Excellent and very detailed research.

How fortunate that "our" today's so-called "official science" is NOT able to conduct similar research... Despite real artefacts... Unfortunately, this pseudo-science ("modern science") is exclusively concerned with - profiting from the so-called by "scientific consensus"...

The so-called "modern scientists" are even forced to adapt to the "scientific consensus" - behind which always stands the same usurer Cult.

(BTW, as well as behind the entire Narrative and Shekel (out of nowhere - i.e. from "central banks") owned by - the same Cult.


As for Vinča, I visited an excavation and a museum near Belgrade about 10 years ago.

A fantastic place with "unexplained" artifacts, which do not fit the standard "scientific" narrative at all.

You have summarized all of this very well in your text, the most interesting of which is that for more than 2000 years in the layers of excavations in Vinča - NO weapons of war have been found.


However, although about 10 years ago I myself believed in Scalier's (false) so-called "chronology" - reading Fomenko I corrected my views.

Simply put, I have rejected every "assumption" that the satanic usurer Cult, through pseudoscience and Narratives, has imprinted on generations of people for couple centuries.

Now... Since Fomenko doesn't even try to go back in time beyond 1000 years - I'm forced to guess. 😁

So, Fomenko, although he does not go further than the 10th century - sets a couple of basic instructions that existed at that time in Jerusalem (which according to him - is always just the name for the capital of the Empire) ...

Among other things, it describes conflicts of a political and religious nature, and one of them is the Slavic-Latin conflict (the religious conflict was between the Seducees (materialism) and the Pharisees (spirituality)).

According to AF, Christ was of Slavic origin and close to the Pharisees, whom now the so-called "religion" portrayed as "materialists", while according to pseudoscience - "the Seducees simply disappeared"...


The Vinča civilization, as it seems to me (disregarding the "scientific chronology") must have existed before Christ.

But what really happened, or what those people from Vinča looked like and so... - I think that for now, as far as I'm concerned - are just speculations.

Let's say:


The whole "scientific story" - is based on the raw materialism of Darwinist pseudoscience (Narrative of the Cult) - i.e. that everything "happened by chance" and then "evolved"...


However, as we are already used to "official science" manipulating, falsifying and showering us with half-truths-lies, we could even assume even that, for example, the physical appearance of the people of Vinča (or even those before them) - was not the same as ours...


On the other hand, we could assume that the knowledge of the people of Vinča (or those before them) about our entire material matrix - was greater and wider than the satanic Cult of moneylenders (former "accountants" of Tartaria, or maybe even "seduces")... This is perhaps, exactly why in Vinča we have those symbols similar to "runic" (Slavic) symbols, such as "Kolovrat" .


If I were to leave some kind of "evolution" in the material sense, i.e. diversity in bodily forms - it seems that there was a devolution on the spiritual level after the killing of Christ (in the 12th century) and the taking control of the material matrix - by the guild of " accountant" of Tartary (who falsely call themselves "Jews")...


Namely, although it is more than obvious - that nothing is "random" - and that every living being has its own purpose in the matrix, the Cult-guild of usurers (connected with the former "Seducees who disappeared") - still violently controls the Narrative of - " the complete randomness and insignificance of life"...

Even when the Cult pseudo-scientists themselves - clearly say that, for example, DNA is a program code... (WHO is the "programmer" then...? )...


... Regardless of everything, Vinča is an excellent and huge unexplored topic, and somehow it seems to me that the usurer Cult (which has been controlling the material world for several centuries) is slowly losing its primacy...

Who will know...?

Maybe everything had to be like that in this matrix.

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Thanks for the excellent comment @Istražuj :)

I could do two or three new stacks based on it hehe

Cheers man, have a nice day!

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Yes, there are many proofs that the Danube Valley civilization preceded many of the civilizations known today. there is also no more talk about the tablets from Tărtăria, which would contain the oldest writing in the world. .. the idea is that many things, historical truths, do not want to be known to the general public because they want to eliminate the roots completely. it is much easier to manipulate a population that does not know its history and roots and has no respect, pride or consideration for its ancestors. the consensus regarding history is as much fabricated, synthetic as the consensus in science. debates are not supported, from which it appears that it is an intentional action of erasing the historical truth and manipulation through omission, concealment, denial and interpretation according to interest. Like more recent history, no one talks and not many wonder why so many statues of the Dacians are in Italy and which conquering people (conquered dacia only 14%) ever carved so many statues of those they conquered...

Interesting article, thank you.

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Their writing reminds me of the Ancient Celtic language: Ogham.

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The closer to North the better :)

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Now I know why I flunked history class in school.

I didn't see much worth in what was being taught.

You think Vinca was Atlanis?

English wasn't one of by better skills either.

Thanks, I appreciate you.

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Hm, no. Vinča is seven thousand years later than is Atlantis.

Atlantis was supposedly wiped out in the cataclysm 15000 years ago, when the North was open to habitation. The North supposedly FROZE after the Atlantis catastrophe.

Note that Atlantian humans were VERY different than modern humans.

Thanks Greg, cheers :)

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Thank you for this in-depth research!

"Designer History". Such an accurate term.

Very interesting.

Explains so much as most everything has been hidden from us.

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Thank you Dr. Deborah! Hvala vam :)

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O, lepo, odlično I nema na Čemu !! :-)

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Seriously fascinating! Thanks!

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Indeed eh?!

You are most welcome!

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Eh! 🤣🇨🇦

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Similar symbols are still used on pysanki ( decorated eggs of the Ukraine) whose true significance extends beyond Easter decorations. Maybe a secret code from the past. The ancient eggs found have different more primal configurations. It is said the world will cease to exist if no eggs are decorated.

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A goldmine with great links. Thank you.

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in Romania they discovered during the construction of a highway a archeological site dating back 6000years but they destroyed it because it was not economically feasible to conserve it and present it to the public. just search : lunca Mureșului-autostrada Turdaș sit arheologic and you can find some articles in Romanian about it. It seems similar with the Vinca

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