Everything points to graphene - now even FDA admits there is graphene in VACCINES!!!
Is graphene the main reason for starting The Plandemic of 2020? Is this magnetic substance the main killer component in these injectables? Why would they want to load us with this crap?

Why? Well, the types of people we are talking about run companies like Pfizer (a complete mindblower for anyone who had their head in the sand over the last couple of decades). And they now prefer to experiment directly on us instead on just the poor animals.
So, as an intro, please watch Dr.Sam Bailey’s video on Pfizer, but be sure to be in a calm state of mind, otherwise you might break your favourite gadget in a pfizer-related-anger-attack:
Got that? All of it? Wow eh?
People that behave like that should really be lined up for executions! Or they should at least get life in prison sentences, with extra hard work and no pay included! Instead they are allowed to continue doing what they have been doing for an unbelievably long time?! How is it possible?? Must be all the building blocks of this pyramidal monarchical corporate government system we are witnessing. Interestingly, all this evil industry and corporate is owned mainly by super rich jews. Which is another reason why I am convinced that all of it is mainly Globo Shlomo’s play at setting up One World Government with ugly and psychopathic Chabad Shlomos at the helm. To be clear, no, I am not saying how ALL jews are in on it, in fact many have been sacrificed in Israel by the same pharma companies. Which tells you about the character of jews that are in power.
Have you not seen how Bourla just relocated to Israel to escape criminal prosecution in EU? And have you not seen how he was awarded the special jewish award for achievement, a jewish Nobel prize, for executing the largest ever illegal bio-terrorist mass medical experiment on non-consenting humans in human history?
For these parasitic monsters the possibilities are endless, from nano tech experimentation for transhumanist application to depopulation of the host, the goyim. Ricardo Delgado Martin from La Quinta Columna has demonstrated what graphene is doing in the human body as I have reported before (link below). He is an absolute authority on this topic. As many of you are already aware, there is a mountain of research on all the different vaccine batches in Spain and almost all were found to contain graphene and nano-tech.
“Graphene oxide can be used for mapping of human brain. It can be used to collect information such as memories, local thoughts, sensations, emotions, or feelings.”
I reported a big interview with Delgado in March:
A MUST WATCH - LA QUINTA COLUMNA Conference, on rumble, 3 hours, english subtitles. Delgado destroys “Covid19” and explains why graphene is on the menu for the masses.
Even The Good Citizen realized what is happening with graphene and has since posted a huge post with more material from Delgado. Check it out: Remote Controlled Humans (Part 1—GO!)
I think there should be a lot more discussion on this subject, but it is a kind of an impossible mission. Normies are scared af and vaxxed people DO NOT want to hear or talk about it, naturally. Nano tech is scary, yes! If you have taken the vaccine you could have issues which can only be resolved if you take into account that it is this graphene that is causing any problems. Avoiding to deal with it will not help you one bit, in fact the opposite.
To me it seems that graphene is the main part of the ongoing global experiment because of its transhumanist applications. Many patents have been allowed for this type of use so there is little doubt about is it real and I think there is very slim chance how these claims about graphene are some sort of psyop to confuse and scare people. Of course I would like I was wrong about all of this. But
😡now we get this news😡:
FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court
The FDA had initially attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years, despite approving the injection after only 108 days of a safety review on December 11th, 2020.
However, a group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA to force the release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
In early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month, and since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website as they have been published.
One of the most recent documents published by the FDA saved as 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf, confirms the use of Graphene Oxide in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.
The document is a description of a study carried out by Pfizer between April 7th 2020 and 19th August 2020, with the objective being “to express and characterize the vaccine antigen encoded by BNT162b2.”
No doubt there, they knew what they were doing.
Execute Pfizer’s Bourla ALREADY! Also Bill Gates and all other big pHarma CEO’s that joined in on the CovSars fraud, BioNtech, Astrazeneca, J&J, Sputnik etc…, all! W.H.O. and U.N. CEO’s AS WELL.
Here are some useful and informative articles on this topic which I have collected over last few months:
How to remove the Nanobots, Nanotech & Graphene found in the COVID Injections being transmitted from the Vaccinated from your body
Nano particles in a vaccine born aerosol? Already available from 2021!!! I found this only recently:
Intranasal vaccination with influenza HA/GO-PEI nanoparticles provides immune protection against homo- and heterologous strains
A noninvasive intranasal (i.n.) influenza vaccine can induce mucosal immune responses in respiratory tracts, preventing infection at the portal of virus entry.
Intranasal Influenza Vaccine Enhances Immune Response and Offers Broad Protection, Biomedical Sciences Researchers Find
ATLANTA—An influenza vaccine that is made of nanoparticles and administered through the nose enhances the body’s immune response to influenza virus infection and offers broad protection against different viral strains, according to researchers in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State University.
Let us see what is the Industry claiming about its precious graphene and what kind of applications it is interested in?
Specialized additives for the technology industry, cement, composite metals for advanced machinery, nano-scale devices that can be converted into many different shapes and sizes even though they exist in solid states.
Nanotechnology primer: graphene - properties, uses and applications
A new wondrous material to be used in military, electronics and medicine, and in building nano sized smart technology!? That is so wondrous and already safe to be injected/loaded into our bodies? Without our consent? 😡😡😡
Well, this is what happens when graphene oxide is the main ingredient in “vaccines“ and is indeed injected into our bodies (let us not kid ourselves, these are actually killer-coctails that are made of all kinds of toxic and poisonous materials)
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures
a few photos of what has been taken out of people, more can be seen in the article
I have reported on the case of huge blood clots found in autopsies in UK in August of 2022. John O’Looney’s case. Post is in Croatian but there is a link to a rumble video with him:
Graphene oxide in San Pellegrino carbonated water? Wtf? Oh, its Nestle. Is this for fucking real? Who is even buying Nestle products? Of course, it is known for a while now that carbonated water or any beverage that is bought in plastic bottles is full of toxins, so it is best to completely boycott this industry!
///Youtube video/channel that I originally posted was banned just a day after I published this post///
Here it is on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1oibl7-graphene-oxide-in-nestles-san-pellegrino-water.html
The power of collective boycott remains UNTAPPED…
Btw, if anyone has seen any confirmation for graphene and/or any of its derivatives in food or medicine or anywhere in human contact, please leave a comment with the info.
Few bombs from Mary Ann’s Newsletter, a lot of very important debunking going on here! Aids, viruses, swine flu hoax, shady dealings, and an article from our hero, MD Tom Cowan:
What Does—and Doesn’t— Make Us Sick
I have seen that Dr.Anna Maria Mihalcea was interviewed recently on Stew Peters so look it up if you are interested, because she is supposedly an expert on nano-tech application. Ray has her in this post below as well. And Ray even claims that graphene was found in dentistry, in Lidocaine (the numbing injectable, dentist’s cocaine).
So much for this one, post too long for email substack is warning me. Stay safe and be well! Get your strenghth back, pull your authority in and change the world from inside out. This is the only way to fight Globo Shlomo, forget about good solutions through any aggression and violence!! Violence should be reserved for self defense.
Do have a nice day and share subscribe like leave a comment, cheers.
Rappin stew joo peters....