Kick in the trans-globalist nuts for less than 1euro ($)?

If its so cheap, then it must be Satanism? PirateStudacracker thinks so.. (pathetic!)

Kidding - its a bit more if we do it 2x(or more)daily + you need a evaporating rig. Not kidding about the accusations that this is somehow a bad idea!

PS. Keeping the humanity in fear and negative emotional state is their goal No.1

-> if globosHlOMO failed at that, NOTHING that THEY DO would have a fcking pass!

- SO WHATEVER YOU DO - do not switch to a positive emotional state, stay like that, be a nice food!

Mark my words!

Thread gently tho, there is a LOT to unpack here - if you feel you are not up to change from within (exorcism, healing), SKIP IT!

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First line of attacks on Vinegahotra: "Ahaha, you naive fools, how dumb can you be for trying such a stupid thing. You believe in unicorns fools"...

Second line of attacks on Vinegahotra: "You are attempting witchcraft. You are a satanist and you worship the Devil"... ...

So, I am Satanist for implying that human negativity is creating the fcking DYSTOPIA towards which the urban human world seems to be racing AND TRYING TO FIGHT IT??!

First type is atheistic, does not believe in anything that the white-coats do not condone.

Second type is defeatist, nihilistic, Kant-ian, empty headed Catholic - "you can not know anything! you got this physicality so that you get to be raped - you should be silent! go fund more Israel and turn the other cheek"

In the real world:

Vinegahotra: HOLD MY BEER!

Look at the clear skies mate! Look at the natural weather patterns mate?

Harmony at display! Healing at display! Peace and love growing more and more...


VINEGAHOTRA for the win!


GTFO piratestudebaker, to me it is clear that your ignorance (or perhaps even intentional malice) is serving Satanism!

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i forgot about this and have done it and i did it with a big paella pan and it worked so i will get on it this weekend, white vinegar the more of us the better..

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A simpler apology to your question of "collective mindset effects of geo engineering).

All air has suspended water in it (dry air is pure oxygen).

So we all live in a fine mist ocean.

We absorb, sense and electromagnetically and electrically respond to all the water surrounding us .

Like fish in a pool, if someone drops a heavy rock (signal disruption) in a calm pool, all the fish will feel it and instantly and instinctively know it's location and act collectively to avoid the original focal point of the impact of the rock. (The signal being dangerous)

Now if the signal is a different amplitude and frequency, let's say a worn on the end of a fishing rod, the fish will all think it's food and locate it (behaviour through different frequency and amplitude modulations of the medium, in this case water.

We do this with air also.

So yes, geoegineering is a fundamental vector to collective mindset instruction and behaviour.

They are also hiding the delivery and positioning of the mass deployment of satilite surveillance tech being set in low orbit, using a blanket of cloud.


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Oh, I missed this reply. So you agree that chemtrails (aeroplanes, chemicals, pilots, contracts for it) is a manifestation of a collective negative emotional/mental state?

Because that is why Vinegahotra works. And the next step would be to be able to have such an effect without vinegar.

People who do not understand that this is basically a harmonizing of energy/environment will call it magic and witchcraft.


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I can attest that the distilled white vinegar does work! When I use it in my backyard, the sky is above me just clear up

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Excellent!! Thank you for dropping by and confirming with your own experience!

Have a great day @Gypsy Queen ;)

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Esoterically Outstanding!

Steinerlicious 😂

They need to lock us down in each country, for the digital monetary and ID transition to work.

I've smeegulled this subpsyop over the last few weeks.....

I'm always overtly cautious, when sneaky politicians and famous scientists agree with me! 😂😂

They'll use any means necessary, including stopping air travel, to stop geo engineering.....to pacify the rebel alliance 😂.

Et Soil, will be the basis, for distribution of credit scores....

As required, in the legal slave ownership of maritime law.

An interesting symbol for distilled vinegar 🙏.

like the four crosses, surounding a fifth....

You're a super star, Sirius.

Keep shining ever so brightly 😁🍻.

The future is bright, with Sarsons 😂😂😂

The most useful news, is wrapped up in the chippy 👍.



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I forgot sound resonance caused by wind moving through the particulates creating abnormal harmonic frequencies effecting mood.

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I lived on islands. So I know how change in wind direction and strength can be a huge mood-changer. People who are un-conscious of effects of nature (spiritworld, elementals) are susceptible to all kinds of issues that they then blame on other factors.

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Now that's an interesting design of a ship.....

Cloud seeding cannons or HAARP phased array antenna?

The upload is blurry, can anyone identify this ship?

Prayers for the affected by the geo engineering programs around the world.

Great video.


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Yeah, wherever that boat-thingie was filmed, the design of it looks weird.

Let me ask you a weird q. What if the geo-engineering that we are seeing and calling chemtrails is a direct effect of a “collective” negative emotional state of mind?

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Hi Sirius, heavy metal particulates that have been found in chemtrailed land have known neurological implications , including depression, fatigue and brain fog and system malfunction of all major organs, cumulative and I crementally.

The colour spectrum of the Sun, and being blocked also causes circadian rhythm abnormalities and the red to yellow hue is important to cellular regeneration and mental relaxation (why looking at a campfire is relaxing).

The metal particulates also form a more coherent "mesh" in the atmosphere when radiated by EMF towers causing an "enhanced" sub conscience transmission or "collective" mindset possible amongst others in the same flux field of magnetism.

The brain not only communicates internally through neural pathways but also through electromagnetic signal transitions to and from different areas of the brain.

External frequency can affect the internal transmissions.

All parts of the body including the brain have different frequency resonances including the major organs.

This is how our brain communicates to other areas of the body to signal to the right places needed, through specific I termodulated carrier signals induced through the cellular field network within.

Our skin has pores which act like tiny antenna, or voltage gates that allow us to sense our surroundings.

The food and water we consume have different electrical properties , that are altered with geo engineering metal contaminates.

Geo engineering is one of the main EMF control components as it amplifies the field and retunes the body and brain to resonate at " alien" frequencies and Interupts internal communications , causing disease or malfunctioning signal pathways.

Geo engineering main effects:


The alteration of the sun's light frequency spectrum through particulate resonance and refraction causes neauralogical effects, as well as not getting enough of the red and blue light spectrum eg white skies instead of blue and red sunrise and sets.


Retunes and alters internal system communications.

Used to amplify and strengthen tower emfs in a particular localized area.


Pineal gland absorbs aluminium causing autism and disorientation to nature field external sensed.

Block pores causing calcium voltage gate malfunction.

Damages liver and kidneys due to being very difficult to process

Causes heart disease due to the electrical vortex properties propelling blood through the veins and discharge "burnout" (stuck particulates internally ,causing holes in the arterial insulating linings.

Also affects the magnetic properties of blood containing iron which is essential in a narrow bandwidth of amounts in healthy blood.

Great question, it completely effects all humans, plants and animals .

We are all electromagnetic, and function off the trace elements in our systems, including tree roots.

The dumping of heavy metals, fibre polymers and radioactive isotopes is devastating.

It is hard to detox from, my best finding are from detoxing it from the soles of your feet using salt baths (gravitate towards the electromagnetism of sodium chloride) bypassing the natural detoxing organs (which have to work very hard to remove it).

Also try onion and garlic in a swab on the soles of feet.

I hope this helps and is a top of my head summary to the question asked.

Keep Rockin', my friend, and keep shining ✨

Cheers Michael.

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Hey The Mick.

Sorry mate, I will have to disagree with your take on detoxing as well... ;)

Why? I "moved on" from this kind of looking at my environment, my body and how to be healthy. How is that possible? After enough experimentation on myself, I found the answers how to be healthy and I went and DID IT!

Not only health, but peace of mind as well. So naturally, I am now looking at the world through/with these two successes.


Btw, I asked you: What if there is a possibility that chemtrails are a direct manifestation of the collective negative state of emotions/mind? But you did not get where I was aiming at...


Btw2, garlic is a very powerfull neurotoxin - should be used only when suspecting parasitic infections. Plants have cellulose. We can not digest cellulose! Yes, I am a carnivore/frutarian.

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There is an informative book on the real life experiences of a healer's apprentice who actually healed people with the power of evil though because the healings were real, took many years to understand what she was actually engaged in.

THE BEAUTIFUL SIDE OF EVIL by Johanna Michaelsen

If you want to dabble in witchcraft I can't stop you but I'm fairly sure witchcraft won't simply dabble with you. It will charge a much more costly price.

If all the results produced by Satan in this world were horrifying no one would give themselves to him.

If he promised you the whole world cleared of chemical spraying would you trade your soul?

No? Just your neighborhood then? How can only a little magic hurt?

It can cost you everything and Satan has made a very good deal. A little for a lot.

thank you, Jesus. I follow you.

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So...what exactly did you want to say with this comment? That you were triggered after reading just a few sentences? Obviously!

Trade my soul for HEALING AND HELPING?

I am advocating for satanism? fckengLOLZ!!! ..

WOW, you seem lost/confused ..

and extremely negative-minded!!

Christ Jesus? Yes, he is my inspiration!

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Attacking me is what's dumb.

I asked you some questions. You can't or won't answer them so you deflect by trying to denigrate me.

It's clear what I think in what I wrote. Magic is not of God. If it's not of God it's...what?

Give it any name you'd like. It doesn't change it.

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What? Questions?

You leave an accusing comment - with which you imply what you imply! Without referencing anything I said, you say that I somehow do not understand what the f I am writing and that it is satanism!

Your perception of "magic" is shallow, just like from a dumb Catholic. No wonder you accuse me of WITCHCRAFT! Straight up idiotic!!!!

So GTFO with that spineless shite! PLS Unsubscribe from my satanist stack


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Your perception of magic is confused at best.

Question marks at the ends of sentences define them as questions. In case you're confused about punctuation as well as practicing witchcraft.

I suppose only "deep" witchcraft qualifies as witchcraft?

Wiccans aren't practicing witchcraft? Since they only practice "light magic"?

I'm not idiotic and I didn't accuse you of anything. I questioned you.

Sorry you can't handle it and I see no reason to keep this subscription. Nothing to see here.

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Your perception of magic is confused at best.

So you claim. I beg to differ. Steiner is a bit greater authority on this topic than your high horsedness.

What gives you away is your style of “teaching”. The polite denigrating and implying of horrific mistakes. Probably because you actually understand what Vinegahotra is about, but you fear to step out of the box you are in.

You accused me of un-consciously doing bad things by implying how it is what you said it is. Which basically says that I am dumb!

And you try to imply that I am dumb with such a super-dumb approach? Take a good look at your self in this instance and if you are an honest human, you will maybe reach the conclusion that you should have reached when carefully reading my entire stack.

Sorry you can't handle it

Oh, I can handle it, no doubt about that. Only I choose not to be polite towards people who come at me as you did, with your high horse attitude.

Goodbye then! (opposed to you, I do not mind cussing when I want to be insulting)

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Hi guys, I think both of you as powerful allies in this transhumanism fight and very intelligent.

I think you both may be right !

Vinegar has unique electrical and strong electromagnetic properties as do onions, due to their "smell" dispersing quickly into the atmosphere like when you can readily tell an electrical burn in the air, it's all connected to electricity which is transmitted through the water vapour of the air.

That's the science bit.


Water being the giver of life and foundation of life when distilled is altered to form "spirits" or vinegar if left to long to ferment.

This is the demonic influence aspect of this phenomenon.

When we drink distilled and fermented fruits and vegetables aka wine , "spirits" this opens up another unseen realm in the brain , in which morality can be influenced.

Let's say pure water has a spirit of God, and altered water is a lesser version of God, or demigod. Aka demon , to consume is to process or be possessed by it.

Why whiskey destroyed the native American Indians and British! into a less than Godly person through spirit procession, or possession.

As other neurotoxic drugs can take you to other "planes of existence or realms" inhabited by other demons or daemons (electrical spirits)

Look up the occult God of Armon for more explanation.(The God of electricity).

Why Amish are more pure in thought!

Until they registered for the "voting " process.!!!!

So vinegar might affect and counter geoegineering, as to how, and what degree, I do not know.

And wether it's good or not.

I think the sense of smell is totally under investigated, especially why some smells propagate more than others.

Together we stand, divided we fall.

Cheers to you both.


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I appreciate your peacemaking. I understand it as well, but if I see people endorsing lesser magic as a solution and advocating others practice it, I will speak up.

If vinegar were physically capable of clearing chemtrails then pickle factories should result in the cleanest air. It doesn't seem any reports of vinegar-related industries clearing chemtrails has emerged. It would be fairly simple to ascertain and am fairly sure it would have been broadcast by now.

That's not what's going on. Like Wiccan and other forms of magic, "white magic" SEEMS harmless and even beneficial and that's my point.

The selling of one's soul can be subtle and SEEM harmless. At first.

It's why I brought up the book THE BEAUTIFUL SIDE OF EVIL by Johanna Michaelsen.

We need to turn to God and pray and rely on His wisdom in all our ways to the best of our abilities.

If vinegar is clearing the air of copious amounts of air borne chemicals by leaving a dish of vinegar outside, I seriously doubt it's due to the simple properties of vinegar. It's due to something more covert.

Magic potions work because people put their belief into them. Eye of Newt and cat hairs, etc., have no power on their own, but human intent does.

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I understand, and most excellent advice, thank you.

Witchcraft is a manifold in which you trade intent for materistic ritual.

Vinegar certainly won't clear chemtrails, only stopping the MIC doing it will!

Realisng that our mind/ conscienceness is not "in our heads" then we can understand that the "signal" from it's original source ~ God, that localises it on earth can be "hyjacked" or altered, we can understand how our perception can be altered.

Even to the extent we "see chemtrails disappearing right before our eyes" using vinegar concept.

All our senses can be manipulated through this Thule technology changing our conscienceness stream , this our reality.

This is why, like you most brilliantly put it ,belief in God being the only source is extremely important.

It stops the interference and helps us determine the true nature of reality and givs us the discernment that God has gifted us.

All Glory to God.

Those who stray"from the path" are susceptible to mindset alteration by other forces.

This is the big "Why" many cannot see the corruption when plainly observed and explained to them, even seeing it with their own eyes!

The strong in God learn the "other" practices to be aware of the manipulation and to protect ourselves and others from it, not to practice it!

Why we must always go back to God in our final decision making , this is the full armour of God spoken of.

A very big cheers.


A great a much needed conversation to be had.

Thank you.

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Thanks for you engagement The Mick.

Well, with all that I have learned so far, and with emphasize on Antroposophy, I can say that I disagree with the perception how this is lesser or bad “magic“. And I get why would someone think it. But I do not have to pamper such people, do I? Hey, if people want to be in the good ole Matrix - they will remain there! Nothing new can reach them if they consciously refuse to change for better when they are offered the opportunity.

Besides, Am I forcing this on my subs? No. I even put a huge warning sign at the top, to try and avoid situation like this one. In which I get attacked from people who do not even try to understand my point of view. Also, commenting on such a long-ass stack → there is not one reference to what I actually wrote…

Which means that the comment comes from a set perspective that basically got triggered with what is my message, hence the ignorant claim and impolite tone.

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can you post some pics of various apparatus you use, or other use? is it a candle below a vessel holding vinegar?

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hmm.. I have posted EXACT pic of the "apparatus" that I'm using in the stack…

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I see one side of some kind of pottery. I do not know what the inside looks like. Is it two pieces? Does the top come off? Is there a door on the other side? Does a candle go inside the bottom? Where does the vinegar go? Is there a lid on the top as well?

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it is an essential oil diffuser. made out of a hollow base in which you place a candle and a pot on the top - that in our case you fill with vinegar

quite a simple method

second method that I saw - some people put vinegar in a tin pot over a low fire on an outdoor stove (be it induction or a gas flame)

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is the pot metal, in your diffuser? You can remove it, and fill it up outside of the diffuser? Thank you for this explanation.

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mine is made of clay, the top pot is porcelain. candle diffusers are usually baked clay.

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