Why they hide the Vinča Civilization? Why and How to Divide&Rule Slavs!
Evidence of a rather exceptional civilization that completely destroys the official history timeline and threatens ruling elite's power base = Divide&Rule! "Designer history" enables USURY and WARS!
#deprogramming knowledge&resources
Vinča, a very good example which shows how official history/timeline is a deceitful fantasy road that is built upon lies! With a specific purpose to make the plebs think how the “elites” have a legitimate claim to their high status in the human society (and how Unicorns will come and save them when the SHTF, be still while we rape you goy!). But in reality they are the scum of the Earth - self proclaimed rulers that have a huge affinity for being evil demonic parasites up-on their fellow humans.
Croatian spelling: Vinča - letters “č” or “ć” are pronunced: “ch” → “č” being pronounced as hard ch; “ć” as soft ch.
Outside of the Balkan region rarely anyone has heard of the Vinča civilization. And you should have at least heard of it. It was first discovered over a hundred years ago, in the year 1908!
This civilization flourished from about 6000 BC to 3000 BC. It was first named “Vinca-Tordos Culture of Yugoslavia and western Romania”. It derived its name from the place where it was discovered. A village named Vinča, located on the banks of the Danube river, only 14 km downstream from the city of Belgrade, the capitol of Serbia. Hmm, what does Tordos stand for? A Hungarian historian might know! Luckily, I have a knack for finding such details:
Vinca-Tordos. Since 1879, Zsofia Torma began to explore the Vinca culture, but as a woman was relegated to the background. Since then, it has been known that the oldest culture of Europe can be found there, stretching along the rivers in the lowlands, because they were primarily engaged in agriculture. They also raised animals and had a highly developed craft and metal industry. This means that their primary location is not in the Balkan Mountains, but in the Carpathian Basin and lower Danube basins. Bulgária-Madara, Magyar-Arad, Magyar-Temesvár.
(Croatian word for a Hungarian: -Mađar- ; “đ” is pronounced as “g” but without “ee” )
More on Hungarian-Croatian relations below.
Why is Vinča so important?
Because Vinča’s people had knowledge of metallurgy more than five thousand years ago! They also knew of more star constellations than venerated Egyptians! And Vinča’s use of symbols/script predates Sumerian and Egyptian writing by three thousand years!
Wait, what? Vinča invented script and metallurgy quite A BIT BEFORE the supposed Bronze Age (3300 BC to 1200 BC)? So how come Vinča is not a well known ancient civilization? And how come Bronze Age is still so late to the party?
What does this tell us about academics who mindlessly support modern history timeline? That they are like trained monkeys for shekels, ignorant cretins all in all! And what kind of society would give high status to cretinous trained monkeys? 15minute ZOOs - anyone? Exactly!
And who knows how many more examples like Vinča are still buried!? Also, knowing what we know, we can suspect that many findings were destroyed while others where misnamed to fit the Scaligerian box of lies.
So, if we take for granted how we are in 2024 (lolz), going back some 7000 years, modern civilization started developing in the area that spans from Carpathian to Dinaric Alps mountains (the region of central and southeastern Europe). This hypothesis works well with the catastrophic event that seems to have taken place in distant past and which wiped out the preceding civilization. And that preceding civilization is Plato’s Atlantis - in the north.
Misinformation about Vinča
that is going around monkeyACAdemic circles:
1. That they worked copper, but made only insignificant ornaments and had no bronze tools. They're Chalcolithic, pre-dating the Bronze Age. The Vinča's origin was from the First Farmers, who migrated to the Balkans from Anatolia, they were not Aryans;
2. The term Aryan is intentionally misused, which specifically refers to the Indo-European speaking population that migrated to Iran and India. Their origin was the Indo-European heartland of the Yamnaya Culture, of the Pontic-Caspian steppe. The Yamnaya are also the origin of the "Aryans" who migrated into Europe;
3. Vinča culture did not have script;
4. The “Arctic Home in the Vedas” was published in 1903, which means the author did not have a lot of the information later gathered via archaeology.
Aryans actually came from the North?
Have you heard of this book that was written at the start of the 20th century?
"The Arctic Home In The Vedas" confirms claims how Aryans came from the North, meaning the Arctic region. And it confirms claims how the Arctic was once a habitable continent, perhaps even the wild story about the Inner Earth, of which the entrance was situated somewhere in the far NORTH.
Btw, I have my own theory about “Why there are all the different races in the Earth world instead just one?” . . .
Written by Bal Ganghadar Thilak in 1903.
I will talk more on Aryans in the “New Chronology Introduction” I am currently wrestling with. This short bit about Vinča was to be included in it. Luckily I decided to do a proper post of it. And it just kept growing ;)
Vinča discovers Mettalurgy in the Neolithic
Large ore deposits in the central Balkans resulted in early discovery of metallurgy by the Neolithic inhabitants. High quantity of malachite at some Vinča sites indicate why they discovered metallurgy. Malachite was found mostly in form of amorphous lumps which makes it likely that it was primarily used in primitive metallurgy and incidentally in production of stone objects for adornment.
Malachite, copper finds and metallurgical features in Vinča culture, prehistoric mines and copper deposits in Serbia.
▲ Malachite finds, ∆ copper finds, ■ metallurgical features, ● prehistoric mines, ≡ copper deposits.
Early Vinča sites: 1. Vinča, 6. Belovode, 8. Pločnik, 9. Fafos.
Late Vinča sites: 1. Vinča, 2. Selevac, 3. Divostin, 4. Grivac, 7. Rudna Glava, 11. Velika Gradina – Stapari, 12. Gomolava.
Chronologicaly undefined sites: 5. Mali Šturac, 10. Jarmovac.
Additional resource:
The Rise Of Metallurgy in Eurasia
“Evolution, Organisation and Consumption of Early Metal in the Balkans” - by Miljana Radivojević, Benjamin W.Roberts, Miroslav Marić, Julka Cvetković and Thilo Rehren.
Vinča’s symbols/script
“Vinča symbols” have been found on many artefacts excavated from sites in southeast Europe, in particular from Vinča, but also from sites in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, eastern Hungary, Moldova, southern Ukraine and the former Yugoslavia. The artefacts date from between the 7th and 4th millennia BC and the ones that are decorated with these symbols are between 8000 and 6500 years old. The inscriptions are all short and appear on objects found mostly in burial sites. The language that is represented is not known. But we can see where many known ancient symbols have their roots.
Vinča font was drawn by Sorin Paliga of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature at the University of Bucharest, Romania

Karanovo, Bulgaria
Large tell in the Azmak Valley near Nova Zagora, whose deposits span the early Neolithic through to the middle Bronze Age and provide not only a full account of the cultural history of southern Bulgaria but also an important sequence connecting central Europe with southeastern Europe. It was excavated by V. Mikov and G. Georgiev in the late 1930s, when more than 12 m of deposit were investigated and grouped into seven levels. Levels I and II represent the early Neolithic, part of the Starčevo group of cultures, with square houses built of wattle and daub. Level III has Veselinovo associations, with dark burnished and carinated pottery. Level IV is characterized as Kalojanovec Culture and seems to reflect a local tradition. Level V has Marica Culture material, including graphite painted wares and excised pottery. Together, levels IV and V are contemporary with the late Neolithic Vinča Culture of the western Balkans. The very thick level VI is the Gumelnita horizon, with graphite painted wares and the evidence for an emergent copper metallurgy. In this period the tradition for small square houses was changed, and rather larger rectangular structures, many with more than one room, were built, most of them internally plastered and painted. After a stratigraphic hiatus the final level (VII) belongs to the early Bronze Age.
The Old European Script. Further evidence
Earliest known “Chess” game discovered in Vinča?
Well, that is my impression based on the position/location at which they were found. They look like figurines that could be used in a game. Or maybe they were for spiritual use of some type? Some researchers speculate that these figurines are showing foreigners/attackers, since the faces are without detail and since they look like carrying “weapons“ (I would say those are tools). As opposed to the other type of figurines that are usually found and which are better known and are much more detailed and have intricately designed heads (posted below). But I do not think that this is the case. I think that if those were meant to show attackers that archeologists would find more examples than just that one set. Especially because figurines were so present in their culture. And in this case I have noticed a tendency to force the talk about warlike aspects of these people - where there aren’t as many as there are expected!
These faceless figurines were found at the site called Stubline.
(…)The set of 43 figurines and 11 miniature weapon models stand out as a unique find within the Late Neolithic Vinča culture. These figurines were found placed on a clay platform near the oven. So far only several sets of figurines are reported to have come from the central Balkans. A group of seven realistically modeled anthropomorphic figurines was found at the site of Divostin and Selevac in Serbia. On the other hand, large figurine sets are more common in the sphere of Cucuteni-Tripolye cultures, especially sets from the sites of Poduri and Isaia in Romania.(…) ///yeah, isnt it strange how these archeological sites are always named as a different ancient culture?///
(…)Here I point to the fact that a very large number of Vinča-culture figurines show representations of various types of clothing, jewellery, and hairstyles. Even when the figurines are totally schematized, without any details represented, their morphology and physical appearance clearly point to their cultural origin. On the other hand, figurines from Stubline have a totally abstract, schematic appearance which has no significant analogy in Vinča-culture figurine production.
Stubline is a Late Neolithic Vinča-culture settlement built around 4700 BCE on an elevated slope near Serbian’s capital Belgrade. Excavations there revealed an exceptionally well-preserved settlement, with more then 200 above-ground houses arranged in rows, with linear communications, open spaces, and circular ditches surrounding the settlement. As in many other Neolithic villages in the central Balkans, a ground plan of the settlement at Stubline clearly illustrates settlement growth dynamics. We do not know which was the first house built in Stubline and who were its first inhabitants, but, over time the settlement was extended, and two ditches were dug at the far western part, either as a symbolic division of space, or to protect the inhabitants and their possessions. As time passed, the community became larger and larger, and, as a result, the two ditches were filled in order to provide the additional space needed for the new construction of houses. The houses were again erected in rows, in the same orientation as the earlier ones. This layout of new buildings enabled the persistence of former communications. New Stubline shows continuity with earlier organizational ideas, which, on a broader scale, reflects the settlement narrative as an enduring, long-term process, rather than an event, or a point in history, a true case of longue durée.
Two above-ground houses were discovered during the 2008 and 2010 excavations at the Vinča-culture settlement of Stubline. The excavated houses were rectangular in shape and have an exceptionally well preserved house inventory that offers unique insights into Neolithic housing. The house from the 2008 field season is rectangular in form without a discernible subdivision of rooms. The household inventory consists of two ovens, one quern, one clay structure for cereal storage, dozens of ceramic vessels, 43 anthropomorphic figurines, and 11 miniature tool models. Among other finds, one portable clay bucranium was found in the central part of the house. The second house was also rectangular, again without any discernible subdivision of the interior space. The house had a massive clay floor and numerous well-preserved structures and finds (two ovens, one clay structure for cereal storage, a clay table, one quern, a large number of storage vessels, etc.). Two bucrania were associated with the large oven in the north-eastern part of the house and were found facing the floor. A third bucranium is entirely made of clay and was found in the mass of collapsed wall fragments in the heavily damaged southern part of the house. Besides the confirmation that numerous activities took place inside Vinča-culture houses, as well as clear evidence that the houses were both sacred and profane places, the houses in question revealed the way in which their inhabitants conceived their natural environment, community, and foreigners. To a certain degree, their houses reflected themselves.
Vinča clay figurines
This is how the better known figurines usually look. Astonishing detail on every one of them. And the shape of their heads? Seems like they were very into wearing ornamental masks.
Arrangement of Vinča culture figurines - a study of social structure and organization
Old folk tales describe people who were NOT warlike!
Vinča has very little to offer regarding warfare. This means that they were not a warlike people! A nightmare for modern warmongering idiots who are so well represented in today’s pessimistic zombi-consumer video-game fast-sugar vegtard society! Yes, some construction on Vinča sites looks like it was built for defending. But in those days huge wild animals could have been the biggest threat to them and their settlements. Which is another reason to suspect that those faceless figurines are not representing attackers.
So imagine a time when people were peaceful and there was not much need for city walls as a means of defending against an invasion of other humans! We also know how, as opposed to Romans, Greeks and all other semites, Illyrian people revered their women! They DID NOT perceive them as objects and sex slaves! The most well known and loved ruler of Illyrians happens to be Queen Teuta. But I do not put much affection to any officially allowed story about my ancestors. In fact, I discovered how the story of Illyrian king Agron, of course found on wikijoopedia and in public school history books, has been fabricated - to make Illyrians look and seem like weak barbarians. 20 emperors weaklings - yeah…
Btw, the name “Illyrian” was supposedly invented by Romans and to this day we have not been able to find what name they had used for themselves. But we do know that they detested centralized government! And recently I learned that they are most probably the descendants/remnants of Etruscan people.
Ancient Roman Unicorn legacy?
To me it is becoming obvious how most of the technology and art which is said to come from Romans is appropriated/stolen from peoples who have been scrubbed from history books.
Or if they couldn’t be completely eliminated and erased from history, they were labeled and described like wild barbarians - to be glossed over. So who knows how much of Roman culture is actually Roman!? Majority of “Roman history” could very well be a composite of various archeological findings and invented/reshuffled history which emperor Diocletian’s behavior is confirming.
And so that is why Vinča is such a good example how the official history is an evil deception!
→ and now to the announced DIGRESSION→
Official History is construed to fortify established governance through Rule&Divide
Mainstream narrative states how Hungary, is Croatian nemesis from ancient times as well as from Austro-Ugar period and post WW1 divisions of Balkan territory. Here are some good reasons that explain why lllyrians and their descendants are targeted by the “elite” scum! Because peaceful Illyrians once OWNED what we today know as ancient Rome! Invincible Romans could not defeat them for 250-300 years! When they taught you about Rome, did they say that TWENTY Roman emperors were of Illyrian descent? Illyrians were famous independent pirate lords of the Mediterranean. Famous emperor Diocletian, of Illyrian descent and native to Dalmatia, would not even go and VISIT the city of Rome, let alone have the capitol situated there!
Not only based on the fruits that this conspiracy tree has given, but I have it on good authority, namely Rudolf Steiner, how throughout the 19th and 20th century Freemasons/western secret brotherhoods made sure that the peoples of Balkan and their ungovernable genes will be thoroughly divided and will hate each other enough to go kill each other!
Serbian monarchy was first used to start 6thJanuary Dictatorship in 1929 ///( not a coincidence that the date 06.January is used by secret brotherhoods → god Janus comes to mind, number 6; well…central banker tribe is very resourceful but bleak and unimaginative and retarded in their evil planning )/// and later to start WW1 with the arranged murder of archduke Franz Ferdinand in Belgrade by one jew Gavrilo Princip; from the Black Hand secret society → on the other side of the world: Yiddish Black Hand of New York. It was also necessary to arrange for two lesser wars in Balkan so that the stage for WW1 would be finished.
Balkan Wars, (1912–13), two successive military conflicts that deprived the Ottoman Empire of all its remaining territory in Europe except part of Thrace and the city of Adrianople (Edirne).
In 19th and 20th century Freemasons in Serbia had completely different goals than the ones from Croatian lodges. When WW2 started, Serbian Freemasons arranged for extermination of all Jews in Serbia. And they steered Serbia under Russian communist influence. On the other hand, Croatian Freemasons were protecting jews and had close ties to Germany. Also, prior to WW1 we had Ottomans turn people against their own blood by making Jannisary troops and wherever they had ruled for awhile, the difference is seen and felt even today. Generally it can be said how during Ottoman invasions of Europe, majority of Serbs fell under Ottoman, while majority of Croats under Austro-Ugar influence. In fact, Croats were the toughest military troops for Austro-Ugar monarchy and at one point they literally saved Europe from becoming Islamic. My ancestors DID NOT let the Turk pass while they were on their watch while I have to watch Islam silently invade that same territory, like they come to claim what is secretly theirs?
But here, let and his excellent post describe those “heroic” times:
According to the most important goals that these secret societies have, Slav people (for them Illyrian descendants are Slavs) must NEVER be allowed to unite and rule themselves, but this inevitable stream of energy should be subverted and used in such a way that all Slavs will unconsciously work for their enemies. Hence the Bolshevik revolution which completely destroyed the remnants of old Tartarian (Slav/Turkic/Asian) population/legacy on territory of today Russia and which created Communists (majority being gay, no kidding!) who were consequently exported to China and installed as post WW2 Communist experiments in the Eastern part of the World.

Today, Croatian regions of Dalmatia, Istra and Slavonia are capable of making Croatia richer than Italy, but the monarchies and owners of banks work hard to destroy Croatian industry and to steal Croatian resources and dislodge its people.
Example of how they did it in Croatia when they arranged for the war in 1990s → next they arranged that all the weapons from Tito’s mighty JNA army will be taken by Serbs and then they had an embargo on import of weapons into Croatia put in place - so that the Balkan route would connect with drugs and weapon smugglers from Europe and establish a new smuggling route (today it is a worldwide DIPLOMATIC smuggling route, from Arab world to Turkey to UK/America to China Russia to Africa). Organ trafficking network was added and smuggling ramped up EVEN as Croatia and Serbia officially CLOSED their borders and went into a bloody war/purge. In wartime CONTRABAND has higher status/priority than ANY NATIONAL ISSUES!? What does that tell us? Right!
So, In this way they swamped Croatian cities with cheap hard drugs and made an entire generation of addicts that will escape and turn to criminal behavior and have the survivors enjoy PTSD for the rest of their lives (just like they now do in Ukraine). Since then thousands of vets have committed suicide and only God knows how many people went missing never to be found again! And as planned, Croatia is now in the hands of people who spent the war time abroad, on vaccation and in private schools - ALL are descendants of communists and military/secret service members! The system that they set up churns out obedient and useful idiots and makes hard working honest people move out of the country to go be a cheap workforce for wealthy westerners. It is an unrelenting cycle of wars, purges, economic subversion/manipulation and high treason! It should be noted how ONLY fools generalize entire nations and hate them based on official history and orders from the politicians.
Our governments are NOT enemies between themselves except for show, to make plebs BELIEVE IN WAR! And to allow for creation of so much needed CANNON FODDER. ←←←
That is it for this one.
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!
-all rights reserved!-
→ for new subscribers, all previous stacks in English language →
Excellent and very detailed research.
How fortunate that "our" today's so-called "official science" is NOT able to conduct similar research... Despite real artefacts... Unfortunately, this pseudo-science ("modern science") is exclusively concerned with - profiting from the so-called by "scientific consensus"...
The so-called "modern scientists" are even forced to adapt to the "scientific consensus" - behind which always stands the same usurer Cult.
(BTW, as well as behind the entire Narrative and Shekel (out of nowhere - i.e. from "central banks") owned by - the same Cult.
As for Vinča, I visited an excavation and a museum near Belgrade about 10 years ago.
A fantastic place with "unexplained" artifacts, which do not fit the standard "scientific" narrative at all.
You have summarized all of this very well in your text, the most interesting of which is that for more than 2000 years in the layers of excavations in Vinča - NO weapons of war have been found.
However, although about 10 years ago I myself believed in Scalier's (false) so-called "chronology" - reading Fomenko I corrected my views.
Simply put, I have rejected every "assumption" that the satanic usurer Cult, through pseudoscience and Narratives, has imprinted on generations of people for couple centuries.
Now... Since Fomenko doesn't even try to go back in time beyond 1000 years - I'm forced to guess. 😁
So, Fomenko, although he does not go further than the 10th century - sets a couple of basic instructions that existed at that time in Jerusalem (which according to him - is always just the name for the capital of the Empire) ...
Among other things, it describes conflicts of a political and religious nature, and one of them is the Slavic-Latin conflict (the religious conflict was between the Seducees (materialism) and the Pharisees (spirituality)).
According to AF, Christ was of Slavic origin and close to the Pharisees, whom now the so-called "religion" portrayed as "materialists", while according to pseudoscience - "the Seducees simply disappeared"...
The Vinča civilization, as it seems to me (disregarding the "scientific chronology") must have existed before Christ.
But what really happened, or what those people from Vinča looked like and so... - I think that for now, as far as I'm concerned - are just speculations.
Let's say:
The whole "scientific story" - is based on the raw materialism of Darwinist pseudoscience (Narrative of the Cult) - i.e. that everything "happened by chance" and then "evolved"...
However, as we are already used to "official science" manipulating, falsifying and showering us with half-truths-lies, we could even assume even that, for example, the physical appearance of the people of Vinča (or even those before them) - was not the same as ours...
On the other hand, we could assume that the knowledge of the people of Vinča (or those before them) about our entire material matrix - was greater and wider than the satanic Cult of moneylenders (former "accountants" of Tartaria, or maybe even "seduces")... This is perhaps, exactly why in Vinča we have those symbols similar to "runic" (Slavic) symbols, such as "Kolovrat" .
If I were to leave some kind of "evolution" in the material sense, i.e. diversity in bodily forms - it seems that there was a devolution on the spiritual level after the killing of Christ (in the 12th century) and the taking control of the material matrix - by the guild of " accountant" of Tartary (who falsely call themselves "Jews")...
Namely, although it is more than obvious - that nothing is "random" - and that every living being has its own purpose in the matrix, the Cult-guild of usurers (connected with the former "Seducees who disappeared") - still violently controls the Narrative of - " the complete randomness and insignificance of life"...
Even when the Cult pseudo-scientists themselves - clearly say that, for example, DNA is a program code... (WHO is the "programmer" then...? )...
... Regardless of everything, Vinča is an excellent and huge unexplored topic, and somehow it seems to me that the usurer Cult (which has been controlling the material world for several centuries) is slowly losing its primacy...
Who will know...?
Maybe everything had to be like that in this matrix.
Yes, there are many proofs that the Danube Valley civilization preceded many of the civilizations known today. there is also no more talk about the tablets from Tărtăria, which would contain the oldest writing in the world. .. the idea is that many things, historical truths, do not want to be known to the general public because they want to eliminate the roots completely. it is much easier to manipulate a population that does not know its history and roots and has no respect, pride or consideration for its ancestors. the consensus regarding history is as much fabricated, synthetic as the consensus in science. debates are not supported, from which it appears that it is an intentional action of erasing the historical truth and manipulation through omission, concealment, denial and interpretation according to interest. Like more recent history, no one talks and not many wonder why so many statues of the Dacians are in Italy and which conquering people (conquered dacia only 14%) ever carved so many statues of those they conquered...
Interesting article, thank you.