew THIS ONE then. If you have someone who could bring it to you it would help a lot, it would be hard to make your own while you are there. If not, start with it as soon as you are out.

Also - do not use disinfecting agents (that and the use of antibiotics is how super resistant bacteria came to be) if you can avoid!! They will want you to wash hands with that poison on every pass through the doors. And you can have your own H2O2 ready for use, that is best to use in any case!! Topically AND you can add few drops to glass of clean pure water on an empty stomach.

Check my post on microbiome


to understand how the body actually defends itself and what is the immune system/reaction. Sauerkraut can HELP YOU A LOT in this case, but they will have a hard time with letting people have sauerkraut in the hospital lolz!

Good luck man, feel free to ask whatever is still unclear.

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Excellent, thank you. We are on the same page.

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I’m pretty sure this will be achieved through the Salto security systems hardware. Digital ID that is internal.

It will include the use of what everyone is already harbouring inside their bodies which is still in the “Not released for public consumption & knowledge phase” at this point in time.

I discovered several weeks ago that I can operate certain Salto security door locks with ANY part of my body just by holding it up to the security lock system on the door. I also routinely set off security alarms & sensors when walking through or past them!

I posted a video on this subject that I shot in a hurry at the time which is in my posts… I will be updating both the video & the information to accompany it over this weekend with some links too. I pieced some more information together regarding this!

I think they are aiming to activate this security access system to control everything we can or cannot do… door access to buildings, access to digital funds, cars, transport etc. Food supplies….. If they block your digital body ID you can’t access anything. A fool-proof way to completely control the population & its movements.

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Wow Christina! Are you saying that you are able to interact with electronic devices because of the c19 jab?

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Apr 13
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from my conclusion:

"Good biostability of graphene depends on poisoned humanity! And who knows how long will the guinea-humans that were inoculated and are not detoxing be able to live with self assembling nano technology inside their bodies, only time will tell."


Also, imported and refined food and bottled water are a bigger concern than sky-spraying!!! Parasitic infections will mostly come from healthy green imported foods which are in essence good only for cattle fodder - if that! And who knows what the big food industry is adding to your fav tv dinners and cereals which people STILL BUY!

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Apr 13
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Human brain and its powers is what they are after - and they do not even understand 90% of it.

Everyone? That is debatable. I seem to have more faith in the human body. It is a self healing biological organism, programmed to perfection. By a force that is MUCH smarter than today's psychopathic philantrollionaires and their stooges. AI spiel is also a fantasy.

Besides, demons who ride the likes of Bill Gates are retarded and stupid beyond belief and I can not give much chance for success to 'em.

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