"... The only valid answer to all of this is MASS BOYCOTT of the government → organized civil disobedience! ..."



I think that such a thing will be difficult. Practically impossible.

There are too many people who not only have no clue about anything, but are also ready to kill for the PRISON they have been in for generations...

How many are "stabbed" (by the poison of so-called "vaccines") who haven't realized the deception even to this day?

How many of them, even when they do realize it, refuse to take any action...

Here's a great link to Steve Kirch's talk with Google AI:


Even worse...

How many are lobotomized by the "leftist" deception, which for the last 200+ years has been entirely supported by the satanic-usury CULT of the former "accountants" of Tartaria...?

And why are the "woke" (leftists) most important to the CULT, even though they (cult) also control the so-called "right-wingers" through corrupt so-called "politicians"...?

I think it's solely because the brainwashed "leftists" are always a dumbed-down - to collectivist mass... (Roughly like the BORG in "Star Trek")...

However, isn't it strange that the members of the usury-CULT - (the elite of the "accountant" guild of Tartaria) - insist on:

- reducing/destroying the white population...

- even though most of these fake "Jews" are also white...?

(Of course, precisely because the "accountant" guild was spread across the entire territory of Tartaria, i.e., across the entire "civilization," we have this cult of fake "Jews" practically on all continents and in all races of people – but those who expose themselves the most are also white...)

I would suggest:

- Is this just about idiots brainwashed by "faith" in Satan (EL-shadeia or YHWH) - or is there something else at play...?

- Why do only white people, in the end, bother the satanic cult of fake "Jews"...?

Could it be because:

* the satanic CULT was actually the strongest (and originated) in the white territories of Tartaria, which spread "civilization" further to other parts of the world...

* the satanic CULT might carry, through generations, some additional information about these people who received that first civilization from "someone" (and it is clear they were white)

* the satanic usurer CULT ("accountants") is mortally afraid of the descendants of those white people, and since they intend to create a "New Tartaria" (NWO) - but with the descendants of the "accountants" as the "chosen race" - they don't consider themselves white... They see themselves as the "chosen race"...

We started talking about this on Kamen, and I also added what seems to be a simple diagram that explains the New Chronology on one page...


Pozdrav stari :)

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"Why do only white people, in the end, bother the satanic cult of fake "Jews"...?"

Maybe its the fact that jews have been enslaving white Slavs? Arabs liked their white SLAVes.

Ultimately, I think it has to do with Christ consciousness. Whites are the most represented in "having" this "ability" to believe in Christ.

But if we are to believe in scripture, the only thing that jews should do is START BEING Christians. This is the crux of it!

If Christ WAS the Messiah that they waited for AND THEN REJECTED and lost Israel because of it - they then want to erase Christianity from history because they want to believe that the insane talmudic rabbis and the Babylonian talmud are correct and true and that more messiahs are coming. I would say that (just repeating what Jesus already stated) they are nothing more than crazy delusional fckers who are being played and used by Satan and his legions of demons (according to Steiner, what people call Satan are actually Ahriman and Lucifer and all the fallen angels from all nine hierarchies)!

This is the reason I am researching religions (which still surprises my religion-hating ass lolz), namely Judaism and Christianity. Because when one finds out the nature of the Evil one also finds out that religions were the first to describe it and that Jesus (Christ consciousness is the "I" of our cosmos, hence its power over Evil - it is higher in the hierarchy, in fact it is the TOP of it) came to save the day.

"And why are the "woke" (leftists) most important to the CULT"

Id say its because these people have opened up to demon possession much more than conservatives and so they are better tools for the Evil. Leftists/mindless progressives are the ones who tipped the scales of insanity and induced the mass-psychosis of the entire society that was wanted by the controllers in the synagogues. As you know, ultimately they want chaos.

Chaos = Purges = Ordo ab chao.

" even though most of these fake "Jews" are also white...?"

Yeah, they do not see themselves as white. Especially if/when they KNOW that they are descendants of cryptos.

Besides, over so so many generations of mixing, there is hardly anyone with exclusive DNA in this world, and if they were inbreeding all the time they became complete retards, which we see among the jews and monarchies and some other communities. Nevermind how DNA studies can be used to fortify mainstream narratives.

But this also means that the old power of a pure blood-line is lost. Which could mean that we already evolved beyond blood-lines. Naturally, many will have issues with this fact!

Yeah, I was taking a long vacation from the internet, been only on notes here on ss. Managed to read few books too!!

I think it is the Vinegar and orgonite... I had almost entire July of nice natural weather and clear skies! most of August as well!! And I see the damn planes spraying, but now my piece of sky is clear!

So I am taking advantage of such a nice natural environment with grounding and sunbathing every day! Pure bliss mate hehe

Bok i tebi Istrazuj!;) See ya on kamen one of these days....

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All this has logic, but recently one potential possibility came to my mind...

Namely, what if the descendants of the top "guild of accountants" (as Fomenko describes this satanic materialistic cult) - KNOW about this story told by Fomenko.... ?

... i.e. if the story is largely true...?

... and then the descendants of the top satanic guild of "accountants" (and those biblical so-called "seduces") - in fact - try to create a "New Tartary" i.e. a World empire (or "New Babylon") - but this time - WITHOUT Jesus Christ...


Look at one of the flags of Tartary (and there are many other interesting things that the character picked up on the net)... So an OWL - on a yellow background...?

(By the way, pay attention to the "Mongols" who completely look like Slavs - i.e. ginger whites...)

And then remember that satanic dance around the OWL statue in the Bohemian Grove...


Why the OWL?

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They are dangerous precisely because they are delusional.

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Organized civil disobedience must be forgotten - we must learn from the Canadian truckers' strike, in which the bank accounts of the truckers and their supporters were frozen, depriving them of their family income - because we know for a fact that this lousy Jewish type only understands violence! The peoples of the world must understand that either they stay on the planet or we do! They say and are not ashamed that they want to write us off, but people - like slaughter animals - just don't listen and don't believe that there is no other option than to clean them up!

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In a city setting, with the Police and Military that are shekel driven? Mass violence will always be good only for the control system!

Violence could work ONLY if whites united in a HUGE organization that could not be infiltrated and subverted. Is such an organization even possible in a world like this?

Maybe the only chance at this is if Whites would unite in Christ... And that is tricky - the knowledge of Christ has been obfuscated and many believe in complete nonsense.

edit: Canadian truckers were doing a protest! Mass organized civil disobedience would look quite different. It would have to be a simultaneous boycott of banks, corporations, government, big industry by THE MAJORITY of population (of a country).

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Yes, it can only work then. But nothing else works! We have reached the point where we are absolutely cornered and there is no turning back! Look at the demonstrations in France or elsewhere, they use the police and the military to disperse people and they do not achieve results!

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Exactly, same in Italy.

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