Fermented Food ↣ Microbiome ↣ Human Aura/Bio-field ↣ Immune System
In two years I ate 70-80 kilos of sauerkraut. How is this related to my Bio-field/Aura and the flu season? What is a flu? What is a Immune System? Big food industry's next patent is you! #FERMENTI
For almost two years I ate sauerkraut every day. I calculated that it amounts to 70-80 kilos total - some 170 pounds of sauerkraut.
Of course, I am talking about the real sauerkraut, proper homemade stuff - which is sold on farmers markets. Not that supermarket chem laced sauer-crap. I also did other fermented foods: like proper non-pasteurized yogurt, a bit of kefir, home made fermented hot pepper sauce, even spent almost a year doing kombucha - but I found kombucha to be too much work for what I get out of it. Note that meat can be fermented as well, namely liver and steak - wet anaerobic fermentation. And of course, the sourdough - fermented bread, which I made and baked myself. Note that If I had to choose just one fermented food from this list, I would choose the fermented hot sauce. You can add it to anything salty and it is full of vitamin C and fermented pepper alongside proper amounts of capsaicin. It kicks up the metabolism while it makes the digestive system draw something like 300% more oxygen into digestive organs.
But let us back up for a bit, why am I even talking about my fermented menu? Well, as you might have guessed by the title - to see how I got to this point of seemingly being impervious to seasonal flu for the 5th year in a row.
How ‘they’ destroy the functions of our Microbiome
From late 1980s to mid 2020s I was eating mostly food that can be called toxic garbage. Every year I had to go to a doctor or even be hospitalized. For example, my appendix was removed when I was fifteen. Now that I look back I don’t wonder why I had all these health issues. Our eating habits were making us ill! And I think I was always screwed up from some vaccine or antibiotic or some other idiocy which was done to me out of care for me. Good intentional road to hell, right?
Slowly, but surely, they hoaxed the city people to switch from traditional style of cooking to cheap&quick delicious processed chemical ladden food, emphasis on cheap and delicious, done with cute and aggressive marketing campaigns, all approved by the almighty government - with blatant use of black magic and alchemy through mass media - indoctrination and programming of human minds on mass scale.
To digress, it is obvious that sole purpose of mass media, and it all started with print, is indoctrination of humans. I think that very good evidence for that is how mostly only the priest class was able to learn how to read and write. Priests and monarchs. They held the monopoly on occult and religious knowledge for centuries. And now, when masses have learned the magic of letters, disinformation equals even more power. While what is relevant and important gets burried under mountains of lies and irrelevant information. In ancient times most important things were not written down, but handed down via initiation and teaching of mysteries.
My guess is, if you would compare how much lies and propaganda there is to truth, in print in existence, it would be something like 150:1 in favor of lies and fantasies, or worse!
It was the brave new world of margarine, vegetable oils, canned wonders, powdered bliss, sugar sugar sugar everywhere. Refined ‘food‘ - toxic shit to make you fat, swollen, sick and addicted.
So of course, majority of people bought the marketing campaigns for any new toxic ‘foods’ that the vile big food in - dust - ry (the clue is in the word itself, as we can see - Industry’s goal is to turn everything to dust in a blitz) was inventing.
It was easy to fool the surviving wretches. People who survived the second world war were not feeling adventurous. They were feeling broken and subdued, obedience was stamped upon them. In those days people were perfect guinea pigs, whatever experimentation could have been imagined by people with means, it was done without fear of any prosecution. Today it is done with a form of unconscious consent, masses are informed but do not contest whatever is thrown at them. But at least today proper information is easily available if one looks for it.
Thank God for all the folk traditions. It is the only reason we had some proper food here and there! Proper food was prepared on weekends, when family got together for this or that reason! I think this is the case with huge majority of city people. And the more that people stuck to old traditional cuisine better off they would be.
I have to be very thankful that I survived (am surviving) my military vaccinations. Vaccines actually can cause attacks of diseases even 30-35 years after they have been administered! The teeth were the first to show the toxicity of it! While I was in the army, I and many others had issues with teeth. I admit, as a kid I had terrible experience with crazy dentists which were high on mercury fumes from amalgam fillings and drunk on schnapss during work. And years later, I remember the hell which my then dentist and I went through, during and after the replacement of more than half dozen huge mercury fillings. Later I learned how, due to work with mercury amalgam, dentists, who generally did’nt know about mercury’s toxicity, have life expectancy of fifty years or so!
With all of that on the table it is no wonder that I experienced at least two flu attacks every year - I was pumping poisons into my body like a champ. And everyone around me experienced flu in the same way. I’m sure that most of my readers went through similar flu scenarios. And antibiotics were given for any issue that could be called - a bacterial infection - not only the flu. So my guess is that almost no one had (or has) a healthy microbiome and fully operational digestion. Which is rather a mindblowing fact, would’nt you say?!
Btw, this fact basically shows how a society composed of sick people can not be but a sick society!
Excuse all the digressions, adding context in this case is not simple. But it should be obvious why I could get a flu attack two times a year for more than thirty years.
Onto THE flu
The last time I had what was known as “flu“ was in 2018. And it was not any ordinary flu either. Twas a mutated super flu. First it hit me in the throat, then it moved to my gut, then it moved to my head/sinuses, then back to my throat and again to my gut. It lasted almost four weeks and I had a very high fever for a while. Never before have I experienced a flu which moves around my body, usually it would be affecting only one of these three areas.
It was really starting to crush me, under few blankets and in a pool of sweat - multiple times I was urged to take antibiotics by my ex and my mom.
I decided to fight them along with the fever and I said NO! - “If I die than you will not have to care for my idiotic ass” type of conversations. “Just bring me tea, c-vitamin and some chicken soup and scram!” - To my delight, after one more week I won and started feeling better!
Note that I had a major surgery due to burst thin colon in 2015! And I was still rather weak because the post-op therapy was designed in such a way to make my life miserable and regaining strength was virtually impossible. And in that weak state I still knew I had to go against everybody around me if I wanted to do good for myself. Otherwise I would be a husk of a man, an addicted broken angry depressed anxious suicide candidate. To hell with that, what does not kill me should make me stronger and not the opposite. So I strove to find a lesson and turn the past on its head. Since I already had few wins under my belt, this was very doable. It is funny, but you have to do the hard thing to make it easy on yourself.
I also decided that, if possible, I want to kick the bucket in an organic and natural way: So → NO iatrogenic death for me!!! (ia what? duckduck it quick!)
Prevention or immunity? Or both! Coming to life saving conclusions based on observation! Screw all your scientific studies!
With a bulletproof routine for keeping the body and mind on a high and steady frequency with proper food intake, spending more time in nature and doing hard exercise on top of that, my body finally has a constructive and building input/environment. And in this upgraded and regenerated and ‘cared for’ state which I am creating, I have a working immune system.
Another conclusion is that the success with the goal of having a working healthy microbiome depends on more than one important factor.
But here is the really important part:
Thanks to the fact that now I carry sufficient electrical charge to have my Bio-field/Aura active/strong enough, it now behaves as a SHIELD.
While I still am not completely sure about how the entire immune sysytem is working, what is obvious to me is that humans do not need any pills or synthetic garbage to live healthy lives. ZERO! Proper food with proper digestion is ALL that one needs! Exclamation mark ! Want another one ! Have three ! ! ! Still not enough ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! phew ;)
So, what is a “flu” attack!
It is when your body goes into a detox mode! That is why I was feeling it move into different organs.
And the reason why flu happens seasonally is because of the changes in nature, cold to warm and warm to cold. Why it happens to people at the same time? Paired with the toxic load in our bodies, environmental factors such as sunlight, temperature, pressure and humidity change and we pick up on it and adjust. Human body is like a robot which reacts to input, very simple analogy to understand.
And that is why I am not getting the flu. I no longer have to detox in a spontaneous manner since I have lessened my overall toxic load! It is not a virus -transmitable-contagious-diseased-state- type of deal.
///EDIT 20 March 2024.///
(states it like a pro) in his latest stack, adds the difference between fat and water soluble compounds that are toxic to us:Our primary detoxification function is our our daily detox which primarily happens at night when we sleep. Generally speaking, ‘colds’ are secondary/seasonal detoxifications from an over accumulation of water-soluble toxins that our daily detoxed a haven’t been keeping up with for whatever reason(s), and ‘flus’ are secondary fat-soluble detoxes, but the two also can and often do overlap.
How is the Microbiome doing it?
The human microbiome is one of the largest human organs, weighing approximately two to three kilograms in an adult.
The microbiome works in harmony with various organs in the body and aids in the proper functioning of a human being. Which means if the microbiome is out of balance than these organs can not function properly! And body then tries to heal itself. But it can not do it if we do not provide the right environment and input.
Intestinal microbes also produce vitamins like B12 (pivotal for metabolic activity), hormones, neurotransmitters and a plethora of metabolites integral to normal bodily processes.
So, again, if you do not have a balanced healthy microbiome, none of these bodily functions can work properly!
It dawned on me that when microbiome functions properly, it helps keep our organs in a healthy state, and all the electro-magnetical fields add up and create a bigger and proper electro-magnetical field around the human body - Aura! How to make it stronger? Think VOLTAGE! How to raise that voltage? Listen to what SIRIUS is telling you ;)
The newer industry term: the Bio-field. And we can conclude that - when we have a broken microbiome - we will have ‘holes’ in the Aura. Holes through which something can enter. And when we have holes in the Aura - we are a magnet for parasitic entities. Which means that these beings can see the EM spectrum.
Getting a disease through osmosis
Human Aura is an electro-magnetical field, which when it comes into contact with another EM field - it communicates with it. Which is what is known as transfer through osmosis. I have asked around plenty, and people dismiss this like it is not very important. But how it is not important when you can pick up a diseased state and if you do not have enough EM charge then you become sick in the same way as was the blueprint of energy which got through your Aura-shield!?
For example, microbes living on the surface of the skin guard against invasion from opportunistic bacteria and free flying shit we call pathogens. So if they are not present, due to sick microbiome and over-use of cleaning agents, skin is now not a good defense to the body and is actually inviting said bacteria and pathogens. Sickness and cancer can be caused/helped by use of sanitizing liquids/soaps and hygiene products which are made of toxic chemicals that go directly into the body (cosmetics as well!).
These healthy microbes also help in healing wounds, fortifying the immune system and producing volatile signalling molecules essential for communication within the body and the nervous system. So it is best to shower much less often. Which is possible only if we have a proper healthy diet and if we don’t stink of deadly toxic crap which the big industry loves to put into the processed food.
Here are some key points about our microbiome:
DIVERSITY: The human microbiome is incredibly diverse, with trillions of microorganisms and thousands of different species. Each person has a unique microbiome that is influenced by factors like genetics, diet, environment, and lifestyle.
GUT MICROBIOME: The largest and most extensively studied microbiome is the gut microbiome. It primarily consists of bacteria and is known to have a profound impact on digestion, metabolism, immune function, and overall health. It helps break down undigested food, produces essential nutrients, strengthens the immune system, and protects against harmful pathogens.
GUT-BRAIN AXIS: Emerging research suggests that the gut microbiome also has a bidirectional communication pathway with the brain, known as the gut-brain axis. This connection influences cognitive function, behavior, mood, and even mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
IMPORTANCE FOR IMMUNE SYSYEM: The microbiome plays a crucial role in training and regulating our immune system. It educates the immune cells, helps prevent harmful pathogens from colonizing, and maintains a balance between immune responses and tolerance to harmless microbes.
IMPACT ON HEALTH: Imbalances or alterations in the human microbiome have been linked to various health conditions. Dysbiosis, an imbalance of the microbiome, has been associated with diseases like obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, autoimmune disorders, allergies, and even certain types of cancer. A healthy and diverse microbiome is considered important for overall well-being.
FACTORS AFFECTING MICROBIOME: The composition of the microbiome can be influenced by several factors, such as mode of birth (vaginal vs. cesarean), infant feeding practices, antibiotic use, lifestyle choices, stress, and exposure to environmental factors. These factors can temporarily or permanently alter the microbiome's diversity and stability.
THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS: Research into the human microbiome has opened up new avenues for potential therapeutics. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a procedure where healthy donor stool is transplanted into the gut of an individual suffering from certain disorders, such as recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Additionally, the development of microbiome-targeted therapies, such as prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, is being explored for various health conditions.
The worse part is that it seems how the big food industry is merging with big pHarma. Alongside patenting of everything including you and me, one can expect EVEN MORE of ‘back door’ inoculation/illegal experimentation/downright poisoning to be employed and shared with the wider public. How? Via your favorite brand of refined crap, xcuse me, food, now laced with bugz on steroidz. And multiple other ways. Because the poisoning that is being done via allopathic medicine is NOT ENOUGH. And one must not forget that all meat producers have to vaccinate their animals - without exception. Urban folk should raise hell - or they risk hell!
Immune system response when it is too late?
What if that which they said is our immune system, a supposed counter-attack defense system, high temperature - inflammation without physical injury - feeling sick, is but a symptom of the diseased/sick state? So we could say that a proper defense from disease and illness would imply no unfriendly breach of our Aura.
Also, I speculate how now I am able to assimilate/eliminate any incoming free floating protein chains (what we knew as viruses) and they are not managing to stay long enough to incubate and multiply - and start causing problems in my sinuses, throat, lungs or my gut. I also speculate that not all free floating protein chains have to be discarded and eliminated by the body, some are assimilated and incorporated by our cells. Is body then transcribing this information into our DNA? I think this is so.
So. Is it because I ate all that sauerkraut? I am now certain that this smelly fact plays a big part to it! Enormously important and unavoidable fact/part!
And that is why I decided to post this in the first place! Now that was a long ass introduction ;)
A scientist who is fighting ‘viruses’

Fermenti is obviously not on the ‘No Virus’ team! So if you are adamntly a NoVirus person, you must now skip this life saving advice!? Such a telling sign of the nature of behavior that is based on divisional propaganda specifically aimed at our growing truth movement. Isn’t that ridiculous? Besides, we really do not need a Nipah “virus“ to know how fermented food can be VERY beneficial for us.
Basically what Fermenti is doing is explaining to us how consumption of proper sauerkraut is able to clean out our body from ‘viral’ infections. He first covers the way in which Nipah virus works and then shows how LAB (lactic acid bacteria) and microbiome work to eliminate it. He is even convinced that the lack of bacteria in the microbiome is the sole cause of autism, excluding even vaccines. He explains how when a mother does not have a proper microbiome and a good diet, her child will be underdeveloped and will be born with Autism.
So, it could very well be that Autism in newborns develops because of their non-functional microbiome. And it would seem that MANY people have this issue and don’t know of it. But all that is beside the point here. The fact of the matter is that autism can be cured with a certain type of diet! So that says to me how Fermenti is essentially correct in stating that
a non-functioning microbiome causes Autism! Proper diet = healthy microbiome!
Diet protocol that heals Autism?
In case you have not heard about how food is able to cure autism, research the work of Natasha Campbell McBride and her GAPS protocol. She healed her own child. And among other things she discovered that being “happy/content“ has a huge impact on human health. I wrote about her for my Croatian readers, with links to her site.
Back to Fermenti
In first 50 minutes he explains the Nipah virus and on minute 54 he begins with explaining how LAB is working. He shows how big industry is planing on profiting from developing advanced enzymes and bacteria for fermentation of food and medicine. He reads slowishly and is sometimes stumbling on long words but is easy to follow.
Run time: 1hour21minutes
What we should pay attention to is that
Patenting enzymes is a trend!
Background: Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in living organisms. They can be found in various sources including food, plants, animals, and the human body.
Natural versus Modified Enzymes: Enzymes occurring naturally in living organisms are generally not eligible for patent protection, as they are considered products of nature. However, if scientists modify these enzymes or discover new applications for them, they may be eligible for patent protection.
Patentable Subject Matter: In order to be patented, enzymes must meet certain requirements like novelty, non-obviousness, and usefulness. They should also possess a clear and specific utility, such as a new industrial application or therapeutic effect.
Biotechnology Patents: Many enzymes used in industrial processes or biotechnological applications have been patented. These patents often cover engineered or modified enzymes created through genetic engineering or other techniques. Examples include patented enzymes used in detergents, pharmaceuticals, or biofuel production.
Controversial Aspects: There are ongoing debates and concerns surrounding the patenting of enzymes derived from the human body. Critics argue that these naturally occurring enzymes should not be subject to intellectual property protection, as they are "discoveries" rather than "inventions." Some believe that such patents can hinder scientific research and access to healthcare.
Legal Considerations: Patent laws and regulations can differ among countries. In some regions, like the United States, there are specific criteria for patenting enzymes and other biological materials. It is advisable to consult a patent attorney or legal expert for precise and up-to-date information on this topic.
Don’t forget that a healthy Microbiome includes a Virome
Yes, even if there is no such thing as contagious viruses, there are these pesky PHAGES, the most numerous organisms on this planet! Should we rename Virome into Phagome?
Yes! We should!
/// Repeat after me: phaggggge . . . . ooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm . .///
Given the abundance of bacteria in the human microbiome, most of our viral colonizers are probably phages: viruses that depend on bacterial hosts, infecting them and replicating within them. Sometimes phages kill their host bacteria, sometimes they add their DNA to that of the host, and sometimes they just hang out and wait for the right conditions to act. As part of a complex microbial ecosystem within us, the phages in our virome can affect the balance of bacteria in our microbiome—which in turn affects our health.
A bacteriophage, also known informally as a phage, is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea. Phages replicate within the bacterium following the injection of their genome into its cytoplasm.
Bacteriophages are among the most common and diverse entities in the biosphere and it is estimated there are more than 1031 bacteriophages on Earth, more than every other organism, including bacteria, combined.
Phages have been used since the late 20th century as an alternative to antibiotics in the former Soviet Union and Central Europe, as well as in France. They are seen as a possible therapy against multi-drug-resistant strains of many bacteria (see phage therapy).
Phages are known to interact with the immune system both indirectly via bacterial expression of phage-encoded proteins and directly by influencing innate immunity and bacterial clearance.
But many of the viruses that infect human cells appear to be benign passengers. Some have been with us for thousands or even millions of years. Their ancestors infected our ancestors. They evolved with us as we evolved. And because many viruses can insert their own genetic material into their hosts’ DNA, viruses are an intimate and consequential part of our history.
Nipah or no nipah, if you can’t get your Microbiome into a balanced and healthy state, any treatment that you attempt will not help you for ‘more than 5 minutes’. In fact, you will make things worse for yourself by creating new sets of health problems in the future.
And I am quite sure that there will be more discoveries about human microbiome and all the intricacies of its connections to the rest of human organism. The marvelous process of fermentation certainly deserves its own Encyclopedia Brittanica.
If this isn’t THE reason to be happy…! I have finally found all the pieces to the flu puzzle! And now we are very close to having the proper knowledge about what to eat and how to be and stay healthy. That is one of the most important aspects of life which we should REALLY know - and be sure in WHAT we know! So the fact that they are trying to poison and destroy our access to proper food - and to make us think we should eat poisonous insects or synthetic meat - speaks volumes about their goals and them! F#$k ‘em, now we know! Isn’t it time to put a STOP to them?!
///UPDATE 2 Feb 2024///
I found an excellent stack on all other amazing benefits of sauerkraut, by
:Have a nice day and a nice bite of proper smelly sauerkraut my dear readers.
Also, may God bless you and may this New Year bring to you all that you have worked for!
Thanks for subscribing, reading, sharing and liking!
I'm glad you found his channel are wrote about it.
excellent read :) Thank you