We like the birds, we feed them every day and give them water. the yard is full of chickadees, pigeons, sparrows, magpies and often comes a raven that after eating sits proudly and imposingly on the fence, surveying the surroundings. They do not care if we are close to them, they are not afraid of us. the magpies don't like cats, they make special noises when they see them, but they like cherries, one of the trees being almost all theirs every year, they eat the cherries after they remove the pits and throw them on the ground. we know in advance when a storm is coming, the birds announce it. luckily we don't have chickens, the neighbors complain that they steal their chickens :)

Anyway, life would be boring without the sound of birds, wonderful smart amazing creatures.

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I share this with you - fabulous.

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Beautiful post! Very edcational

Thank you!

We LOVE our birds here on our property.

Many crows (not certain which kind)? Beautiful black that shines a brilliant deep blue in sunlight). They protect the smaller group of parakeets at our feeders from huge hawks and roadrunners :-) Our cat also loves the birds and will not attack them.

You are a wonderful man. The world needs more of you :-)

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Thank you for your very kind words dear Dr.Deborah :)

And thank you for appreciating my amateurish writings!

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I am with you on Corvids, Sirius. When I was in the UK we had carrion crows, rooks, and jackdaws and I fed them every day. They knew me well and were not afraid. They always had a sentry in the morning, high in a tree, when I came down to the river at dawn, waiting patiently. (He?) would caw, three times, and soon the flock would arrive. I tried to emulate his call but don't think I got it exactly right, however, he would respond sometimes anyway.

Now I am in the Western Cape, we have lots of cape pigeons, and starlings (Corvids?), with many other smaller types that I will have to identify when I have time. I also feed them every morning and evening, but sometimes the baboons arrive and steal all their food! It is a joy of nature here on the mountain overlooking False Bay: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/easy-living-in-south-africa-icj-ruling?sd=pf



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Well written. Next time someone calls me a bird brain I'll just smile and say thank you

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Thank you Roark. Yep, seeing how smart these birds are, it would indeed be a compliment ;)

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Feb 24, 2024
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Thank you Anri 😊

As you know, Croatia is ex-communist territory. So here people generally behave like they are somewhat retarded and ignorant, stupid by design. Really, one can not do much except observe the effects of communism which show as so deeply ingrained in "non conscious people".

One of my ideas is to start a cat hotel-sanctuary which would be self financed somehow. Wish me luck, eh? ;)

Have a great one yourself Anri.

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Feb 25, 2024
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There are still stray dogs, but nowhere near the bigger cities.

But cats are a different matter. They don't have the status of a pet like dogs. And so they are helped mostly by individuals. So also there are cat shelters which scam people and use cats as a reason to ask for money while just pretending to care for them. Here petty criminals are such lowlifes like in China.

Animal welfare laws are precursor to the digitalization of humans.

A lot of us have been warning for years against the microchiping. But urban "people" do not listen until it is too late. They are the agents of the matrix because their minds have been programmed to defend the status quo without realizing what it is they are defending. They actually think they are smarter for following government mandates - such is their mental capacity.

We can do a lot for them, the problem is that they are weak and so do not want to have to learn new things. Especially if it would mean realizing that they did some mistakes in the past. Public schooling methods create a society of obedient useful idiots.

What, experience of feeling helpless against the sea of people who all are going in the wrong direction and do not want to stop and think where it is they are going? Yea, frequently :)

If nothing else, I have learned to stop judging in a generalized way. Even if people seem so hopeless, wonder still occur. And almost every individual has a chance to change themselves.

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Anri unsubscribed and deleted all her substack entries ? WOW!!!

I hope you are well& safe dear Anri!!!

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