Pretty impressive work SIRIUS ! You never disappoint!

The Illusion that is China, is DISGUSTING on so many levels.

I suspect there is more to the stones on metal rods planted in fields...Just can't put my finger on it.

Keep on rockin in the "FREE" whirled !

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"I suspect there is more to the stones on metal rods planted in fields...Just can't put my finger on it."

Maybe you were thinking that they are somehow connected to those plasma fires?

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Actually, I got to thinking that in my garden, I put copper rods to help my veggies grow....

But You bring up a good point cuz copper is great conductor, But I think he said they were using rebar. I just don't think it was for decorative reasoning. ... makes NO sense..... to me ayways.

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Haha :) my guess was bollocks.

yeah, they use rebar so that stones will stay firmly in place even if there is strong winds

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Your guesses are never bullocks!! :)

My mind is much like herding cats ...Goes in multiple directions.

What did you mean by older generations behavior being the worst part? LOCUSTS.?? Were they not manipulated & a product of their environment?

Please do tell ...Lotsa folks blame the boomers for staying alive for as long as they have. What's YOUR take?

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My guess was sandra bullocks :)

Herding cats is the extreme life-position I wish on no one. Altho it could be fun if there is enough resources ;) You know about that CAT-island in Japan? They have FOX-island as well.

Like damn locusts when they find grain. Havent you seen their behavior in the vids? When they go on a pillage run in that temple? Or when they hand out free food? CCP can do with them whatever they wish. In China life is much cheaper than in west. And they are now explaining this fact to westerners who have worked their entire lives to enjoy their pensions...

I heard of that accusation. People that say such things are probably young and naive. I had such thoughts in my 20s and 30s. Plenty.

Yes, there are differences and one can say boomers had it easy and they were careless and got us into this mess. But I bet that those people would act like those boomers in that same situation.

So Id say that they should spend their energy on dealing with the government, the big industry, the banks etcetcetc.. and get boomers to help them w doing that.

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Haha, I've heard of SNAKE island :) Pedo Island .... Gilligan's Island ... But NO Cat/Fox . I live under a rock... attached to a length ode rebar ! LOL :)

"AND get Boomers to help them in doing that !" I LIKE.

Pensions will be GONE. ONLY Gov. pensions will exist. That's their gameplan anyways.

Stick a fork in it already.... It's DONE ! Goobermente that is !


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Thanks JM. Yep. Do we want the entire world to be like them? The worst part is the behavior of the older generations. They are like damn locusts!

Yeah, agreed, they look like they would have purpose beyond that but I think those stones are there just for aerial photos.

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Haha ... I feel a rant coming on !!

Ariel photos...They still look like rocks on sticks! LOL.... Maybe for fake mushroom farms! LOL . So glad you covered this!

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Thank you Phil, will do!

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