LETS SEE IF THIS WORKS! Cheap and easy to try, SO WHY NOT?

Yeah yeah yeah, I know it sounds unreasonable... but tell me, do you think you know everything about your environment? And what about all the "invisible" stuff? So...

I will let you know if I see any differences when there will be obvious chemtrailing!

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There is a channel called Wetteradler (it's german). He talks about weather warfare, geo-engineering, chemtrails and such. He did a lot of experimenting with essence of vinegar and also copper rods. The results are absolutely astonishing, But quite a lot of the time, when he breaks the cloud cover, 1 - 2 black helicopters appear, circling over the area. It's really intimidating

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Thanks, will check it out!

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Is it a YouTube channel or a SubStack?

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Thank you so much!

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Moderne Umwelt Technologien, 5G Strahlenschutz und Wettermanipulation.



Website & Online Shop:

🌎 www.wetteradler.eu


Also you can find stuff on Youtube

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"It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire performed at sunrise and sunset daily."


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I was friends with a woman who did the Agni Hotra ceremony 2x/day. The ghee and cow dung were burned in an inverted copper step pyramid as she sang the mantra. There is much ancient science behind this. Russian scientists did a huge study of the Agni Hotra after the only vegetation that showed no radioactivity around Chernobyl was from a garden where the owners performed this ceremony everyday. It is my understanding that the patterning of the oily smoke in a geophysical shape along with the sincere intention with the frequency of the mantra negates harmful effects on many levels. It is performed at the two times of day that the light from the sun is most beneficial for the pineal gland.

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They're blocking the sun to stop us activating our pineal glands.... AND to prevent us from deactivating the bio film... The sun breaks down the film to stop it working properly.

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One of my earliest stacks in Croatian was about them blocking the sun and why could that be.

Titled "The Science of Light and Why They're Actually Stealing Our Sun".

You can follow the English links...

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Oh my Sirius, are you from Croatia? It's on my bucket list to visit, and possibly live! :)

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Indeed I am. For this incarnation, my soul chose Croatia as my homeland (Hrvatska - moja rodna gruda) and my school ground :)

How come you became interested in Croatia?

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I was there last year Sirius. Stayed at Karlovac and Rakovika. What a wonderful country. Thanks for this post. I'll be trying it as soon as possible.

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to grow food, life on earth, the critters, buds on trees -circle of life-your body needs the sun for vit D-immune system-everything

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Thank you for this information Private!


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We do it and it works for us, boil off a 2L bottle outside. The effect lasts about 24-48 hours. No idea how, but it does. It doesn't stop the huge mass they amass off the coast of Brisbane and blow over our whole small country (NZ), but it works on the locally laid chemtrails and haze.

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I don’t know, but my hunch is that it has to do with pH.

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You could be right, I noticed a ‘deadness’ in the air since heavy chemtrailing here in Ireland and a lot more fungal issues with plants all of which felt to me like too alkaline

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"The two purposes for chemtrailing are very, very clear,” he told Critchley. It’s to poison us and block out the sun. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and our bodies, for example, need sunlight to produce vitamin D. So, blocking out the sun will have a detrimental impact on and threaten the survival of all life on Earth.-I'm sure also some nano-smart* dust as we know they already want to map out every life on earth, plant etc so I'm sure that is in there and we get to breath that a well -internet of things-of bodies-aside from them finding new excuses-ways to manipulate the public to get injected-such as their propaganda narrative of working on mrna cancer cure!!!! they are responsible for making us sick, feeding us poisons for generations, a decade-and pretending to work on a cure when they have been suppressing for decades and villainizing any and anyone who ever found such.

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Yep, thank you Tan - got it in one. We MUST stick together if we are to defeat these bastards. I know a great lamppost manufacturer! :-)

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Thaks for posting this in reference to Billy Hayes.

I have been working with Terral Croft . A great researcher trying to get the word out for years on what will neutralize this "connection" crap from our body.


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Here, https://siriusispodstruje.substack.com/p/nauka-o-svjetlosti-i-zasto-nam-zapravo?utm_source=publication-search

In it I have covered the use of HAARP, the science of Syntonics, human/animal metabolism and Sun (F.Hollwich), and Jacob Liberman's “Luminous Life: How The Science Of Light Unlocks The Art Of Living”.

Follow the links in English. And you can translate parts online if you would like.

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But now they've weaponized natural light against us, dammit!

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Thank you for the Doc - I will carry on researching as is my wont.

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I do it using a double boiler i bought off Amazon but you could probably get one at a thrift store . Tea light Candles in bottom : vinegar in the top .

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I have tried a couple of chembusters and HHGs (holy hand grenades) which are, essentially, orgone generators as per Don Croft's concepts. They seem to be working for a while.

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It is not clear just what you do. Vinegar in your back yard. You boil it or what?

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Kathie's comment:

"I do it using a double boiler i bought off Amazon but you could probably get one at a thrift store . Tea light Candles in bottom : vinegar in the top ."

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Amazing!! Will try it!

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So I tried the vinegar and in 2-3 hours the dense cloud formation cleared over my house. There is still dense cloud cover in sky in the distance. It’s beautiful and sunny. Maybe it’s just coincidence. I will try it every day this week as my area is expecting cloudy skies, as per weather forecast, and record observations.

I watch planes most mornings as they spray or exhaust something that does not clear and with time sinks into lower atmosphere and just stays there. The planes make a dome pattern. The plane starts lower in the sky then climbs creating an arch as it descends and leaves a rainbow of white cloud that then spreads and just hangs there all day. I have noticed more than one plane flying in the same formation and the cloud streams crisscross. When these planes are out a sunny day turn into all cloudy skies.

I live by an airport and watch planes fly by that are flying around the same altitude and have no exhaust. I have been puzzled over the years why some planes have thick exhaust and others have none. I also noticed that planes that are emitting exhaust sometimes have a break in the exhaust.

I read ToxicCanadian’s thread and wondered about the mud application. I will research the information in the link provided. We have a a multitude of towers where I live and many being erected during 2020-2021 so the information is useful if true. Everyone I speak to ( young and old) feel tired 24/7 no matter how much rest they get.

Still sunny despite the clouds in the distance…bizarre

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Intriguing, let us know how it goes.

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Sure thing! Let's give it a week or two at least!

Note: the intent behind this is an important factor!

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What if you made mini hot air balloons with a small payload of vinegar, and sent several dozen into the sky? Ideally with a mechanism for aerosolizing the vinegar.

Or a DJI agras t40 :) "legally" flly up to 400', but they can go as high as 1600' :)


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You and your discriminating readers may find this spiritual "technology" based on orgone called Bubble Tech. It can also clear chemtrails, and functions very much on intentionality. You might need to do a bit of digging to grok it at first. If you are intrigued by this notion, go to the files section and read through the creator, Mike Emery's, documents. He's pretty eccentric, but I do believe this technology has the potential to be wonderfully, shall we say, DISRUPTIVE!


Here's the FB group:

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Discriminating? Not in the least. Truth leads to uncomfortable conclusions. That could seem discriminating to someone only in the case of them not knowing the truth. Moreover, I always look to go beyond the superficial dichotomies and mainstream hate/divide&rule narratives.

Thanks for the info! I will check it out

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F**K ME THEN! ..... We all need to SHARE THIS.


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This is such a silly scam. I'm sorry, but I've been researching and following some of the most brilliant minds in the chemtrail community since the mid 90s.

This makes zero sense.

Go ahead and ask Jim Lee at Climate Viewer here on SS.

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I know it sounds silly... but there might be something to it. And it is so CHEAP and easy to try out..so

I will try it myself first and then I will draw further conclusions!

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If you are newer to the issue of chemtrails (post 2010) I understand that you would want to try this. This was tried by many of us back in the day. Even in spray bottles aimed at the sky 🤣

I wish you good luck ❤️

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My journey into hidden "rabbit holes" started in 2008.

Vinegar? Since its so cheap and easy, I really do not see why not to try it.

Btw, the vinegar is only a half of this attempt, the other half is the intent of whoever is doing it.

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I understand completely. This is a blog post I wrote back in the day:


I can't believe how prophetic it was, written in 2009!😯

Someone sent me a packet of some sort of frequency charged salts to add to water.

Have also built an orgone generator/cloud buster.

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Interesting info for sure. Thanks

Btw, few links that I tried from your blog post are "dead".. leading to commercial type stuff..

But I searched for this Agnihotra! And found that what I said about intent makes A LOT of sense!


ALSO, if you never heard this, proper Shamans can clear the sky with a word and a puff of tobacco!

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The Shamans do it here on the Indian Reservation in New Mexico. Trails/crap are gone in the blink of an eye! We do have the haze around the sun sometimes and it is usually the day after Musk launches his SpaceX out in Ca. They have something planned for that.

Shamans have always been gifted with the earth for centuries. Their intention is grounded.

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I've played around with spoken intention and song (just riffing, no words) and have seen a completely heavy socked in sky shift completely.

We had a few weeks of very clear skies but the last few days have been pale gray, white skies. (Yet my solar panels are getting a charge, enough so that the system floats and resets)


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May 4Edited
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What is the exact protocol?!

What goes in the Humidifier?


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Pure vinegar.

Maybe not into a humidifier, it could ruin it?

I have a ceramic oil diffuser, which is used with a candle.

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May 6
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To be honest, I do not like your tone. Continue in this vain and I will block/delete you from my stack.

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May 6
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Yep. GTFO! Such attitude belongs on mainstream stuff, with mainstream sheeple.

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So now we create drought? Isn't this weather modification also?

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They’re spraying the hell out of us

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The white vinegar revolution is here ! Fuck the scumbags still following orders and spraying their poison all day. Will definitely try it.

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