W H I T E replacement continues - Agenda 2050/ Summer 2024. Update
White Christianity is the main target of the GLOBO sHlOMO scum! Any other "goys" are just collateral damage - #Southport cover-up
previous stacks on this topic:
I was digging around a bit, and found that the unicorn of
White privilege is the magnificent right of whites to abdicate (and be replaced)!
Frederick Lindemann was Winston Churchill’s handler. Which means he was privy to what was going on behind the curtains, a top player, better informed than the alcoholic warmonger Winston. And according to him, the most important event of this age will be the abdication/replacement of white people in the west!
… here, a few more… just to confirm the sentiment that Lindemann knowingly let’s slip:
Of course, the United Nations play a huge role in the SILENT INVASION!
UN REPLACEMENT report, published in 2000 (AGENDA 2050!)
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing.
The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.
Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union).
REPLACEMENT MIGRATION refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
(The UN Crusade Against the Whites on American Renaissance bitchute channel)
Thinking about this situation I sometimes wonder if all the trafficking of children and/or their organs falls under depopulation or just plain ole human sacrifice. Yeah, just..
Naturally, they will NEVER admit to why there is SUCH low natality in all these countries in the first place!!
No SIRIUS, they did not destroy the natality in these nations → with indoctrination, destructive demographic and economic policies alongside industry of mass-poisoning and then cited this as reason to ARRANGE for mass immigration as the only solution → to completely REPLACE all the unwanted and dangerous types of Goyim?! You are imagining it!
Riiiiiiight! Hold my beer!
Who founded UN and why?
Did you know that 80% of Bolsheviks were jews? Now you do..
All prominent Bolshey serial killers and leaders are of jewish descent. And Bolshevik ideology, as well as Communism, is a jewish ideological concept that was specifically invented for manipulating and dealing with their only meaningful opposition, the Christians.
But WHY would the Talmud riding rabbis hate whites, Christ and ALL true Christians to the point of total annihilation?
So no wonder they are VERY happy to be able to orchestrate and finance the White Replacement that we are witnessing!
If I were to tell you that in the religion of Judaism the deity worshipped is the Holy Serpent, would you believe me? Few people would. Yet, it is absolutely true! - Texxe Mars
source - evidence: “The Josephic Messiah, Metatron & The Sacred Serpent” by Rabbi Joel David Bakst
To me it is fascinating to what extent these jews hate Christ Jesus and all who put their faith into Him. But it is also a very good question! For which the answer of
“they thought Jesus to be a heretic and a blasphemer“
is not sufficient, at least not in my book!
And apparently, if you are not a strict follower of the Babylonian Talmud, even if you are a Jew, you are technically an expendable Goy. These jews view even their older brothers by blood, the Arabs, like nothing more than lowly animals. Animals that should be used as pawns against rabbis greatest enemies, the white Christians!
Ironically, modern Israel would never exist without tens of thousands of white American Christians/protestants who at the start of 20th century compassionately wanted “the Hebrews“ to have their land back - after all the troubles they have been through - and supported them in their European scheming! How could they not, when they all grew up reading the Old Testament and listening to erroneous theology?! But would they have done it if they understood how loosing Israel is the fault of the jews who rejected Christ’s sacrifice? Probably not, eh? Which shows us to what extent the Christian Church has been subverted!
Yes, “modern Christianity” has really serious issues with it’s foundations and it’s character - it was/is subverted to the point of being it’s own greatest enemy! Christian zionism being the worst of it! Crypto jews completely subdued Christianity - and judging by what he says, the head of the Roman Catholic Church is a good showcase of a demon-possession! Yeah, in my book RCC does not represent Christianity at all! Moreover, I think that the true Christianity can be found only in the first few centuries after Christ’s appearance! And that is a tricky situation with all the re-writing of his-tory!
-I hear how the earliest Christianity was focused predominantly on healing and exorcism! There was NOT much scripture or theology involved! Jesus was intent on healing, exorcising the demons and all the sacrifice that is done in their name, explaining the evils of usury and prostitution and basically setting an example on how to live without sin!-
So, as is the case with many other situations that we find ourselves in, it is best to judge everything that gets said and done with the bulletproof standard of: “Know the tree by the fruit that it bears”!

Well, this tree gives fruit in the form of the insane “Noahide laws“! Which is another thing you should be very interested in! Also, it is obvious that more people should start wondering what exactly is the meaning of the "the Goyim", and what the rabbis are saying when they are mentioning them!
Enough with the “digressing”, now back to the topic at hand →
UK Southport stabbing RIOTS
Mass stabing, Southport
Instead of prosecuting murderers and groomers of Southport, authorities have used this atrocity to stage some RACE riots?
30 July 2024
Yesterday three* children were KILLED and nine others were seriously injured in a mass stabbing in Britain. Ali Al-Shakati arrived illegally on a dingy crossing the English Channel last year.
Why don't liberals even care about this? These kinds of attacks seem to happen every couple months now.
*Apparently this was an attack exclusively on White children.....
but then
so the riots start
no way Sirius!
here you go (sadly, this video was taken down - it was from UK, in 2024, it showed a black policeman that did not know English or the laws and was trying to frisk a citizen who then filmed him while a white policeman is in the background suppressing a laugh):
///edit-added on 02 September 2024: I found a copy of this vid!///
Nice eh?
And so, much needed public announcement on display:
There is also a list of seven judges who supposedly let pedophiles go but then sentence poor Brits for “nasty” social media posts → posted it on notes.
All this is happening because brits are starting to protest facts like this one:
Britain Has Only Deported 0.5% of Illegal Boat Migrants.
or this one:
Patrick: ‘I’m Reporting This Because No Other Channel Will’ - Syrian Refugee Child Rape Gang Exposed
It is all in your imagination, UK is a multi-cultural-religious heaven on Earth (or TERRA - how the corporate is now making Dope Charles call it)..
..and Tommy Robinson is not a jewish slag.. race-baiting zionist bastard!
Even if you are an atheist, remember that the rape of the world (and you) is done under the proclamation of having the DIVINE POWER to rule the world and all life on it!
From the rest of the targeted world:
6 Reasons Chinese Nationals Are Illegally Crossing California’s Southern Border
Prisons turned to shelters for immigrants who get free education and benefits - ALL on tax payer expense??!
150 new students expected in Massachusetts town as migrant families move into old prison turned shelter
Illegal Immigrants Used Exact Same Answer on 10,000 Parole Applications
France: African serial rapist Ali Sidibé, from Mali, laughed in court after receiving 15-year sentence for raping 9 women in Paris.
Germany: Islamist stabs numerous people at political event, including officers, before getting put down
Do you think there's any valid reason that Europeans would think how their entire civilization could be taken over by (child-wife beating&sheep fucking) Islam(ic law)?
One solution that could work
DEPORT THEM ALL! #MassDeportation #REmigration
That is, if you have control over your nation’s Police and Military.. LOLZ and France and UK clearly DO NOT! Seeing as how all our constitutions are thrown into the garbage and all relevant social contracts between the governments and the people have been thorn apart, sovereignty is obviously a mirage just like the fantasized democracy! It all boils down to “Who owns the central/national banks, who is issuing money and how are they doing it?”.
Isn’t it becoming blatantly obvious how the -banks, religion, aristocracy, big industry and ALL our governments with all the military and police- are working together to accomplish the same goal and are manifesting the same driving force?!
Citizens of the world are nothing but cattle, a monetized resource for the evil (possessed) lowlifes in power! And thanks to the coming cyborgization we are now becoming obsolete!? 4th industrial revolution? It is nothing but a damn PURGE - again! So it is better to know about this malady than remain oblivious to it, wouldn’t you agree? IDK, maybe it is just me, but I believe it would be better, if there has to be purging, that the scum elites be the ones who get purged this time around!!
Btw, as if the down-under does not have the same issues!? Australia is in the hands of the worst Brits on Earth, little mad cousins of their UK counterparts.
Gang run neigborhoods of North Melbourne, Australia
Well, of course the Irish would react to this in such a way!
Yet violence is NEVER a good answer in the position of the citizen (of course, except in self defense or defense of others who are weaker or outnumbered)! And isn’t it crazy that in such cases the treasonous legal system can say that the defender is the perpetrator in his/her own homeland?? A fact that tells you where we currently stand! One step away from having 0 “human” or “constitutional” rights.
The only valid answer to all of this is MASS BOYCOTT of the government → organized civil disobedience!
Which seems somewhat impossible in a world where a good part of the population is profiting on brainlessly depopulating themselves while thinking that they are protected because they are being obedient..
Thanks for reading!
Have a good day
-/ all rights reserved! /-
"... The only valid answer to all of this is MASS BOYCOTT of the government → organized civil disobedience! ..."
I think that such a thing will be difficult. Practically impossible.
There are too many people who not only have no clue about anything, but are also ready to kill for the PRISON they have been in for generations...
How many are "stabbed" (by the poison of so-called "vaccines") who haven't realized the deception even to this day?
How many of them, even when they do realize it, refuse to take any action...
Here's a great link to Steve Kirch's talk with Google AI:
Even worse...
How many are lobotomized by the "leftist" deception, which for the last 200+ years has been entirely supported by the satanic-usury CULT of the former "accountants" of Tartaria...?
And why are the "woke" (leftists) most important to the CULT, even though they (cult) also control the so-called "right-wingers" through corrupt so-called "politicians"...?
I think it's solely because the brainwashed "leftists" are always a dumbed-down - to collectivist mass... (Roughly like the BORG in "Star Trek")...
However, isn't it strange that the members of the usury-CULT - (the elite of the "accountant" guild of Tartaria) - insist on:
- reducing/destroying the white population...
- even though most of these fake "Jews" are also white...?
(Of course, precisely because the "accountant" guild was spread across the entire territory of Tartaria, i.e., across the entire "civilization," we have this cult of fake "Jews" practically on all continents and in all races of people – but those who expose themselves the most are also white...)
I would suggest:
- Is this just about idiots brainwashed by "faith" in Satan (EL-shadeia or YHWH) - or is there something else at play...?
- Why do only white people, in the end, bother the satanic cult of fake "Jews"...?
Could it be because:
* the satanic CULT was actually the strongest (and originated) in the white territories of Tartaria, which spread "civilization" further to other parts of the world...
* the satanic CULT might carry, through generations, some additional information about these people who received that first civilization from "someone" (and it is clear they were white)
* the satanic usurer CULT ("accountants") is mortally afraid of the descendants of those white people, and since they intend to create a "New Tartaria" (NWO) - but with the descendants of the "accountants" as the "chosen race" - they don't consider themselves white... They see themselves as the "chosen race"...
We started talking about this on Kamen, and I also added what seems to be a simple diagram that explains the New Chronology on one page...
Pozdrav stari :)
They are dangerous precisely because they are delusional.