"The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation", lecture by Walter J. Veith / "Jezuiti i Kontra Reformacija"
Jesuits - the creators of the big LIE - the "Official History Timeline" - it is time for #NewChronology / fundamentalne informacije za sve nas koje zanima #NovaKronologija!
For four years Walter watched his mother, who was a Protestant, struggle with illnes and die without any chance for Salvation. Few years later, this has suddenly changed and under the new rules she could now receive a blessing. So naturally he has a huge grudge with the Catholic Church, and rightfully so! So he somehow decided to deconstruct their erred theology and their most precious clerical order - The Jesuits. And he found more than he was looking for..
Who is Walter J. Veith? He is from South Africa and has a doctorate in zoology, author of the series of seminars titled “Amazing Discoveries”.
Četiri godine Walter je gledao svoju majku, koja je bila član Protestantske crkve, kako se bori s bolešću i potom umire bez ikakve šanse za Spasenjem duše. Za nekoliko godina to se odjednom promijenilo i po novim pravilima bi ona sada ipak mogla primiti blagoslov. Dakle, nije za čuditi što ima veliki ‘problem’ s Katoličkom crkvom, i to sa punim pravom! I tako je nekako odlučio dekonstruirati njihovu kvarnu teologiju i njihov najdragocjeniji klerikalni red - Jezuite/Družba Isusova. I našao je više nego što je tražio..
Tko je Walter J. Veith? Dolazi iz Južne Afrike, doktorirao je zoologiju, autor serije seminara “Amazing Discoveries”.
(…) what we are going to speak about in the next two lecturs concerns EVERY ONE OF US, weather we know it, or weather we don’t know it (…)
(…)Ono o čemu ćemo govoriti u sljedeća dva predavanja se tiče SVAKOGA OD NAS, znali mi to ili ne! (…)
part I - runtime: 1hour58min
part II - runtime: 1hour55min
Both videos are free to download from odysee, under cc licensing.
As I mentioned before, and as Robert Aleksander Maryks writes, Ignatio Loyola was a convert.
The Jesuits, a military clerical order of the Catholic Church, are the people who are responsible NOT ONLY for the lies we have been taught in the public school system! They are also the ones who go into the war zones and subvert any efforts of freeing the people to their plans for world domination, as per instructions from the Vatican. And, as Walter Veith states in his lecture:
“According to Templar theology, they look to have the world subjected to The Dragon, not to The Christ Jesus!”
You see, when you know how Freemasonry is basically a jewish operation, and how the Synagogue has subverted the Catholic Church, and how Talmudic Law reaches even above Admiralty Law, all the puzzle pieces start to fall into place.
This is a good introduction to the theme of Anatoliy Fomenko’s “New Chronology”. The true face of the Jesuit order - people who brought to you your public education and much much more, as you will undoubtedly learn from these lectures.
Also, I’m almost done with the next stack about New Chronology, themed with ancient maps, and I dare say, amazing insights.
And it seems my fellow researcher
has finally given in and will be, after all the nagging, starting his own substack.A kaj reči osim: “Nadam se da znate engleski. A ak ne znate, možda vam je došlo vrijeme da ga krenete bubati. Ovakav sadržaj možete zaboraviti na naškom. A transkript sa jewtuba je, hebiga, koma. Nikad ni kasno za ič’ učit novi jezik!”
Dakle, kao što sam prethodno pisao, Ignacije Loyola je bio konvert! Židov, pripadnik kaste računovođa i nositelja Carskog Kršćanstva, koji se pokrstio u Katolika i pokrenuo red Isusovaca/Jezuita kako bi dodatno oslabio Kršćanstvo i podredio moć Katolićke crkve svojim planovima.
Vi koji znate engleski odvojite potrebna štiri sata, možete si to i downloadati for fraj! A vi koji ne znate, dajte si truda pa si prevedite ovo kaj sam rekel’ iznad a da vam namjerno nisam prevel’:)!
Dakle, ak’ smijem predložit, ili kavica il čaj, možda i lagana piva - u svakom slučaju prije se počastiti komadom pravog domaćeg špeka i/ili opuštajućom masažicom, barem stopala - kojeg špeka? Onog odstajalog i sušenog; bez dekstroze il šećera, a jel špek il panceta nek vam bu na izbor, more i malo pršuta uz fertl crnjaka (alkohol se isplati konzumirati samo u moderaciji). Bemti, kad vidim kaj stavljaju u svinjsku mast, čvarke, kobasice i sad po novom i špek, dođe mi da ih sve postrojim i pre-educiram!
Thanks for subscribing, reading, sharing and liking! SIRIUS depends on reader engagement!
Thank you! That was very enlightening. I look forward to more on this topic!
Walter is a walking encyclopedia, a true information juggernaut. A few years ago when I stumbled his Total Onslaught series I stayed buried in it for a lonnnggg time.