Let's not forget that the Jews only falsified history, but writing was there from the beginning. Sumerians, Egyptians, etc... But previous humanity also left traces, which always involved the accidental burning of a library...

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Yes. The falsification of history is the main theme here :)

Sumer and Egypt seem to have lasted only a fraction of what we have been told. The dating of all the previous cultures is not to be trusted.

And I was referring to ancient times, when there was still no writing, when only symbols were used.

And to know why "Jews" falsified history pre WW2. Which leads into "Why would they even go to these lengths to falsify and invent SO MUCH history!"

I think that Nazis vs Jews dichotomy is preventing many from moving forward in their research.

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We don't know what the ancient times were like, since all history has been falsified and is being falsified. If what the Sumerians wrote is true - and it is - then the current human race was created as slaves by individuals of an alien civilization. Not long after, however, they began to teach them to write, math, etc... The flood is in the memory of every modern culture, and the humanity before us was wiped out by it. We are their survivors.

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Excuse my late reply.

Michael Heiser destroys Zacharia Sitchin's stuff (that is where this alien story comes from). Popular Babylon/Sumer stuff is all bs!

Btw, I did not believe in aliens even before I came across Heiser's work!

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Yet all nations remember the "gods" written about by the Sumerians and translated by Zacharia Sitchin. The truth is always much less believed than a lie. Lies always have better propaganda. See e.g. the "covid" story and the subsequent "vaccinations"...

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I really liked the article. there is so much to say about all the fabrications and constructions of lies that are shoved down our throats. I haven't believed much for a long time...or maybe forever. by the way, what year are we in, surely it's 2024? :)

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Thank you Papillon!

That maybe means you are an "old soul". With more rounds under the belt :) So your inborn affinities prevented you to get completely hypnotized ..

Idk, it would seem we are closer to the year 1000 ;)

Btw, I am looking to switching to calculating time by moon phases!

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That's very cool, it would be interesting to tell us what you find out. After Heribert Illig, we are in 1727 or so, something like that, he considered the years between 614-911 without physical evidence of existence, but who knows, it takes a lot of time and work to check.

Interesting times we are living now, we can actually see how history is written and rewritten as before.

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Thanks for the information.

I doubt we will find out exactly what year we are in. There were so many purges, eliminations and machinations that it is possible that today not even the descendants of the ones who envisioned and started this last attempt at world hegemony (who are long dead) know what exactly was going before 18th century and what was destroyed or hidden and what was invented/inverted. Like they know where they need to go but they are clueless of where they came from. Logical development - evil destroys itself if it grows too large.

Super interesting times indeed!

We have obviously been cursed in the past with that old Chinese saying "May You Live In Interesting Times" ;)

But there is a good side to that, such environment enables super fast learning. And since due to so much destruction a big change is in order, let us work for swaying the stream of evolution into more natural and life-respecting modality.

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We need a lot of patience, the truth goes slowly, only the lie rushes.

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Patience is a virtue :)

Rushing leads to mistakes.

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Excellent work Sirius thank, we are on the same page. I am posting an article on Tuesday which migt interest you. In the meantime I will need to watch two of your videos in case some revisions are required! Other views kind of support ours - even though the dates might be adjusted wthout detriment: https://ephektikoi.substack.com/p/the-younger-dryas-the-fifth-extinction?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=1601071&post_id=144084436&utm_campaign=1264116&isFreemail=true&r=hhrlz&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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A very cool journey through discovery and the resulting understanding that we....actually understand so very little. ;) Great stuff man.

What a world we would have, if people actually (truly and fervently) wanted to extricate themselves from old dogmas and indoctrination...to see all the lies and truths about how they are living...to lift the veils of illusion. There is so much more available to humanity, when you peel back veils and start seeing the world for what it really is, and recognize how limited it's all been dictated to us.

What causes some to awaken? What causes the masses to choose sleep?

For those that do awaken and as that veil lifts, we begin to understaned more about who and what has run this realm for so long...and yes, it leads us back towards a proper foundation for our existence.

Ahh, and Walter Veith’s lectures. A prime example of what we all should be forced to watch in school. History class would never be the same! But alas, after at least 30 hours of his lectures, I still can't get enough...when most it seems, can't get through the first 10 minutes.

What causes some to seek?

I concur -- the state of the world today reflects centures of evil manipulations and we've had so much inversion of the truth, rewritten history, purges and resets. Yes, there is an evil class -- a set of bloodlines that are clearly behind it all and they have rewritten our history, distorted our truths and have employed identity theft and deception at unimaginable levels. IMO, the only greater deception has been the devil himself, convincing people that he is not real.

Yes, it would be darn awesome if we could get to the bottom of all...but heck, I'd just settle for the masses to at least start scratching the surface. As you know, these parasitic powers are implementing a whole new level of systems to manipulate and control...positioning themselves to burn as many books and destroy/hide as many "tablets and scrolls", yet again.

My intuition tells me this time will be different...I pray that I am right.

Anyhow, thanks Sirius. God bless buddy.

PS: You Croat? I am...

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