Language As A Weapon - Deprogramming knowledge&resources
How can I break free from indoctrination and programming? So that I can create a better world for myself and others!
There are dangerous rumors going around. Rumors that in the distant past all humans spoke the same language. Imagine a world in which we all understand everybody. Would our cultures still be that different? I think not. For one, you would have a hard time if you planed to rule these people with the usual divide&conquer tactics. Or swindle them to go to war against each other so that you keep your power over them. Or make the masses pay for energy that should be free for all when the technology is available. So many examples of why some nefarious force would benefit from making humans speak so many different languages.
In fact, you could say that differences between cultures stem from differences in languages which they are using. Language is sound. Sound manifests perceivable ‘physical’ reality. Physical-world or Spiritual-world are just our ideas. We create concepts based on differentiation between various things.
Things are nothing but thinks and these words exist only in our minds. In natural reality, EVERYTHING IS INTERCONNECTED AND IS HAPPENING ALL AT ONCE.
Best to clean up shop before moving for-ward and have a start with a clean sound.

Different words in different languages are used for the same things which do not exist in the real world except as our thoughts.
A very simple fix is achieved just by removing negatives from your thought/speech pattern. You can literally transform how you see and experience the world.
So you can classify language as a weapon just by the fact that every language has the possibility of negative or positive type use.
Most obvious example how language can be a dangerous weapon and that it can work against its user is in the case of English language.
Here is a cool comment from some guy on youtube which masterfully breaks it down:
Weekend = weakened. So you arrive "weakened" to your "weekend" from your work week, because the work made you weak. They're called week days because they put you into a weak daze. A break is called a break, during your slave filled day, because most slaves would "break" without the break. Our slave masters know this and provide the break because it helps produce more milk from the human cattle. The original break of course given to a slave came when they passed out from complete exhaustion or actually died. The slave owner would say he's broke, broken or taking a permanent break. How do you pronounce "wor"? That's right, it's pronounced "WAR" and "WOR" with a "K" on the end of it is "WORK." Did you know K is the Egyptian letter for death? So work actually means war plus death.
The use of a hypno based language, designed by our humans farmers, helps increase control over the slave planting the fertile subconscious with seeds of perpetual servitude. Control is CON-TROLL, the con job designed for the trolls. You get up to the morning, but mourning is a form of sorrow or grieving. You say "hello" as you arrive but why is our greeting "hell-low"? Why is "hell" a part of our greeting? Why do other words referring to hot places surround us like "hotmail" (hot-male) or firefox. Who is the historical hot male? (aka.....the devil......which is the word "lived" spelled backwards) You get up in the morning (mourning) to earn a living but earn is also "urn", a vessel to keep the cremated ashes of your body. Mourning (morning) is another word synonymous with death. You wake from your slum-ber (from your slum) with coffee, the same prefix used in the word coffin, Egyptian in origin, originally spelled KAffee or KAffin, KA meaning the spirit after death. You go to your job but Job in the bible is a man who's heavily tormented by God. (pronounced Joob) Job in the bible has his wealth, health and children stolen from him by Satan but Satan was given permission by God to do so. Why is our work (our job) literally named after a man (Job) who has is health, children and wealth taken away?
Why is God and Satan working together on Job, to make his life more miserable? For our slavery we're given $20 bills, $50 bills, $100 bills etc......but aren't bills something you pay, something you owe? At a restaurant if you're given "a bill" for $50, don't you owe $50? And there lies the secret in plain sight, our payments are called bills by our human farmers because we owe it all back to them, first in taxes and then in useless meaningless purchases, as we waste our money trying to rabidly decorate our jail cell down on the human farm. We spend our bills on soulless purchases from large corporations that our social engineers own. They laugh at how inept we are.This is why most people have no money, because we're not being paid to be slaves, we're being given bills that we need to pay. We're paying to be slaves. You obey the watch to arrive on time because the watch is designed to be the watcher or slave driver. What drives the slaves to work? The watch watches you and signifies the wrist chain worn by someone who isn't in control of their time. The neck tie was originally designed to signify the dog collar or neck chain, meaning being owned and controlled by someone else. You need to have a "collar shirt" on to where the neck tie around your throat. The neck tie means you're tied and controlled by another, a slave to the script. The slave can only pick the color and quality of their tie but can never choose to be free of the tie around their neck.
Most people at work have a title. Title is really TIE-TELL, the symbolism of how your title tells others who you are tied to. Your TIE-TELL signifies who controls the tie (dog collar) around your neck, around the "collar" shirt. People often wear a uniform. Uniform is derived from the word UNI, meaning one and form, meaning "a way to be". Uniform means you're programming and conditioned to act like everyone else wearing the same uni-form, equaling no independence and no free will. Your morality and ethics are spoken for. Inject that other slave with a toxic vaccine. Serve that other slave some poisonous coffee. Go kill slaves in other countries, inside fake wars where slave master controls both sides. Welcome to the slave life. The suit and tie is our most common uniform, signifying our willingness to outsource our morality and ethics to another.
Your behavior dictated by forces outside of yourself, the removal of free will. You arrive on time. The word time is ti-me or tie-me........tie me to the chains so the work can begin. Put the tie around my neck, so I can obey and comply to slave master. The cuff links represent the hand cuffs or links of another slavery based chain around the wrist yet if they're made from gold, we think we're free. We lie to ourselves because lying is a word that means "we lie down", submitting to our slavery, instead of standing up to slave master. We've exchanged our chains of cast iron for chains of gold. The person in "charge" means the person who conducts the electricity, as charge is an electrical or energy term.
This describes the energy thrown into us from slave master, making us perform and dance with their electricity, as we've had our own personal electrical charge of free will surgically removed by master's indoctrination systems and sleights of mind. During conventional slavery, the slave owner had to incur all costs including housing, health care, food, cleaning of the slave quarters, clothing, birthing of the child slaves, raising the child slaves, transportation of the slaves back and forth from work, celebrations, clean up after a natural disaster, slave entertainment, schooling of the new slave children to be good slaves etc etc. A slave owner's profit was always revenue minus expenses, no different than any business. The big trick was to tell the slaves that they were free, let them pay all those expenses, allow them to come back to the plantations and then to tax them in order to actually make more profit compared to the original slavery concept, with little to no chance of rebellion or resistance.
All taxation is meant to increase a slave's dependence on their slavery, as the people taking the tax away from the slaves print the money themselves and therefore don't have any use for it. Taxation is about keeping the slave down. That's it. Taxation has one purpose and one purpose only. To make the slave dependent on coming back to the modern plantations of slavery, day in and day out. If the slave starts to save their money, give them a TV full of negative role modelling and watch the slave magically go into debt. If the slave still has money, organize a stock market crash or increases the taxes (theft). The people who print the money, have no use for extra fake paper money, which they can print at anytime and in any quantity they desire. The entire drive of the tax system is to make sure the slave has no extra money, as to provide them with enough freedom to figure any of this out. Slavery wasn't abolished, the plantation was simply expanded and they mock us inside the language. Everyone was tricked into becoming a slave, while believing they're free. The language is loaded with many dis-empowering subconscious cues because our human farmers have been at this game much longer than they'll allow us to know.
Do you know what's going on? Are you sure?
Headspinning stuff eh!? This comment came at the right time as well! Cause I am almost finished with my first post on New Chronology, which is what inspired me to do a deprogramming stack in the first place. But, before that I have to publish a series of texts with a fellow researcher for Croatian subscribers. And I really hope you are getting the message. Because if you are’nt, you risk being cleanly dressed slaves to monster cyborg zog frogs.
And who wants that? It would be hard to have any kind of fun in such dreary and depressing circumstances! Which is why I believe that we have to deprogramm our programmed arses and create something good for ourselves, or die trying. Because it is obvious that running/living on malware and spyware can only make you go self-destruct sooner, in a cage of dirty plastic and in a lot of pain.
So there are our two choices: self-destructing while we spend our only shot at life to help make some horrific parasite a bit fatter OR we actually try and make something REALLY good out of it.
Have a nice day my dear readers. Especially the ones who are engaging with this substack.