Hi SIRIUS :) Great post.

Have you heard of these plasma samvartaka ground fires


I believe Dew weapons may be mistaken for these plasma bursts. OR are they one in the same?

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Sry I didnt reply sooner, was hella busy!

Thanks for the vid Jean ;) Microwaved trees alright! But whats this guy actually sayin'? I will have to watch few more videos of his!

In any case,

see you on the flip side!!! 😄

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I just had another thought. Remember Tartarian times? Whirled fairs? They would build em up real quick, then show their Baby making machines & load up the orphan trains & then all of a sudden everything would burn to the ground.....Like Chicago whirled fair.

I'd say it's safe to say that it's probably the same machine weaponry we are experiencing today.

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I understand how you would think that it was a possibility! Tunguska is the best example of ancient tech which is still functional.

I never went down the Tartaria rabbit hole, my understanding of it is shallow.

Also, never heard of baby makingmachines and orphan trains. I know how these fairs were mindboggling for people of those times.

And re: Tesla. He was a special kind of genius channeller. For some reason I am proud I can say he was born in my negborhood and that I am carrying similar genes to his.

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OK, Scrap what I THINK I know.....I just watched a video on Patrick Jordan's SubStack ...."DO not watch on 2X" This is eviler than we thought. Check it out! Your mind will be blown!

I don't know much about Tartaria either....Just that it got mud flooded & They had antiquatech free energy & were super advanced. I Just question the time frame. Maybe this is all happening at once even.

Tesla Tech genery ? You Lucky Devil! :)

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"This is eviler than we thought."

Well, maybe I can top it.

Did you come across the book called "War In Heaven". Author: Kyle Griffith

If not, its not a long read and its quite gripping.. I read it a decade ago.

Here's the link.


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Super Groovy! I had NOT read the book, But I WILL NOW :)

Thanks a Bunch!

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ProtonMagic's post on the Orbs? Or? Please link it.

Past and future DO NOT exist. Everything is always NOW.

Lucky I survived this far to recognize it, yep. Otherwise it is quite a task in a society like this!!!

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Sorry, I should a done that right away.


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NO problem, I'm just glad you saw it. It's REALLY pertinent to what up.

From What I gather from around cyber whirled...There is a Phoenix reset machine in the sky...

Hellfire & brimstone type of stuff & there is another weapon under Antarctica that brings up the fire & weaponry burning to the surface areas.

What This dude is saying at the END of his video is that these fires are all alike...They come up from the ground in what Science calls Plasma, but we know as microwaves which are weapons.

The burnt tress are ALWAYS burnt from within & leaves remain......Like all the "wildfires" as of late. He shows they come up in a spiral pattern & has gathered many of the same from several locations.

I REALLY hope this helps :)

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Thanks for the description! Im on it..

Well, while on the subject, I was into this stuff awhile back. Went through all Crystalinks links that interested me. Was a part of Cassiopeia forum for a year, checked out all other channeling sources ... etc etc

Twas a dead end in most cases. Channeling fraudsters got me to cringe towards these subjects so I moved forward.

With that said, and I hope you got my meaning, I did not discard the possibility of ancient technology and civilizations. Quite the opposite, I found a LOT of hidden history about my true ancestors. For example, they had better knowledge of star systems than Greeks. So I am aware of us being connected to humans from such distant past. More than few times I dreamt what can only be described a life during the times of the fall of Atlantis (high tech hybrid experimentation setting). Very high detailed dreams in color which got engraved into my memory. And I am the type to NOT remember my day to day dreams at all.

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Speaking of star systems ... I like to call them SKY CLOCKS. Everything is mapped out in the stars. Our resets are all timed. THEY know this which is why they skedaddle underground & take all our resources with them.

Channeling fraudsters? I hear ya! I have a theory that some folks get ancient AI tech streamed into their brain due to the fact they were born on certain days & times like Tesla. The sky clock at work AGAIN!

Dreamscape is very powerful & not to be discredited! Everything is recorded in the realm & If you get real good at it, You can retrieve lots of history. You can even fix medical conditions by tapping into dreamscape streams of consciousness.

For what it's worth, It's my belief that we live in a machine created by ancient AI.

Like the D`Wave computer to hold consciousness. Quantum timelines & the such. ...enter timeline editting & Mandella affect.

I go very WOO. So nothing surprises me.

Good chat :)

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Well, stars have certain meaning from certain perspective. If any constellation that we know is looked upon, say from planet Venus, it will not be there where we would expect it to be. So constellations are our projections, a joting on the sky to better know the direction. Its crazy how much mumbo jumbo comes on top of this simplicity eh? hahah. Id say that we urban humans have a huge tendency to over-complicate :)

Channelling shmaneling! With no way of confirming where the stream is coming from there is too much potential for misunderstanding or error. These channellers could as well be streaming some sf novels from past.

Besides, I dont think that thoughts are coming from us. They are coming into us. But is it a digital stream from an AI? Or is it an bio-energy-field which interacts with our DNA?

And if its true, and we live in a machine created by ancient AI, remember that it is


who somehow created that AI ;)

Indeed! Cheers Jeanette

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RIiiiiiGHT ! You are more than welcomed :)

She has boatload of vids on:


She also has a PDF on Twatter that I didn't download. She's really good about including links under videos for references.

I feel like I know her as well! Turns out, when she was working for these operations, She lived in my neck of the woods not far from Me. Weird huh?

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Aug 29, 2023
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Oj ALex. Ma grozna je ta situacija na Hawaiima! Samo neka ne ode sve to u zaborav za 5 minuta! A Kanada, Grčka, Španjolska itd itd.. Majka Zamlja pati svoju bezumnu djecu, al kolko još dugo?

Btw, updejtao sam post, ima još novih videa!

Bok i tebi, mir i dobro

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Aug 29, 2023
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Hey Anri! Hope yore fine ;)

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