"Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane."
This means that the enzyme from horseradish with hydrogen peroxide destroys graphene oxide upon contact.
Which would mean that consumption of horse radish paired with topical use of hydrogen peroxide should be very effective at detoxing your body from graphene oxide!
Horseradish increases myeloperoxidase in the blood all by itself. I don’t think we need the hydrogen peroxide too?
“The authors concluded that dried and grated horseradish root increased myeloperoxidase activity of blood neutrophils, enhanced antimicrobial functions of phagocytes, decreased leukocytosis, and normalized total blood cell count in mice with experimental leprosy. The most efficacious dose was 300 mg/kg with food.”
Well, there is no need for it if we are talking about horseradish, it in itself is effective against graphene. I reason why not boost your organism with extra oxygen, the kind that is easily absorbable and utilized by our cells? Even without horseradish it makes sense to me.
Btw, I am partial to H2O2, been using it with great effects for a good while now.
Also, a long time ago I have seen a lecture from a Russian professor, on the use of hydrogen peroxide and it's wonderful health benefits, where he admits to something like taking 'baths' in H2O2.
So when they started with the plandemic in 2020, I remembered this and started using copious amounts of it daily. Safe to say I'm stocking up on it.
I was doing 2-3 teaspons of grated raw horseradish alongside my lunch for 20 days (more than three tsp gave me a bit of digestive discomfort). You can do as much as you can stomach it, more the better.
H2O2 (I can source only 3% topical H2O2 - and it is fine);
So, now take 4-5 drops every day with my morning water (when drinking it it has to be on an empty stomach, so before your meal w horseradish). I also do a full body H2O2 wash, 1-2 times weekly, before the shower.
Hi Sirius - I've mentioned this paper/your article on several websites. I just received this comment from "mejbcart" ( https://substack.com/@mejbcart ):
"That paper states 'HRP failed to oxidize chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO)' and only rGO is magnetized...That's what the late Dr. Noak was claiming. NIST has an extremely good summary of how to degrade GO/rGO/etc. The smallest molecule which rips off graphene and its derivatives is H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, the substrate for HRP. HRP is too large for the forces on the simple planar GO surface to take it apart completely. What actually happens is the opposite, graphene cuts into chemical bonds of those proteins, leaving them useless and possibly totally fragmented, not good ..." If you wish to reply, see https://carnicominstitute.substack.com/p/pandoras-polymer-synthetic-blood/comment/50674988?r=12zfs2) I'm re-reading the paper but don't feel qualified to reply. Thanks for your hard work trying to identify potential solutions. That's all that interests me now.
Good thing then, that we have all the H2O2 tips and that I added it to the horseradish as a booster "right from the start"! Hm, maybe I will compile and add them to the post.
I have been telling people about horseradish peroxidase and myloperoxidase made by neutrophils and eosiniphils in blood since last year. Good job getting this out there. I don't know where you live but can suggest you go to a local farmers market or to a farm and ask to buy it from them. Or go online and buy the seeds and grow some yourself in a pot in your home. I used to make it with my Mom and Grandmother. It really makes your eyes sting when cleaning the roots to grate them up.
I'm going to Sonicate some bottled horseradish to release more of the ingredients in the cells. Makes it more potent. I happen to like it a lot with mayo on bread.
Outraged stack is on same lines regarding the graphine and horseradish degredation. Whilst having all scientific explanations which are necessary, I would be grateful for a paragraph or two to explain in layman's terms, if possible.
"Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane."
This means that the enzyme from horseradish with hydrogen peroxide destroys graphene oxide upon contact.
Which would mean that consumption of horse radish paired with topical use of hydrogen peroxide could be very effective at detoxing from graphene oxide.
So, eat fresh horseradish and maybe use inhaler with Hydrogen peroxide, or apply to skin? We have to remember these psychopaths live in this world too so require protection from what they do to us, whether chemtrails, jabs or EMFs.
I am sooo glad you found this ! I have 35-40 year old horseradish plants...nice & spicy & eat the greens in m salads & mince the roots for sauté. Yummy! Now I think I'll mix with HP & put in on the bottom of my feets ...wrap my feets in the big ole leaves & steam myself. :)
Works nicely for congestion.... Also, the sulfur in garlic & onions helps detox the body...Don't know about if it helps graphene tho.
Crazy eh? Imagine, it is from 2011! 3% HP can be used topically all over the body. I think that the best absorption will be on the softer parts of the skin, belly, under arms etc. Also, Magnesium oil can be used topically without worry of using too much, Iodine can be used topically as well (Lugol's 3-5%).
They KNEW! 2011 !! This thing has been in full swing for a while I believe... We just weren't privy to it. I just said under feets cuz I know we detox thru our feets....don't we?? Foot bathes?...with magnesium & milk ......Ooh la la !! :)
I put iodine in my belly button .... I figure that's the original food source connection :)
Oh Yeah, War in Heaven, THAT's It LOLOLOL. Brain fog ... hahaha
Just made some homegrown beet-horseradish slaw from the garden. You know it works as it gets you in the “brain” with that horsekick, must be scrubbing out the nano embedded in the pituitary.
I had a two week "crying session" with super old roots from my mom's garden around February. And I planted leftover tops in pots. Almost a meter long new leaves already!
Habanero peppers (or stronger) are another good example of how the really GOOD stuff "makes a grown man cry like a baby".
Btw, the word in the grapevine is that cca30% of population is incompatible with the silicone/graphene based nano-tech.
Thanks Sirius, isn't it incredible how nature works? Thanks for sharing that statistic. I also think that when we truly believe in our higher power, feel our connection to Source/God, and are aware of what may be trying to infiltrate us, this gives us added protection, but maybe it's just wishful thinking.
Indeed. Here on the physical plane, spirit beings are able to interact with us -on all levels of manifested biology. And not only higher spirit beings. Nature's own soul/spirit communicates with us via plants and animals.
I bet its even more than 30%. Similar to how they are claiming how they can upload a brain or even a soul to the cloud, when they are very far from such accomplishments. Neuro scientists still do not understand more than half brain functions. And we are evolving/developing ALL the time!
Which connects to what you said about knowing God (I don't think it is wishful thinking). When we are healthy, fully aware and in-formed in a new environment, we evolve further without brakes of any kind...
Sadly, in the last few years, I guess in entire EU, 35%H2O2 is on the list for making of explosives - terrorism. Available only for industry needs....
3% is less potent, but it will get a certain amount of O into the tissue, no doubt! So do not say that it can not oxygenate the body. It is just that 3% not so strong as 35% (3% is 11 times weaker, in fact).
Hallo Jim, I will try your other Tipp now.EDTA and Nikotin,nac,and Vitamin C in a high dose.For what should I take the nicotin what does it? Its taking the graphene outside?You think there is a canche?I am so sed,its like to lose life.This things in my body attack my Immunsystem.I want my life and health back.Evry day fever Jim evry day.Its paining to know sombody put poison in your body without your knowing.Now I am responsible for the crime they doe to me.I hope their is a way to get the graphene out.I really dont wont to die.I have children they need me.
How did your half-sister cure the morgellons disease?I try to help my self.But I dont have experience with Nanotech/Morgellons,so I have to look and ask who knows maybe what I can doe, or who I can contact.
I can give you my Email adress,I have some questions?But I dont have this hair coming outside from the skin.And in the face I am magnetic.I can feel how what ever it is is moving under my skin specally at the face,near where they put the swab in my nose.
Yeah, I can not help you much more than I already have with all the information. You should also look also to help yourself now that you have it.
Always look to be calm however it feels.
Try not to focus on it any more than absolutely necessary.
I can maybe help you with pointers for a DETOX.
If this is an issue with toxic blood then you have to do a detox. If it is heavily toxic, the detox can be very painful! And many doctors do not know and will classify attempts of the body to detox itself as disease and will look to block it. Any synthetic medication or poisonous food should be avoided 100%, eat only butter and meat but no vegetable oils. Do "grounding" and look to be in nature as much as possible.
The body is like a robot. It is programmed to throw out all foreign substances. It does it in 3 ways. Through skin - lungs/sinus(phlegm) - excrement/urine.
If it can not throw out enough toxin then the toxin starts piling up. But it will be able to throw it out if you can provide the environment.
If all the information which is here can't help you....you are at the wrong place, this is a DIY section of the internet :)
And what is with the h2o2 and the horseradish should I take this together with nac,Vitamin c and edta?If I could take this technology out of my body Jim its so horrific how it moves under my skin,I feel it evry day,its like a ticking bomb,which is waiting to exploed.I am really scared.For what is the nikotin patches?
I do not béliève in oral chelation. It did not work for me after months and months. I zm in à chelation clinic and my blood Was awful. Rouleaux Fibrin hydrogel etc...
Elle ne répand pas la terreur. Elle dit la vérité comme David nixon. Je ne suis pas vacciné mais mon sang est comme celui d un vacciné. Rouleaux fibrine hydrogel... la contamination est bien réelle.
From the abstract:
"Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane."
This means that the enzyme from horseradish with hydrogen peroxide destroys graphene oxide upon contact.
Which would mean that consumption of horse radish paired with topical use of hydrogen peroxide should be very effective at detoxing your body from graphene oxide!
Horseradish increases myeloperoxidase in the blood all by itself. I don’t think we need the hydrogen peroxide too?
“The authors concluded that dried and grated horseradish root increased myeloperoxidase activity of blood neutrophils, enhanced antimicrobial functions of phagocytes, decreased leukocytosis, and normalized total blood cell count in mice with experimental leprosy. The most efficacious dose was 300 mg/kg with food.”
Well, there is no need for it if we are talking about horseradish, it in itself is effective against graphene. I reason why not boost your organism with extra oxygen, the kind that is easily absorbable and utilized by our cells? Even without horseradish it makes sense to me.
Btw, I am partial to H2O2, been using it with great effects for a good while now.
Also, a long time ago I have seen a lecture from a Russian professor, on the use of hydrogen peroxide and it's wonderful health benefits, where he admits to something like taking 'baths' in H2O2.
So when they started with the plandemic in 2020, I remembered this and started using copious amounts of it daily. Safe to say I'm stocking up on it.
how do you use hp?
There are three possible ways and I use it in all three. Browse all comments.
This us am excellent article..loved it. Patti
Just re-reading through comments too! The paper needs to receive more attention I think.
You are absolutely right It need to go world wide in my view!.
Can you break it down on how much hydrogen peroxide tgat is and how much raw horseradish
Like many in teaspoons. I'm trying it now but don't know how to measure. Please let me know. Very greatful
I was doing 2-3 teaspons of grated raw horseradish alongside my lunch for 20 days (more than three tsp gave me a bit of digestive discomfort). You can do as much as you can stomach it, more the better.
H2O2 (I can source only 3% topical H2O2 - and it is fine);
So, now take 4-5 drops every day with my morning water (when drinking it it has to be on an empty stomach, so before your meal w horseradish). I also do a full body H2O2 wash, 1-2 times weekly, before the shower.
Good luck and God bless!
Hi Sirius - I've mentioned this paper/your article on several websites. I just received this comment from "mejbcart" ( https://substack.com/@mejbcart ):
"That paper states 'HRP failed to oxidize chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO)' and only rGO is magnetized...That's what the late Dr. Noak was claiming. NIST has an extremely good summary of how to degrade GO/rGO/etc. The smallest molecule which rips off graphene and its derivatives is H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, the substrate for HRP. HRP is too large for the forces on the simple planar GO surface to take it apart completely. What actually happens is the opposite, graphene cuts into chemical bonds of those proteins, leaving them useless and possibly totally fragmented, not good ..." If you wish to reply, see https://carnicominstitute.substack.com/p/pandoras-polymer-synthetic-blood/comment/50674988?r=12zfs2) I'm re-reading the paper but don't feel qualified to reply. Thanks for your hard work trying to identify potential solutions. That's all that interests me now.
Hey kerrylyn!
Thank you for sharing. I will look into it!
Good thing then, that we have all the H2O2 tips and that I added it to the horseradish as a booster "right from the start"! Hm, maybe I will compile and add them to the post.
I have been telling people about horseradish peroxidase and myloperoxidase made by neutrophils and eosiniphils in blood since last year. Good job getting this out there. I don't know where you live but can suggest you go to a local farmers market or to a farm and ask to buy it from them. Or go online and buy the seeds and grow some yourself in a pot in your home. I used to make it with my Mom and Grandmother. It really makes your eyes sting when cleaning the roots to grate them up.
I'm going to Sonicate some bottled horseradish to release more of the ingredients in the cells. Makes it more potent. I happen to like it a lot with mayo on bread.
Outraged stack is on same lines regarding the graphine and horseradish degredation. Whilst having all scientific explanations which are necessary, I would be grateful for a paragraph or two to explain in layman's terms, if possible.
From the abstract:
"Here, we reported a new phenomenon--the enzymatic oxidation of a single layer of graphitic carbon by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane."
This means that the enzyme from horseradish with hydrogen peroxide destroys graphene oxide upon contact.
Which would mean that consumption of horse radish paired with topical use of hydrogen peroxide could be very effective at detoxing from graphene oxide.
So, eat fresh horseradish and maybe use inhaler with Hydrogen peroxide, or apply to skin? We have to remember these psychopaths live in this world too so require protection from what they do to us, whether chemtrails, jabs or EMFs.
Yes. Bingo!
What they do to protect themselves is another topic. It seems they wouldnt care about their physical health if they are really sold on the evil.
EMFs are easy, you just have to have farraday cages everywhere you go haha ;)
You know how to prepare H2o2 inhaler?
Would horseradish pills be useful if we cant get fresh? Or, just off the shelf grocery store horseradish as well ?
It is always best to have the whole enchilada. Entourage effect is what we want with food as medicine.
Im not familiar with HR in pill form. It is the enzyme from horseradish which you want, peroxidase. So if it is not listed on the bottle...
And hydrogen peroxide should help boost this enzyme's action.
I wonder? Think I will put some on my enchiladas. Tacos too.
Thanks. What would be the easy way for the hydrogen peroxide? Could I just gargle a bit of the 3% stuff, or just apply some on the skin?
which is why i collect ways to make your own. let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
Hval ti puno.Bog
Btw, I just got this article. It should be helpful!
-> DrChapala
Good luck mate!!
I am sooo glad you found this ! I have 35-40 year old horseradish plants...nice & spicy & eat the greens in m salads & mince the roots for sauté. Yummy! Now I think I'll mix with HP & put in on the bottom of my feets ...wrap my feets in the big ole leaves & steam myself. :)
Works nicely for congestion.... Also, the sulfur in garlic & onions helps detox the body...Don't know about if it helps graphene tho.
Great Stack SIRIUS!
Getting back to reading Heaven & Hell :)
Crazy eh? Imagine, it is from 2011! 3% HP can be used topically all over the body. I think that the best absorption will be on the softer parts of the skin, belly, under arms etc. Also, Magnesium oil can be used topically without worry of using too much, Iodine can be used topically as well (Lugol's 3-5%).
"War In Heaven" ;)
We are only getting to the "Heaven & Hell"....
They KNEW! 2011 !! This thing has been in full swing for a while I believe... We just weren't privy to it. I just said under feets cuz I know we detox thru our feets....don't we?? Foot bathes?...with magnesium & milk ......Ooh la la !! :)
I put iodine in my belly button .... I figure that's the original food source connection :)
Oh Yeah, War in Heaven, THAT's It LOLOLOL. Brain fog ... hahaha
Just made some homegrown beet-horseradish slaw from the garden. You know it works as it gets you in the “brain” with that horsekick, must be scrubbing out the nano embedded in the pituitary.
Sungazing for the pituitary!
I had a two week "crying session" with super old roots from my mom's garden around February. And I planted leftover tops in pots. Almost a meter long new leaves already!
Habanero peppers (or stronger) are another good example of how the really GOOD stuff "makes a grown man cry like a baby".
Btw, the word in the grapevine is that cca30% of population is incompatible with the silicone/graphene based nano-tech.
Thanks Sirius, isn't it incredible how nature works? Thanks for sharing that statistic. I also think that when we truly believe in our higher power, feel our connection to Source/God, and are aware of what may be trying to infiltrate us, this gives us added protection, but maybe it's just wishful thinking.
Indeed. Here on the physical plane, spirit beings are able to interact with us -on all levels of manifested biology. And not only higher spirit beings. Nature's own soul/spirit communicates with us via plants and animals.
I bet its even more than 30%. Similar to how they are claiming how they can upload a brain or even a soul to the cloud, when they are very far from such accomplishments. Neuro scientists still do not understand more than half brain functions. And we are evolving/developing ALL the time!
Which connects to what you said about knowing God (I don't think it is wishful thinking). When we are healthy, fully aware and in-formed in a new environment, we evolve further without brakes of any kind...
There is a free book you can download called
The One Minute Cure
It will teach you about Food grade Hydrogen Peroxide. I buy 35% like the book describes & use drops in my filtered water.
There is a company in Texas that sells 35%. Their number is 800-833-3256
3% isn’t strong enough for oxygenating our body. You seriously need 35% (34.5%) food grade hydrogen peroxide
Hey, thanks. I know about it.
Sadly, in the last few years, I guess in entire EU, 35%H2O2 is on the list for making of explosives - terrorism. Available only for industry needs....
3% is less potent, but it will get a certain amount of O into the tissue, no doubt! So do not say that it can not oxygenate the body. It is just that 3% not so strong as 35% (3% is 11 times weaker, in fact).
Sorry, I'm confused.
9:1 NaCl:H2O2... Is that, for example, 9 grams of salt to 1 gram of 3% hydrogen peroxide?
Or 9 ml of normal saline ( physiologic salt water) to 1 ml of H2O2 ?
I have answered to your initial comment.
Hallo Jim, I will try your other Tipp now.EDTA and Nikotin,nac,and Vitamin C in a high dose.For what should I take the nicotin what does it? Its taking the graphene outside?You think there is a canche?I am so sed,its like to lose life.This things in my body attack my Immunsystem.I want my life and health back.Evry day fever Jim evry day.Its paining to know sombody put poison in your body without your knowing.Now I am responsible for the crime they doe to me.I hope their is a way to get the graphene out.I really dont wont to die.I have children they need me.
On nicotine to fight "covid"/vaccine injury, Brian Ardis dis a recent interview on it" https://www.brighteon.com/649a5109-c224-4147-aa72-cf382ce7efad I'm just listening to it now.
Hvala ti.
How did your half-sister cure the morgellons disease?I try to help my self.But I dont have experience with Nanotech/Morgellons,so I have to look and ask who knows maybe what I can doe, or who I can contact.
Food and detox.
She threw out carbohydrates and vegetable oils. And she did a proper detox.
But of course you have no experience.... yet! This is how you get it!
Do you think I had a coach? I rely mostly on my INTUITION. I am my own doctor thanks to experimenting on myself.
You now have enough information to try few different things so now you have to start doing it.
The goal is to start relying on yourself because, as you see, needing a doctor is what got you in this situation in the first place.
I can give you my Email adress,I have some questions?But I dont have this hair coming outside from the skin.And in the face I am magnetic.I can feel how what ever it is is moving under my skin specally at the face,near where they put the swab in my nose.
Yeah, I can not help you much more than I already have with all the information. You should also look also to help yourself now that you have it.
Always look to be calm however it feels.
Try not to focus on it any more than absolutely necessary.
I can maybe help you with pointers for a DETOX.
If this is an issue with toxic blood then you have to do a detox. If it is heavily toxic, the detox can be very painful! And many doctors do not know and will classify attempts of the body to detox itself as disease and will look to block it. Any synthetic medication or poisonous food should be avoided 100%, eat only butter and meat but no vegetable oils. Do "grounding" and look to be in nature as much as possible.
The body is like a robot. It is programmed to throw out all foreign substances. It does it in 3 ways. Through skin - lungs/sinus(phlegm) - excrement/urine.
If it can not throw out enough toxin then the toxin starts piling up. But it will be able to throw it out if you can provide the environment.
If all the information which is here can't help you....you are at the wrong place, this is a DIY section of the internet :)
God bless and good luck.
And what is with the h2o2 and the horseradish should I take this together with nac,Vitamin c and edta?If I could take this technology out of my body Jim its so horrific how it moves under my skin,I feel it evry day,its like a ticking bomb,which is waiting to exploed.I am really scared.For what is the nikotin patches?
I do not béliève in oral chelation. It did not work for me after months and months. I zm in à chelation clinic and my blood Was awful. Rouleaux Fibrin hydrogel etc...
Im afraid I do not understand what it is that you are saying.
Oral chelation with chemicals/pills? Btw, I would never try to do a detox in a clinic.
Horseradish and peroxide are available everywhere and simple to do! At least if you have a working brain?
Donc pour vous le Dr Ana Mihalcea raconte des conneries ?
Do I think Ana Mihalcea talks shit and spreads unnecessary fear?
I am not 100% sure, but it could very well be!
She makes money with her business, no?... so it is in her interest for people to be scared and turn to her for help.
Elle ne répand pas la terreur. Elle dit la vérité comme David nixon. Je ne suis pas vacciné mais mon sang est comme celui d un vacciné. Rouleaux fibrine hydrogel... la contamination est bien réelle.
La Quinta columna dit la même chose.
You seem a bit dumb?
And I am sorry to hear that you have problems even when you are not vaccinated.
I know a lot of people who also refused the vaccine but do not have any issues, myself included.
What can I say except: Good luck!
Ana et le docteur Nixon ont raison sur beaucoup de points. Je vais m acheter un microscope...