
From the abstract:

"Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane."

This means that the enzyme from horseradish with hydrogen peroxide destroys graphene oxide upon contact.

Which would mean that consumption of horse radish paired with topical use of hydrogen peroxide should be very effective at detoxing your body from graphene oxide!

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I have been telling people about horseradish peroxidase and myloperoxidase made by neutrophils and eosiniphils in blood since last year. Good job getting this out there. I don't know where you live but can suggest you go to a local farmers market or to a farm and ask to buy it from them. Or go online and buy the seeds and grow some yourself in a pot in your home. I used to make it with my Mom and Grandmother. It really makes your eyes sting when cleaning the roots to grate them up.

I'm going to Sonicate some bottled horseradish to release more of the ingredients in the cells. Makes it more potent. I happen to like it a lot with mayo on bread.

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Outraged stack is on same lines regarding the graphine and horseradish degredation. Whilst having all scientific explanations which are necessary, I would be grateful for a paragraph or two to explain in layman's terms, if possible.

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Just made some homegrown beet-horseradish slaw from the garden. You know it works as it gets you in the “brain” with that horsekick, must be scrubbing out the nano embedded in the pituitary.

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which is why i collect ways to make your own. let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

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Feb 22Liked by SIRIUS

Hval ti puno.Bog

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I am sooo glad you found this ! I have 35-40 year old horseradish plants...nice & spicy & eat the greens in m salads & mince the roots for sauté. Yummy! Now I think I'll mix with HP & put in on the bottom of my feets ...wrap my feets in the big ole leaves & steam myself. :)

Works nicely for congestion.... Also, the sulfur in garlic & onions helps detox the body...Don't know about if it helps graphene tho.

Great Stack SIRIUS!

Getting back to reading Heaven & Hell :)

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Sorry, I'm confused.

9:1 NaCl:H2O2... Is that, for example, 9 grams of salt to 1 gram of 3% hydrogen peroxide?

Or 9 ml of normal saline ( physiologic salt water) to 1 ml of H2O2 ?

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Hallo Jim, I will try your other Tipp now.EDTA and Nikotin,nac,and Vitamin C in a high dose.For what should I take the nicotin what does it? Its taking the graphene outside?You think there is a canche?I am so sed,its like to lose life.This things in my body attack my Immunsystem.I want my life and health back.Evry day fever Jim evry day.Its paining to know sombody put poison in your body without your knowing.Now I am responsible for the crime they doe to me.I hope their is a way to get the graphene out.I really dont wont to die.I have children they need me.

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Hvala ti.

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How did your half-sister cure the morgellons disease?I try to help my self.But I dont have experience with Nanotech/Morgellons,so I have to look and ask who knows maybe what I can doe, or who I can contact.

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I can give you my Email adress,I have some questions?But I dont have this hair coming outside from the skin.And in the face I am magnetic.I can feel how what ever it is is moving under my skin specally at the face,near where they put the swab in my nose.

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And what is with the h2o2 and the horseradish should I take this together with nac,Vitamin c and edta?If I could take this technology out of my body Jim its so horrific how it moves under my skin,I feel it evry day,its like a ticking bomb,which is waiting to exploed.I am really scared.For what is the nikotin patches?

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I do not béliève in oral chelation. It did not work for me after months and months. I zm in à chelation clinic and my blood Was awful. Rouleaux Fibrin hydrogel etc...

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I am partial to clo2

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