Introducing A.T.Fomenko's "New Chronology" - Debunking the Official History Narrative & Why Should You Care?
SIRIUS MEGA Metaintroduction - A short overview of Anatoly Fomenko's work - Fantastical Jesuit Fairy Tales - Problems with DNA science & carbon dating - Real Source of Natural Sciences?
#deprogramming knowledge&resources
if you would like your dogmas to remain intact = you should skip this stack:
dogma /ˈdɑːgmə/ noun
plural: dogmas
[count, noncount] formal
1: usually disapproving : a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted
These new findings challenge the current dogma in the field.
political dogma
2: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization
By removing all the destructive programming, with which we have been softly indoctrinated, we can re-claim our inborn authority and energy! → Why should we care about discoveries like those of A.T.Fomenko?!
A task that I set for myself a few years ago - uninstalling the bad programming and freeing myself from all the indoctrination that I have been subjected to against my conscious will. With the goal to re-claim all the stolen energy and the power of my inborn authority, which I mistakenly gave away and/or delegated onto others - out of iron necessity, naively thinking that I was safe to trust them. Which is the reason why all this dogma-shattering truths I share with you are coming my way.
To get answers, one has to ask questions first! So I choose to write about certain subjects of “tricky“ nature because I perceive how taboos are used to subvert human character! Moreover, I sense the need for such straight forward content, without marketing or hidden agendas. So I strive to oblige.
How to re-claim something that was lost a long time ago?
Well, when we set our minds to this intention, those situations from “the past” will slowly but surely start popping up in our memory! And then we can consciously go to these moments. With the aim to reclaim everything what we learned that we were robbed off, be it our trust/authority or our energy. By doing this we are “going back” in time and re-claiming that what was stolen from us! In that way we are bringing past moments into the present to work on them. Is this like time travel? Well, it is certainly different than the concept of physical time-travel. Call it time-bending perhaps. If this makes more sense, it is like going to a Quantum courthouse and winning your legal quantum case involving fraud from the past, while also being able to learn the lesson so you do not fall into the trap again.
In essence, this is the ability to recognize how such transgressions happened due to our behavior and reactions; and then correcting our behavior so that we are able to avoid repeating the same mistakes and living through the bad experiences which stem from those mistakes. Or there is the tendency to NOT be able to see how those mistakes are our own - but rather always blame them on others and on influences outside ourselves. In the first case we are actually ‘going’ into the past to change an event from bad to good and we have learned the lesson. In the second case we are avoiding having truthful insights about ourselves. Thus it remains just another bad past event and we think how we are powerless to do anything about it. And by admitting how we are unable to learn the lesson - the lesson will keep repeating itself until we manage to learn it!
Good news is that if we choose to do the former, we can do it with events from our entire life!
How is this even possible, how and why could this even work? Well, the matter of fact is how everything what we perceive as outside/separated from us is actually always deeply connected to us. Moreover, time has radically different properties on the quantum level, on which everything happens instantly. Simplest explanation is that on the energetic sublime level we are all interconnected with everything and it is always NOW.
Which means that there is a very good reason to be most mindful of one’s actions. Imagine if things like these would be taught to kids, what a world it would be!?
Importance of being rooted in the truth
But before we maybe start discovering new physical laws of this reality we have to clean our minds, remove many lies and unlearn everything that we have been taught brainwashed with. And when it comes to history, if we can not find detailed records of our past in which we can trust, which seems to be the case, I think that we will have to be a bit intuitive.
Admittedly, this task is possible only if the mind is not constrained by religious and scientific dogmas - or if the mind is not trained to always be content with mediocre results. And for those minds that are still addicted to msm fear&psychosis-inducing-content this task is almost, if not entirely, impossible. On their own, the stockholm syndrome mk-ultra NPC type minds will hardly be able to comprehend that the state in which they currently are is a state of subjugation/enslavement and fear.
In fact, when one who gives a damn is able to understand and fully grasp the true state of humanity; and when one starts thinking about what could and should be done to steer it back towards its organic evolution - one realizes how serious this task really is! In other words, slacking equals apathy and defeat! In the end it all boils down to “How are we managing our energy?“. Our energy being the only thing that we truly posses in this life! Knowing this fact, it is really very easy to understand how poor/bad management of our energy means having a lousy life.
To give you an example, that is why I don’t focus on geopoliticks and daily news cycle that much. Geopolitick theater is so enthralling.. -by design- is a method of enslaving human minds with intricacies and drama and expectation, just like magicians and their smoke&mirror trickery. Only it is all scripted and staged to fool you and to be a complete waste of your time and energy. When I am interested into daily happenings, I quickly browse headlines on two or three feeds I have set up and note what might be important for researching. After a while you get to be proficient at this and you don’t miss much (hey, maybe it is better that some of this negative fantasy content does not get attention!). Besides, to be able to “cover“ breaking news one would have to take in all the fearmongering and lies that are a major part of the news-cycle and waste most of the time which should be available for doing something that actually benefits one’s life! All in all, being addicted to daily mainstream news is a very unhealthy habit for many unconscious people, even to the point of them assisting their own murder! That is why I consciously switch my attention to things which could lead to more #deprogramming knowledge&resources.
So if we really want to make a difference, we can not but find ourselves on the opposite side, thinking and doing the opposite of what all these fear ridden crazed sheepeesh folks and greedy evil “elite“ bastards are thinking and doing!
If they say Jump!? You Squat&roll!
They say Go to war!? You say Never!
They say Pay taxes!? You say Only when I am dead!
They say This is YOUR history Goy?! You say Ha ha ha, do you think I’m that gullible and stupid?! Think again!
They say Be a mentally ill pervert to get ahead in society?! You say Sod the f-off!
Quite simple! When we are in-formed re-claimed re-powered and re-generated - this task then becomes super easy and any mandates that the Devil’s corporation (the government) might want to push on us become powerless!
This entire mess that we find ourselves in starts with →
Alphabet; Croatian spelling: Abeceda
Are we a bit too hypnotized by these nice little symbols that we invented? Has someone cast a SPELLing on us?
Writing being one of the greatest tools for deception! No need for any contact and you can convince people of any damn thing? Such a boon for humanity and such an advantage for intelligent psychopaths. And the question about why so many different languages/nationalities nagged me even while I was young. I could see how a divided humanity, that can not easily communicate, also easily goes to war.
Some suggest how that is because of the stage of our evolution that we are in. We are currently learning to harmonize with our individuality. And that means that we should perfect our individual responsibility! Shouldn’t that include perfecting the management of our resources as well? A proper task indeed! And it has to be done in the situation where our ego rules the day!
Written history and its effect on time
From the viewpoint of human evolution, written history is a recent phenomenon. Before the start of the silly trend of documenting less important events, time was generally viewed and experienced as a cyclical affair. And most important information was passed down by mouth and with a lot of esoteric symbolism (hence the existence of mystical schools and secret societies; throwing Pearls Before Swine was to be avoided and only deserving initiates were given the knowledge), what we today call mythology. Documenting in those distant times was reserved for VIPs and extremely important events and it was rare for anything else to be inscribed in stone or some other media. So also, our understanding and impression of time as being linear is quite new. Note that the Hebrews were the first to start documenting everything, be it important or not. It could also be said how, for better or for worse, the invention of alphabet and writing had modulated our perception of time from a cycle to an infinite straight line. From that point onward, abstract worlds exploded into human minds!
These days, history as a science is only two hundred years old. And in the 16. - 17th century, historical chronology was considered to be a subdivision of mathematics. To be frank, main reason for history being called a science is because of thousands of academics that dare call them selves historians and even dare take nice paychecks for it! No sane person should be calling it a science! Because science at least has a set of rules which it supposedly follows to do repeated experiments which should confirm its findings and conclusions. While modern history is confirmed mostly by guess work and belief into what someone has written in the past! Safe to say how History as a science has a megalithic issue with its current “scientific” methodology! And when we realize this fact, everything that mainstream historians claim becomes rather unacceptable!
EXACT time?
Keeping/documenting exact time is all together a different subject. Until the invention of mechanical clocks, people used all sorts of imprecise ways to measure time. Like good old wax candles and sundials.
In reality time is not linear, and past and future actually do not exist except in our minds. That is why living in the present is so beneficial to humans. In fact, we could be having an entirely different perspective, and very possibly a much more liberating experience of ‘time’. For example, I think how time is a “constant“ only in mechanical and digital clocks. In reality, time flows at various speeds. For example, since I quit wearing a wrist watch in my 20s, my experience of time got much nicer. Besides, if I am composed, I can tell exact time of day by intuition, +/- 10minutes. I also wake up right when I want when I set a mental wake-up alarm.
note that one of the symptoms of the straight-line-disease is happily paying taxes while being killed in thousand different ways..😳
represents the true cyclical nature of time.
One other thing to emphasize is that this is certainly not what some call a mainstream Jesuit conspiracy theory. Those were most probably created precisely to confuse and hide this, the real one. And this is not an attempt at trying to make you believe in some new dogma. Quite the opposite! The aim of this content is to help you free yourself from old dogmas and indoctrination so that you can start using more of your mental capacity for decoding all the lies and eventually be a part of humanity which will create a better environment for evolution of life on Earth. Because, to be able to do this, knowing what really happened in the past is essential. George Orwell very nicely describes why would that be, in his “1984”:
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
They are controlling your present, but they also control your future. With the carrot which is dangling in front of your face. And that carrot’s only chance at being tempting to you - enough so that you chase it ‘til death - is your belief about your past and “who you are”!
In the case that we can not find the truth, because it has been erased/destroyed, we can at least eliminate the indoctrination and lies which we have been fed! And as I mentioned above, our intuition will then guide us to start creating a proper foundation for our existence.
So, as they say in homesteading videos, let’s get into it! Path to freedom begins with a single question. One question versus a mountain of lies. The archetype of David vs Goliath!
Some of you already had a taste of this subject and how much information there is in the “Nova Kronologija/New Chronology“ series which I published in cooperation with Istrazuj’s Substack.
Also, now you see why I added meta to the introduction ;)
True purpose of the Jesuits
The foundational work for today’s official history timeline was done by two Jesuit monks, Scaliger - who is called the father of modern “scientifically proven” chronology - and Petavyus (Petau), for whom can be said that he finished what Scaliger had started. Much of written history that is based on the foundation which they set is either a lie or an inversion. Like all the “ancient“ manuscripts that have somehow been found only during the Renaissance period. “Annals” of Tacitus being an excellent example of how the official history of Rome was “invented”. And you could see more good examples of Jesuits at work in Walter Veith’s lectures.
Note that one of the main things that made Scaliger such a success is because he claimed to be the first one who is able to offer exact dating of important past events! People were under the impression that he was somehow able to know even the time of day when these important events took place! Quite a nefarious Jesuit marketing trick!
some biologist must have known this conspiracy. He VERY aptly named one member of the cold-blooded ssssss…:
The short-tail alpine garter snake (Thamnophis scaliger) is a species of snake of the family Colubridae. It is found in Mexico.
First clue : Oh, so that might be why Scaliger changes faces - just like when a snake sheds it’s skin.
Second clue: Thamnophis - a stretch, but in Croatian it sounds like Tamno Pis. “Tamni pis-ac” - translation: Dark Writer, one who is writing dark things.
Wtf is this next then, eh?!
Just kidding, that is Josephus’s father, Julio Caesare Scaliger! This world can be so crazy funny at times! LOLZ
→ → → → → Giulio Cesare Scaligero ← ← ← ← ←
Petavius original; “Rationarium Temporum” in Latin
“The history of the World: or, An account of time. Compiled by the learned Dionisius Petavius. And continued by others, to the year of our Lord, 1659. Together with a geographicall description of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.” in English
The foundations of archeological methods have been based on the Scaligerian chronology from the very beggining!
Which means that the results that we get are incorrect!
There is a HUGE LOT of guess work on the part of archeologists as well as historians! No wonder why! They have to guess to conform to what has previously been established by LYING!
A telling story which shows why and how of the sudden appearance of ancient manuscripts in medieval times
John de Medici, that magnificent Pope, had been scarcely elected
to the Pontifical chair by the title of Leo X. in the spring of
1513, when he caused it to be publicly made known that
he would increase the price of rewards given by his predecessors to persons who procured new manuscripts/copies of ancient Greek and Roman works.
Nearly two years passed; then his own "Thesaurum Quaestor Pontificius" (steward, receiver or collector), Angelo Arcomboldi, brought to him a new manuscript of the works of Tacitus, with a most startling novelty, the firts six (or, as then
divided in five) books of THE ANNALS!
Everybody was amazed!
..and everybody was extremely anxious to know where and how it had been obtained!
→ Well, now you know how these ancient manuscripts were actually ordered! ←
Here is a another VERY GOOD example of how the Jesuits do/did their work. Smithsonian (we can call it Jesuitonian) was forced to admit in US Supreme Court to destruction of thousands of artifacts/findings! Such a communist method, isn’t it? Destroy anything which does not align with the POLITICAL PARTY LINE:
Moreover, we are not the only ones who are questioning the official history timeline! Here is a list of famous people who over the last centuries had an issue with what Scaliger/Petavius were trying to teach as gospel, first that we know of being from 1500s.
De Arcilla, 16th century, Professor of the Salamanca University, claimed "ancient" history to have been forged in the Middle Ages. It is impossible to find more on De Arcilla.
Sir Isaac Newton, 1643 - 1727, who wrote The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended. To which is Prefix'd, A Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great.
Jean Hardouin, 1646 - 1729, director of the French Royal Library, and wrote a few chronological works with sharp criticisms of the entire edifice of the Scaligerian chronology. He was of the opinion that most of the supposed "ancient artifacts" were either counterfeit, or belonged to a much more recent age.
Peter Nikiforovich Krekshin, 1684 - 1763, the personal secretary of Peter the Great; he wrote a book criticizing the contemporary version of Roman history.
Robert Baldauf, 1881 - 1918, German philologist, author of the four volumes entitled “History and Criticisms”, he came to the conclusion that the "ancient" literary works were a lot more recent than one was accustomed to think, guided by philological considerations. Baldauf proved that those works were all mediaeval in their origins.
Edwin Johnson, 1842 - 1901, English historian, criticized the Scaligerian chronology severely in his works and, claiming that they needed to be truncated drastically.
Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov, 1854 - 1946, a prominent Russian scientist and encyclopedist, made a breakthrough in chronological studies. He criticized the Scaligerian version of chronology and history extensively. He even offered the concepts of several new natural scientific methods of analyzing chronology and introduced scientific approaches to chronology making the latter a science de facto. He was the first to have understood and formulated the fundamental idea that the Scaligerian chronology needed a complete revision, not just the "ante-mundane" part, but also the entire edifice up to the 6th century A.D. However, it must be added that he held the erroneous opinion how the chronology post 6th century was basically correct.
Wilhelm Kammeyer, 1889 - 1959, a German scientist and lawyer, developed a method of verifying the authenticity of ancient documents. He discovered nearly all of the ancient and early medieval Western European documents to have been either copied or forged in a more recent age. He came to the conclusion that both ancient and medieval history were falsified, and wrote several books on the topic.
Immanuel Velikovsky, 1895 - 1979, is considered to be the founder of the "critical school" in chronology, but what he really did was try to protect the Scaligerian chronology from drastic changes, so his inclusion in the list of the founding fathers of the new chronology is to show how his work was compromised.
We can conclude that Scaligers chronology was shown to be fake in many scientific works in the period 17. - 19th century and was contested as early as 16th century. The official history timeline was contested by many people, a hypothesis of global manipulation with fabrication was born and methods to prove it were developed. Usually all evidence gets a gloss-over and is forgotten in a generation - such is the nature of Academia.
Attempts in 20th century showed some promise, but after the first few decades, this subject was marginalized and forgotten until..
ENTER: Anatoly T. Fomenko
biography on joopedia
Professor Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko was born in Donetzk, USSR in 1945.
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Science, Dr. of Sci. (Math. and Phys.), Moscow State University (Moscow).
Head of the Department of Differential Geometry and Applications in Moscow University.
He is a distinguished mathematician and a well-known specialist in the fields of geometry, Hamiltonian mechanics, calculus of variations, computer geometry and algorithmic problems in pattern recognition. (…)
How did Fomenko discover the scam? This story starts in 1972!
A.T.Fomenko was researching several problems related to celestial mechanics when he noticed Robert Newton’s (American astrophysicist) article from 1972. And Newton was reporting “a strange leap in lunar acceleration, and the so-called parameter D”. The leap in question comprises an entire mathematical order, and cannot be explained by the gravitational theory in any way. A discussion was organized by the Royal Society of London and the British Academy of Sciences and it was one that had spawned major controversy. And after more prominent mathematicians joined his cause, which is a story in itself, in 1980 A.T.Fomenko managed to publish their research.
In the period 1980 - 1990, A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy, and V.V.Kalashnikov presented their reports on the new methods of independent dating at a number of scientific conferences on mathematics. And the series of books that we now have as “New Chronolgy“ started to be published from 1990, after a many Russian historians and academics tried their best to bury all the work that A.T.F. and his team had done. Also quite a telling story in itself. The term “New Chronology“ started to be used in 1993. Starting with 1996, a number of books proving the falsity of Western European mediaeval chronology were published by German scientists. However, the authors of works appear to misperceive the entire scale of the problem, thinking that several minor local corrections of the Scaligerian chronology should suffice. The book that has to be mentioned in this respect is Uve Topper's “Die Grosse Aktion” (“The Great Campaign”") on the falsification of history. In 1998 World Chess Champion G. K. Kasparov chimed in. It turned out that he had read most of published books, and, having compared the points with his own concept of history, decided most of them were valid. Some of his observations were even included in following editions with references to him. In 2000-2003 the entire material was collected, processed and arranged as the seven volumes of Chronology.
More specifically, Fomenko had discovered three important chronological shifts, of roughly 333 years, 1053, and 1800 years respectively. These shifts are only inherent to the erroneous chronology of Scaliger-Petavius, and have nothing to do with the correct one. It turned out that "the Scaligerian textbook" was compiled from four copies of one and the same brief chronicle.
Questions for anyone (dumb enough) who claims Fomenko to be a Russian psyop:
Who gains if we believe him? Yep! And who loses? That settles it! But I got more.
Why would bolsheviks (their leaders were predominantly communist/marxist jews) orchestrate a purge of majority of people who lived in the territory that largely coincides with what was once known as the mighty Tartaria?
Why would Fomenko dare to implicate the Romanov’s in obfuscating true history and being imposters in the Russian monarchy?
Why was he defamed as an anti-semite when he clearly is not? Are the ones who tried to defame him real Jews or imposters who are afraid that their spiel will be uncovered? Maybe it is because he focuses on Christianity and Jesus Christ and shines a light on the real truth about this important subject?
Note: the territory of Tartaria is another puzzle to be solved, since there is so much Tartarian architecture on American continent as well.
Here is how I see it
When people accuse A.T.Fomenko of being a Russian psyop, they always show how they are not aware of the immensity and implications of his work (or exactly the opposite!). And I bet they hear about him from one of many sites/channels that use “New Chronolgy“ and A.T.Fomenko to hook followers and spew loads of lies and bullcrap.
Where are all the nefarious motives and hidden agendas that such works always are accompanied with? Psyops DO NOT liberate, they always try to amplify your fears! Moreover, how would they even know what its actually about when they have not researched his work at all?!
Fun fact - as you read in the question above, for decades his work was defamed as antisemitic but that line of defamation was later abandoned, probably to attract even less attention to him. Why would an acclaimed Russian mathematician, and his whole team, be labeled as jew haters while actually risking their lives by saying what they have discovered?
Hmm, is it maybe because he shines a light on Who these jews actually are?? And I heard how today Fomenko is labeled as a globalist!? No wonder, he offers a genuine glimpse into a radically different history of human society. He shows us a period in our history when the concepts of nations and races meant something other than what they do today! Modern national, religious and race tensions exist according to the rules of divide&rule.
Moreover, it seems how all the ancient and venerated blood lines were replaced and/or inverted. Which would explain why today they are THE leading sign to this world’s degeneracy and evil.
TARTARIA - obscured Aryan (Slav-Turcic-Asian) empire that spanned the whole world.
So what about Aryans (Tartars) and a completely different (New) Chronology/history timeline? How is it even possible that multitudes of historians are not researching these mysteries? Is it because of the sordid academic reality? In which mediocrity is softly but thoroughly awarded butt-plugged with meaningless academic titles and handfuls of shekels? Must be!
In any case, if we do a bit of independent research into this - and with an open mind - it becomes obvious that official chronology is off the table! Extremely fun times for non-trained “accidental” and honest researches I’d say! Whoopee, this is fun!
Note that they do a LOT of inversion of truth/reality. In that way the greatest transfer of Good energy towards Evil energy is accomplished.

Great misconceptions about who were Aryans have made many things difficult. Aryans are what you might call a proto-race, little to do with the concept of a race as we have been taught in Jesuit schooling system.
You see, from ancient times Aryans were moving in different directions and then settled in different places. So after a while they were seen as different races, but were in fact related by blood and DNA and probably shared their mythology/cosmology.
Do they all have blue eyes and blonde hair? No, but some of their features, whatever these features might be, physical/mental/spiritual/cultural, will always show the connection between these apparently different races.
Why no reference to ethnicity?
No need.. Race as we know it in modern times is important if there is to be a divide and rule system in place! And in India, where the “invading” people are the rulers, the cast system is used for this purpose. And the lowest cast is reserved for native people of India. Religious division in India, as elsewhere, comes with Islamic expansions.
It would then seem how the story about the white blue eyed race was twisted and turned and abused by certain theosophic societies with the aim to create the second world war for manipulating Germany and it’s white, Aryan population. As well as ushering THE worldwide HEGEMONY of THE blood thirtsty banking jEW. Whites are indeed different than Asians or Blacks, but that is not the reason for racism of today. Racism is a freshly invented ism (Israel Cohen - 1912), invented so that the subversive forces have an even greater division tool at their disposal.
Everything that follows WW2 could not have happened without the inception of war-time industry and so much purges and erasure of culture with mindless but aimed destruction. First to get conscripted are the goyim, and while the war is raging, any unwanted domestic elements get lost in the night.
As I mentioned in the Vinča stack, one of the more important discoveries is how these Aryan's came to India from the NORTH, and from the territory that spanned Carpathian and Dinaroid mountains. And this west to east movement is confirmed by many facts in the story of Tartaria. Facts which show how there is high probabilty that the fountain of modern civilization was in the north and that it was most probably Atlantis. This confirms other obscure sources that have similar claims about North without mentioning these facts. And it gives a different perspective on ancient history of Celtic, Viking and Slavic (and Illyrian) peoples.
Inquizition and Protestant Reformation
could very well be Purges that were later “renamed”, hidden and made to look as something other than what they were! Who knows how much evidence of the old world has been destroyed and how many people have been killed to accomplish this monumental deception!? Today we know about crazed Calvinists and Hugenots and the supposed reasons for their iconoclasm - what academics want us to call Beeldenstorm. Tearing down of old, not because it was unacceptable, but rather to allow for something new to be installed. Also, a very telling fact is that Protestant reformation was started in the burger cities of Europe, predominantly by the rich merchant class - which felt that all the religious holidays were in the way of them having bigger profits. Before the reformation almost half of the year was reserved for religious holidays. However, it would seem it was all being done to erase the old Tartarian heritage - which is still evident in old/ancient “giant” architecture.
It is an unimaginable number of purges that were accomplished with wars and revolutions and plandemics/mass-poisonings! And it was all done to erase the past and to get rid of certain populations! Who knows how many rounds of this they have done? While noble Jesuit instructed histo(E)rical sci(OY)entists and aca(MONKEY)demics would have us believe how something entirely different was happening!
Of course, most interesting and important question is that of Religion. How did Religion work in those times? According to New Chronology, it was divided according to loyalty. There were two churches, Apostolic Christianity and Tsarish Christianity.
But what is more important for me is how the religions of today relate to this hidden truth from our collective past!
Is Christianity of today based in truth about Jesus? A fat no.
Is Judaism, which is supposedly “the root” of Christianity and Islam, “telling the truth”? Again, no!
Or is it a false religion which is spreading other false religions whose power is based on complete lies and is a system which is made with the goal of preserving the power of the accountants who sided with the most Evil murderers? Because with Fomenko’s discoveries in mind, it is clear how Judaism as we know it was invented after Christianity!
Know the tree by the fruits that it bears!
If you would ask me, I would say how the state of the world today reflects this centuries long stream of evil manipulations and is rather good evidence for this bombashell discovery of A.T.Fomenko. But that’s just me and my humble cognitive ability.
Hey, don’t kill the messenger (for the umpteenth time), but all the evidence is pointing towards the fact that so called Abrahamic religions were arranged and designed with Persian godlike kings as models for a military minded god. There also seems to be a lot of twisting and perverting of Babylonian mythology and cosmology. Which was later heavily fortified with centuries worth of wild commentary and erred theology. And thanks to things that we are finding out, we certainly can not take for granted anything that is claimed about Egypt or Babylon. Because such long ass history with ever present military hierarchy smells of an attempt to install the hegemony of the Dark side. The Murderers.
Let me plant these informational seeds in your mind. Just by translating Babylonian tablets (list of kings), modern history timeline WAS DOUBLED! And Egypt might have lasted for one thousand years only!
This is how I understand all of this so far: the top of the original Christian teaching was subverted and watered down/subverted/infected and became Roman-Catholic Church, pederasty and pedophilia being the best evidence for this. And Roman Catholic Church today is in the service of what we know as the Synagogue! Which is run by the descendants of people who were the class of accountants in Tartaria. While the monarchies and the richest families/nobility are remnants of the most Evil ones who arranged for the murder of Jesus (The Murderers - The Dark Side).
What is Religion anyway?
This noun of action was derived by Cicero from relegere "go through again" (in reading or in thought), from re- "again" (see re-) + legere "read" (see lecture (n.)). However, popular etymology among the later ancients (Servius, Lactantius, Augustine) and the interpretation of many modern writers connects it with religare "to bind fast" (see rely), via the notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." In that case, the re- would be intensive. Another possible origin is religiens "careful," opposite of negligens.
It means to bind you by placing an obligation on you!
And that’s not all.
More questions need to be answered.
«Aaaaah, I like the smell of a platoon of napalm smelling questions in my SIRIUS-ispod-struje newsletters.»
For example, can we believe genealogy and all its findings and claims? Or is this just more confusion and divide&conquer, crap science that does not hold up on first serious inspection, damn?! Should we base any of our speculations on officially accepted science? For obvious reasons, I now have a huge problem with that! And you should too!
Here, I’ll let let the nerdy guy explain issues with gene dogma to you, as he did to me:
In short, nothing that you have been told about genes is correct. Unless you are a pea plant. So I think some new hypothesizing about human past AND PRESENT is in order, wouldn’t you say?
While we are talking about DNA, let me try and blow your mind. Check this wild s#it! In Russia, there is a scientist that can get you healed from any illness/dis-eased state. But only if you own a picture of yourself as a baby/young healthy child.
Sirius, you are crazy!! No way this is possible!
With that picture there is a way to RETURN your DNA to the state in which it was - IN THAT PICTURE, which then heals your body in the present state! Yep, don’t ask me how, but this crazy Russian has success with his technique! Althoough I think this technique could qualify as Voodoo hah 😐. Guy’s name is Piotr Gariaev:
Here are a couple of videos for those of you who know Croatian language. Years ago - in what seems like some strange reality never to be seen again - Gariaev was hosted by Kreshimir Mishak on “NRZ” (“On The Edge Of Science“), a legendary show on our national tv:
«Before we can move forward, deconstructing old constructs and deprogramming parasitic malware is of fundamental importance!»
Scientific (SOYentific) methodology
Let us take a look at bulletproof soyentific methods that are used for installing non-sensical dogmas which make us live in a complete fantasy.
Once called Natural Science, it was this new incredible ability of man to find out exactly what is what and how stuff really works, not that churchy spiritual invisible mumbo jumbo.
The ability to dissect with a sharp knife and then observe to form an abstract view! But it has to be dead first! And that my girls and guys is what we base our reality on. Dissected death. How damn constrained! and telling..
Have you ever heard of Academy Of Gondishapur?
When I first started discovering the true nature of modern science, I looked for who to blame for such a nasty destructive situation! And many times I heard how modern science is rooted in Christianity/Catholic Church. But that is NOT the case! Now, thanks to information that was shared by Rudolf Steiner, I learned how modern scientific methodology was very probably created from the blunted knowledge from Gondishapur that managed to reach England via south Europe.
According to Rudolf Steiner one very telling fact about this ancient center of knowledge is how the “Academy of Gondishapur” gnosis was the direct opposition to the teaching of Jesus Christ. And boy oh boy, are we not seeing the fruits of this tree?
The Academy of Gondishapur or "'Academy of Jondishapur"'(Persian: فرهنگستان گندیشاپور, Farhangestân-e Gondišâpur), also known as the Gondishapur University (دانشگاه گندیشاپور Dânešgâh-e Gondišapur), was one of the three Sasanian centers of education (Ctesiphon, Ras al-Ayn, Gundeshapur) and academy of learning in the city of Gundeshapur, Iran during late antiquity, the intellectual center of the Sasanian Empire. (…)
In a.d. 489, the East Syriac Christian theological and scientific center in Edessa was ordered closed by the Byzantine emperor Zeno, and was transferred and absorbed into the School of Nisibis in Asia Minor, also known as Nisibīn, then under Persian rule. Here, Nestorian scholars, together with Hellenistic philosophers banished from Athens by Justinian in 529, carried out important research in medicine, astronomy, and mathematics.
However, it was under the rule of the Sassanid emperor Khosrau I (a.d. 531-579), known to the Greeks and Romans as Chosroes, that Gondeshapur became known for medicine and learning. Khosrau I gave refuge to various Greek philosophers and Syriac-speaking Nestorian Christians fleeing religious persecution by the Byzantine empire. The Sassanids had long battled the Romans and Byzantines for control of present-day Iraq and Syria and were naturally disposed to welcome the refugees. (…)
Gondishapur wiki
Carbon dating
Have you heard of the professor of archeology who found soft tissue in dinosaur bones and got sacked from his University for it? He then sued the University which then settled with him out of court. They gave him 100k $ to try and keep it quiet. And it is not the only case of soft tissue found in what they say are bones old up to sixty million years. And this is not an isolated case!
Btw, in this case poor guy was immediately branded as a CREATIONIST!
Lawsuit: CSUN Scientist Fired After Soft Tissue Found On Dinosaur Fossil
While at the Hell Creek Formation excavation site in Montana, researcher Mark Armitage discovered what he believed to be the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site, according to attorney Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute.
Upon examination of the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Dacus says Armitage was "fascinated" to find soft tissue on the sample - a discovery Bacus said stunned members of the school's biology department and even some students "because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago."
"Since some creationists, like [Armitage], believe that the triceratops bones are only 4,000 years old at most, [Armitage's] work vindicated his view that these dinosaurs roamed the planet relatively recently," according to the complaint filed July 22 in Los Angeles Superior Court.
The lawsuit against the CSUN board of trustees cites discrimination for perceived religious views.
Armitage's findings were eventually published in July 2013 in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
///check the mental gymnastics stretch in the next paragraph///
The discovery is the latest in several recent - and controversial - soft tissue finds by archaeologists: researchers last November claimed the controversial discovery of purported 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex can be explained by iron in the dinosaur's body, which they say preserved the tissue before it could decay.
I think that carbon dating is a huge SCAM. If only I could find the comment and the link which claimed how carbon dating “is good for 4 years only“! It looked like it was coming from someone who knew specifics about carbon dating procedure, hence legit! And you can imagine how much effort would the Academy put into hiding that fact when their whole narrative rests upon it.
Let’s see what Brian Thomas PhD of ICR.ORG says about carbon dating:
Can Carbon Dating Be Trusted?
Should we trust carbon dates? C-14 results lose reliability the further back in time they go. Thus, carbon “ages” for the oldest fossils don’t match their actual ages—though they fall much closer to biblical than evolutionary age expectations for Flood fossils. It appears that carbon dates of relatively recent artifacts often fit reality, but carbon dates from the distant past do not.
More articles on carbon dating from ICR.ORG: Issues w carbon dating
And while there is talk about dinosaurs and I am writing this → it has been cooking for more than two months now - which is too long - yet I would not have the opportunity to →, I must share this excellent stack which came on 4 April from
A very nice synchronicity from my point of view!
What AGENT131711 has discovered makes this topic even more controversial!
Dinosaur Hoax
A five part series
It seems that dinosaurs are a HUGE scam, invented to CONFIRM the claim how we live in a VERY old world! Now think which mainstream “theories“ would be confirmed by such a lie?!
So, do you still trust the official historical chronology which is pushed down our throats by experts and academics?
Should you break your smartphone or laptop because you finally realized that you believed in such bs? Of course not. Take a hold of your emotions you should. And channel that energy towards better future you should. Just Yodaing.
Short video summary of A.T.Fomenko’s “New Chronology”
Here is a video which nicely compliments what has been stated about “New Chronology” thus far. It offers detailed explanations of most important Fomenko’s discoveries. Like details about issues with official history of Rome and Egypt; the issues with medieval period made to look as ancient; the issues with chronology and dating of religious scripture, namely the biblical texts. And of course, more examples of Jesuits at work. Methods for forging are also discussed throughout the video. One find that is mind-blowing is about the Old and New Testaments. Don’t you think that the possibility how the New Testament was written before the Old Testament is fascinating?! And the implications of it!?
What’s the point of so much INVERSION of the truth? To flip the true meaning which then gives authority to people who should not have any! To make people who killed Jesus Christ seem like they are his ardent followers!
runtime: 48minutes
Tartarian Meltology
And so that we can form a better image of what this previous civilization actually looked like, imagine humongous “Mountain-Cities” (like Babylon tower or Sodom and Gommorah) that were built on designated spots on Earth’s energy grid so as to utilize it. And when the “X-catastrophe-event” happened it was all easily and quickly electro-melted.
The Tartarian Meltdown Documentary - Meltology Explained on bitchute. -runtime: 2hours 07minutes
Now compare the look of such a civilization to how we build! Mind→BOOM! And they obviously had the know-how to create RIVERS! Did you ever see how the massive springs from which rivers form look? Huge straight circular super long/deep shafts from which clean water is coming.
Also, with everything being built like a circuit board, the idea being the utilization of environmental energy source, probably aether-plasma, to power tools, lights and other utilities with free energy. It was all “inter-connected” so the electrocution happened rather quickly. We can only guess if this was a natural catastrophe or the use of ancient DEWs. But many sure think that it was done by God. Was it done by God?
What I imagine to be God (with a capital G) would never manifest to its creations/imaginations (us) and/or use such crude means of destruction. But there are very many hierarchies between top and the bottom in the spirit world. And with reality being an illusion, almost every imaginable thing is possible.
Also, who really can be 100% sure about the real reason for a global melt?! Maybe it is a periodic and natural event in which Earth transforms to the next level of its evolution (forget Darwinism!). And since Earth is connected to humanity in its evolution, this “X event” will always coincide with a stage of development of man. Any human that would survive such an ordeal could not but imagine that the explanation of such an event would be a punishment from God (or gods). And the reason would include some type of unnatural perverted wicked (evil) type of behavior.
There is also the story from “The Book of Enoch”. About the necessary destruction of Nefilim, demented half-humans half-fallen angels. A race of giants that was spawned when fallen angels had intercourse with human women that then nearly destroyed everything around them - which is possibly the first evidence for avoiding race mixing? But why not kill just the Nefilim? Or where they killed/destroyed only after they destroyed the human society of those days? Remember the meme from above, about the Smithosonian/Jezuits destroying evidence of giant skeletons?
One thing is for sure! It would be damn awesome if we could get to the bottom of all of this and know how things stand for sure, wouldn’t it? But I am under the impression that if we have to rely solely on scripture and ancient writings how a good part will remain a mystery. And that we will have to choose what to believe when we hear different hypothesis. Which is why I always emphasize how some things can be discerned only by looking through the lense of “Know The Tree By The Fruit That It Bears”.
So here we are, a century after the last and greatest stream of evidence against the official chronology/narrative, few meters deeper into the evil-doodoo than we should have been! Maybe this new tide of evidence and insights which completely destroy the official narrative will have the desired effect.
And it is logical that we would be in such deep doodoo. How could it not be so? This is a perfect breeding ground for The Evil to spread and thrive and take hold of entire humanity. Humans are forced into Usury and Fear and are coerced into chasing rotten carrots and worshipping death and destruction. When they could be empowering themselves and tearing down the parasitic power systems that are manipulating and controlling them!
Connecting the dots
One VERY empowering insight is how Russia and U.S.A. were NEVER enemies, it is part of the scenario which allows for the “forever conflict” to keep the warmongering banking elites in power while the Goyim are divided to be ruled and sent to wars. But you can have such insights only if you do the necessary research to learn how both Russia and USA, as well as EU and Asia, are secretly run by the same people.
A Goy
And note that if you refuse to be sent to wars and you are fighting against the real evil virus carrier, who is responsible for all wars and the worldwide usury through banking! Then you are inverting the meaning of Goy - so that the intended meaning is more suited for those who coined this derogatory term! And you become the one who scares these infected and possessed villains the most! A white blood cell that is ready for action and is the only entity in existence that can destroy the virus!
Also, this is no coincidence. Inverted goy is yog - just add an i… et voila ;) Hah, imagine an army of wise Yogi’s that wield fiery TRUTH SHOWING swords!
Thanks for dropping by!
Enjoy your day!
additional resources:
A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy: “TSAR OF THE SLAVS” (published online)
Issues with TACITUS by M.Simpson
"A Hoax Or History?", essay on Tacitus by Michal Sympson
#deprogramming knowledge&resources:
-all rights reserved!-
Let's not forget that the Jews only falsified history, but writing was there from the beginning. Sumerians, Egyptians, etc... But previous humanity also left traces, which always involved the accidental burning of a library...
I really liked the article. there is so much to say about all the fabrications and constructions of lies that are shoved down our throats. I haven't believed much for a long time...or maybe forever. by the way, what year are we in, surely it's 2024? :)