Very interesting Sirius, thanks for this.

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I need to listen on my way to work...is this the dr who had a patient leave quickly..later came back cause his voices were telling him to kill him?

I do believe there are evil spirits or whatever...and yes they can possess people...i have read Malachi Martin..and People of the Lie. Both made a lasting impression on me....

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I am not sure of what case you talk about, but it could be. In the interviews Dr Jerry describes many of his encounters with schizophrenics and even with the "plasmic entities" which possessed his patients! Watch pt1 and pt4 to save on time.

You can also find many more details on his site:


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It's very interesting. You know they say about 70 percent of us don't have internal dialogs...scary cause mine never shuts up. But it is me....and I was just reading about how our hippocampus works... which in the old days people thought was the seat of your soul. And you have to make new cells or neurons everyday..but there are ways to hijack them....I wonder if these entities settle there? And provide that internal dialog by hijacking your soul...

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"They" seem to be plasma beings. And that means "they" are all around the place, on the spirit plane. Who possibly have a very low frequency, being destructive/evil. So maybe latching onto their victims in times of great shock and trauma? Possibly it is because aether body detaches from physical in times of great stress.. but "they" also seem to be focused on drug-addicts.

What is cool is that "they" can easily be subdued and with time and effort one can make "them" go away.

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Yes. I have to admit...I wouldn't touch a ouidja board either when young. I think the ancient texts tried to warn us......I mean we think we are so smart and scientific....but really...if you don't believe in something you can't see...then how do you explain electricity?

We don't even have all the senses animals do...

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Hey Duchess.

I updated this stack w Ponssot interviews! I highly recommend ;)


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Fascinating.thank you.

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As you could already see on Kamen, I went deeper into the "apocryphal texts", which, unlike the "canonical" (biblical) ones, in my opinion, are less manipulated and falsified...

One of the most interesting books (which, by the way, is even "canonical" in Coptic Bible) is the "Book of the Prophet Enoch"...

At first glance, there is no doubt about it.

These books, in multiple versions (like many other "apocryphal" texts) - speak precisely of these "ethereal beings" ("Elohim" - probably the same story with the Anunnaki, Archons, Chitahuri, etc.), the 7 ethereal heavens below the "firmament " where these "elohim" have a strict hierarchy, etc...

Of course, neither the "apocryphal" nor the "canonical" so-called "scriptures" - in my opinion - do not speak of GOD/Creator...

Indeed, these "Elohim" are definitely not.

However, they clearly say that after this life, people go to those "Ethereal Heavens" with a strict pyramidal hierarchy, perhaps even worse than here in the material world...

Moreover, the first 3 "Ethereal Heavens" are quite terrible, more like punishment rather than a reward. Only in the 4th heaven does the so-called "heaven"... and the main "Elohim" (Elion), who is supposedly some kind of "general", resides in the 7th heaven, occasionally descending to the 4th heaven. ..

But even when I'm open to everything, it seems to me that it's an oversimplified picture too...

I am currently more inclined to assume that EACH of these "Elohim" (or demons, or arcons) is simply - a projection of our own EGO.

So, it's not that they "don't exist" and that the doctor and nurse are lying - however, it seems to me that this is just scratching the surface of a huge topic...

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"in my opinion - do not speak of GOD/Creator..."

Dionysius the Areopagite said that God is ineffable. And I agree with him. So that would mean that all the man-made descriptions of God are nothing but fantasies. Or something worse. Descriptions that point to various entities that just ACT like gods.

Scripture is a tricky beast! We have to be VERY skilled to read it and not fall for the superficial explanations.

"Know the tree by the fruit that it bears!"

Projection of the EGO? Depends on what you think EGO is, eh? And this is one level up from my post, I did not raise this question :) But I agree.

What is interesting about EGO is that it is a new invention in human thinking. And I think that EGO is something like an INTERFACE with "reality". For humans to understand how things work, EGO has to get it!

What is concerning is all the "kill the EGO with psychedelics" that is going around. People think they know what is EGO and then take powerful psychedelics to get rid of it. Hence all the bad experiences that is blamed on "shamans". Shamans in this case being dealers.

"...just scratching the surface of a huge topic"

Well, we all have to start from somewhere ;) And I agree.

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hehe...I agree...

Maybe you've already seen this movie, but if you haven't, you might find it interesting:


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Yes, I did. But it was a long time ago. I think I might take the time to watch it again, I forgot most of the details. Interesting fact: Photek had an LP in 2000, named Solaris - and that is where I first heard of it. Also, the Soderbergh remake with George Clooney (which I completely forgot).

Btw, I was a huge fan of SF books and movies for more than two decades! But then I noticed how these dark dystopian "futuristic" worlds have ill effect on my psyche. And so I stopped with intake of such content for a good while. I remember switching to history fiction lolz...

Now it is a different story. Such content is not "hurtful" any more. When I try and watch things like that my mind has a sort of a buffer as protection...

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Sam Vaknin analysis of Stanislaw Lem's Solaris


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Need to find those prayers!

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article, part4:


There are many more blog and article entries on his site!

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23rd Psalm, the Lord’s Prayer and singing Amazing Grace

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Ho'oponopono will be very helpful as well!! Dr.Hew Len

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After I went through a bit of Rudolf Steiner's HUGE body of work, I can say that this ascension stuff is not to be taken seriously! But that is just my humble opinion ;)

Cheers Greg

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The Esoteric stories are interesting though.

About 40 + years ago I read some writings from a book Man Myth and Magic.

The Archon hierarchy is mentioned in the story about the moon or in one of the see also links.

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