Xcuse my rant! But damn!
Isn’t it kinda dumb to continue giving any support to the industry which is trying to make you an addict? Because all these isolated supplements are actually found WHERE? Yeah. Make NO mistakes fam, there are billions to be made with supplements for post-vax damage.
Maybe that is why I have not seen any of these PhD’s and geniuses tell me how I can cheaply and safely get rid of graphene that has maybe gotten into my organism!? You know, via poisoned food or toxic geoengineered environment or maybe even the dreaded aerosolized ‘vaccination‘. They keep on trying to make me fear my shadow tho. Telling me I’m done, telling me that there is no hope for me, everything is over, I am powerless to stop the onslaught of the medical establishment and of the government/military and of the bank. They are now trying to convince me that the smart move of the century, that we purebloods made, is in the end for nothing. Like - MEGA LOLz! Who do they think they are dealing with? Some brainless goy? No no no, They will have only failure with me! Screw ‘em ALL! Who’s with me?
Because look what I have found:
The enzymatic oxidation of graphene oxide
Two-dimensional graphitic carbon is a new material with many emerging applications, and studying its chemical properties is an important goal. Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane. During the same period of analysis, HRP failed to oxidize chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO). The enzymatic oxidation was characterized by Raman, ultraviolet-visible, electron paramagnetic resonance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Computational docking studies indicated that HRP was preferentially bound to the basal plane rather than the edge for both graphene oxide and RGO. Owing to the more dynamic nature of HRP on graphene oxide, the heme active site of HRP was in closer proximity to graphene oxide compared to RGO, thereby facilitating the oxidation of the basal plane of graphene oxide. We also studied the electronic properties of the reduced intermediate product, holey reduced graphene oxide (hRGO), using field-effect transistor (FET) measurements. While RGO exhibited a V-shaped transfer characteristic similar to a single layer of graphene that was attributed to its zero band gap, hRGO demonstrated a p-type semiconducting behavior with a positive shift in the Dirac points. This p-type behavior rendered hRGO, which can be conceptualized as interconnected graphene nanoribbons, as a potentially attractive material for FET sensors.
Figure 1 (a) Sample vials for the graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) enzymatic oxidation experiment. (b) The Tyndall scattering effect confirmed that the dispersions that consist of either graphene oxide or RGO with HRP (at day 0 of the oxidation process) were colloids. Raman spectra depicting (c) graphene oxide and (d) RGO after days 0 (black), 4 (red), and 20 (green) of incubation with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)/H2O2. The D and G bands are marked on the spectrum.
Figure 2 (a) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs of graphene oxide after 0, 5, 8, 10, 12, and 20 days of incubation with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and 40 µM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Arrows indicate hole formation in the basal plane at day 8. (b) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images with section analysis of graphene oxide with HRP at day 0 (left) and holey graphene oxide at day 10 (right). Graphene oxide with HRP has a sheet height of 5.37 nm and 9.81 nm. Holey graphene oxide has a sheet height of 1.10 nm, and the holes were authentic at a height of 0.01 nm. (c) Binding poses of HRP on (from left to right) graphene oxide, holey graphene oxide, and a small sheet of graphene oxide calculated using molecular docking studies (AutoDock Vina).
Figure 3 Histograms of neck width (D) and hole diameter (d) on days 8 and 10 of the oxidation process as measured from TEM micrographs. The cartoon insert illustrates the definitions of neck width and hole diameter.
Figure 4 (a) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) after 0, 10, and 20 days of incubation with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and 40 µM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). (b) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images with section analysis of RGO with HRP at day 10. RGO with HRP has a sheet height of 7.59 nm. (c) Binding poses of HRP on RGO calculated using molecular docking studies (AutoDock Vina).
Figure 5 (a) Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with silver staining. The gel contained a control for horseradish peroxidase (HRP, around 44 kDa) without hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), HRP incubated for three hours in the presence of H2O2 (final concentration of 40 µM H2O2 added every 1h), and HRP incubated with graphene oxide or reduced graphene oxide (RGO) for three hours in the presence of H2O2 (final concentration of 40 µM H2O2 added every 1h). A mass of 1.1 mg of HRP was utilized per test. (b,c) Relative increase in headspace CO2 concentration as measured by GC-MS for day 0 and 10 for (b) graphene oxide-active, control I (–H2O2), control II (–HRP), control III (–graphene oxide), and (c) RGO-active. It was determined that the CO2 concentrations in the headspace of the sample vials increased by 65% for graphene oxide-active, <1% for graphene oxide-control I, graphene oxide-control II, and graphene oxide-control III, and 2% for RGO-active. (d) Examination of the enzymatic kinetics for the graphene oxide-active sample employing an Amplex Red assay, where the absorbance of resorufin, which was directly proportional to H2O2 concentration, was measured at 5-minute time intervals for 1 hour. The assay indicated that nearly all of the H2O2 was consumed over the first 30-minutes of analysis as graphene oxide was oxidized.
Figure 6 (a) Conductivity versus potential (liquid gate) plot for reduced graphene oxide (RGO, black circles) and holey reduced graphene oxide (hRGO, solid red line). The measurements were recorded in 10 mM KCl/10 mM PBS (pH 7) at a constant drain-source voltage of 10 mV. The inset represents a schematic of the experimental setup. (b) Comparison of transconductance (ΔI/ΔVg) values of n and p region of 12 different RGO and hRGO FET devices (6 devices each).
H2O2 used as a booster - tips in comments!
/// UPDATED - 1 Feb. 2024 ///
More interest in wondrous powers of horseradish! A brand new study, published on 15 Dec. 2023:
Bio-mitigation of organic pollutants using horseradish peroxidase as a promising biocatalytic platform for environmental sustainability
A wide array of environmental pollutants is often generated and released into the ecosystem from industrial and human activities. Antibiotics, phenolic compounds, hydroquinone, industrial dyes, and Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) are prevalent pollutants in water matrices. To promote environmental sustainability and minimize the impact of these pollutants, it is essential to eliminate such contaminants. Although there are multiple methods for pollutants removal, many of them are inefficient and environmentally unfriendly. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been widely explored for its ability to oxidize the aforementioned pollutants, both alone and in combination with other peroxidases, and in an immobilized way. Numerous positive attributes make HRP an excellent biocatalyst in the biodegradation of diverse environmentally hazardous pollutants. In the present review, we underlined the major advancements in the HRP for environmental research. Numerous immobilization and combinational studies have been reviewed and summarized to comprehend the degradability, fate, and biotransformation of pollutants. In addition, a possible deployment of emerging computational methodologies for improved catalysis has been highlighted, along with future outlook and concluding remarks.
Notes on horseradish:
Horseradish was valued for its medicinal benefits long before being used as a culinary condiment. The Egyptians rubbed Horseradish root into sore joints.
Horseradish is quick to activate salivary and gastric secretions to promote digestion and provide relief from stomachache and symptoms of indigestion.
High in vitamin C, potassium, sulphur and dietary fibre, Horseradish is also a source of vitamin A, calcium, folate, magnesium, iron, silicon and manganese.
As an analgesic, antiseptic, anti inflammatory and antifungal, Horseradish is well suited to use for tooth and gum issues.
In fact, Isothiocyanates extracted from horseradish were found to be capable of reducing some of the microbes involved in tooth decay and periodontal disease. They have also been shown to be active against Staph. aureus (Golden Staph) and E, coli. These extracts were also able to deal with yeast infections such as Candida albicans.
A recepy for horseradish honey:
50:50 ratio of grated horseradish and proper honey. Grate horseradish root and mix with same amount of honey. Fill half the jar with horseradish and add honey to the top, mix. For constant cough, take one small teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime for a week or until the cough stops. It is useful to combine this preparation with horseradish tea. For tea, you also grate horseradish and pour hot water over it and strain after 10 minutes, add lemon and honey to taste.
So that is why this is kept under wraps! So that we do not have to go through another dissapointment!? Oh see, we have designed a super potent cure it all which you have to take for god knows how long, dont be a cheap bastard when your health is concerned, borrow money and invest in your health, or forget about your health if your arse is poor, if we intentionally keep your country on a five-ten time lower standard of living while we rape your homeland with our sixpointed raping star, get it goy?
Because 100 grams of fresh horseradish goes up to 300k US dollars, so you can forget about this expensive high class elite natural medicine, SORRY! Not for your stoopid goy arse!
Who knows, maybe horseradish works against all other metals that get stuck in our bodies! Like mercury and aluminium. Why the hell not!? And I’d go get some peroxide if I was you. And search for recepies to use it. You coud also ask SIRIUS about stuff like this. If you play nice you could even get the needed answers fo’ fr33.)
Besides, now that I discovered what makes my immune system work, what actually is my immune system, why I have not had the flu since 2019 → I / a lay person turned investigative journalist, who is writing free newsletters because of the lack of real/proper investigative journalists who should cover all about the global depopulation and satanic digitization of remaining human soul / am well prepared to have a conversation in which I can SWEEP THE FLOOR with ANY esteemed Primarius / who has the status of a god, who is running an entire hospital and is getting mountains of money for it. Like, I could obliterate him in under 10 minutes on more than few health-issues. Imagine that eh? From this perspective money sure seems like the root of all evil. If only I didn’t need it like all the rest of us. See? Thats why we smartypant truthers put central banks and their owners at the top of the EviL pyramid. This type of money system - U S U R Y - is the backbone of their power.
Without it they ARE powerless!
Observe how they try VERY hard to make you think it is YOU who is POWER-less. Is it maybe because YOU ARE actually POWER-FULL?!

From the abstract:
"Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane."
This means that the enzyme from horseradish with hydrogen peroxide destroys graphene oxide upon contact.
Which would mean that consumption of horse radish paired with topical use of hydrogen peroxide should be very effective at detoxing your body from graphene oxide!