Khazar hypothesis, truth or fiction?
After a year and a half of 'light' research I concluded that the modern Khazar "theory" is mostly fiction! This fairy tale is popular thanks to Arthur Koestler, Eran Elhaik and... Milorad Pavić?
→ NOTE: Post too long for e-mail, read online! This is a bit expanded and different version of the original Croatian text + few more SIRIUS insights!
The myth of the Khazars and their conversion to Judaism comes to us from the ancient times.
But it seems that this myth is based mainly on the "stories of old grandmothers"! Which is problematic, to me at least - as if all grandmothers were sober, let alone that all grandmothers were honest! That is an attempt at using traditional Croatian sayings…but in this particular case, we can imagine sneaky rabbis that are full of ill intentions towards everyone except themselves and the rest of their talmudic brethren. And these rabbis have been making up a huge lot of demoni(uni)corn stories for millenia now!
The problem with this myth, similarly to the anti-semitism, is that it is used as a blanket claim to divert attention from the root of evil in modern society, and not just the western part of it! But it is rather strange, since even today's narrow-minded historians and scientists do not agree with most of the claims about the Khazars. Perhaps there are some seeds of truth in it, on which Mt. Everest of fiction then sprang up!
Interestingly, I do not see anyone mentioning a sect of slave driving jews that are also mentioned only in ancient Arabic texts (just two), namely the Radhanites. Sure enough, they were active at the same time as Khazars, doing trade from Europe to China running slaves, mostly Christians and Arab’s favourite type of slave - Slavs.. .hmm..hmm - Now you know where the word SLAVe comes from. 9th century, European, French Jewry. This fact is also interesting when it comes to the issue of expulsions → “first” mass expulsion of jews is recorded in Crimea (Ukraine) in the year 1016 AD.
And what about the beaver theory?
Just kidding about the beaver theory, but the beaver (khazz) should give you a clue at what I am saying in this stack.
So, the little truth about Khazars that maybe present should hold no weight in discussions about modern talmud worshippers, especially when we are a little more familiar with their true history! And there is no reason that truth searching people should continue to think how the (supposed descendants of) Khazars are responsible for 99.99% of the problems of the modern World.
Furthermore, when we start to blow away this house of cards, we have an opportunity to detect that underneath there are other, older houses of cards. Which are basically all created to keep the modern man in a delusional perception of his-story as to push him on a dystopian course of evolution. Luciferic sounding stuff. Might be because it is!
And I look to confirm my insights with the real state of affairs —Know the tree by the fruit that it bears!-. So when I’m developing theories I start at the end and then move towards the beginning, like coming in through the back door..
Are you still here? Then let’s get into it in chronological order →
Historical sources
on which the Khazar hypothesis is based:
Ibn al-Faqih - 10th century - The Islamic Golden Age.
Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Faqih al-Hamadani (Persian: احمد بن محمد ابن الفقيه الهمذانی) (fl. 902) was a 10th-century Persian[1] historian and geographer, famous for his work “Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan” ("Concise Book of Lands") written in Arabic.
Rabbi Hasdai ibn Shaprut - 10th century
Hasdai (Abu Yusuf ben Yitzhak ben Ezra) ibn Shaprut (Hebrew: חסדאי אבן שפרוט; Arabic: حسداي بن شبروط, Abu Yussuf ibn Shaprut) born about 915 at Jaén, Spain; died about 970 at Córdoba, Andalusia, was a Jewish scholar, physician, diplomat, and patron of science. A son of a wealthy learned Jew Isaac ben Ezra. (haha, reminds me of the rising youtube anthropologist star - Robert Sepher)
Rabbi Judah Halevi - (1080–1141) - 12th century
Jewish poet, physician and philosopher - wrote the book "Kuzari - The Book of Refutation and Proving in the Name of the Despised Religion" in Arabic, (orig. "Al Khazari - Book of Refutation and Proof on Behalf of the Despised Religion").
Instead of using complicated philosophical ideas, Rabbi Judah Halevi bases his arguments on history, tradition, and common sense. In the introduction, the author states that the purpose of his work is to respond to the attacks of those who want to denigrate Judaism. Thus, "Kuzars" became one of the most important works of Jewish apologetics, and was printed many times in many languages, including several English translations.
A very interesting story about Judas Halevi can be found on But it seems to me that his fantastic "biography" is also a slight fabrication aimed at glorifying his character and work. For example, it is not known exactly whether he was born in Toledo or Tudela. Nor if he died in Jerusalem or in Alexandria.
→ Legitimate academic sources of information?
It should always be understood that these supposedly legitimate historical sources are very easy to invent, falsify and to use to trick the hollow-headed shekel loving “academics”. Who then present them to us as truth set in stone! This should certainly be obvious to anybody that read my stack on A.T.Fomenko’s "New Chronology". ← !
Khazar “theory” mental gymnastics → typikon academicon
So, in my re-search for the long lost spirit of the Khazars, which is limited to information with public access, I came across all sorts of mental gymnastics among fabled Khazar theorists. Despite, or perhaps it is better to say, precisely thanks to all these "legitimate and accurate" ancient sources! But this is quite logical to me. Why? Because now I know how academically trained mainstream accepted historians actually make their conclusions/findings → they are forced/trained to reconcile themselves with already established and confirmed material and historic "evidence". Evidence that very often, from what I see, falls under the category of nothing more than "hearsay"! And when it comes to official main stream accepted archeology (to be shown to goys), the chances are how majority of it is wrongly dated and also faked. This all means that historians have to align their conclusions with slightly older examples of even more violent shekel-douchebagging - which tends to be, to put it mildly, susceptible to lying and fabrication! It can not be helped, after all I have learned so far, I now have issues with bolshevik archeologists “arranging” for the discovery of “Khazar cities”.
More examples of mental stretching that I’ve found; the Khazars are one moment the Kozlars, the other the Kuzars, the third the Chosars. Some say that only the nobility converted to Judaism, and that the people did not! Others say that the nobility decide to convert only after the majority of the Khazar people had done so?! Then some claim that in Khazaria there was a custom to execute the King/Kagan (Khan sounds very similar - Khazars were probably just a Turkic tribe that were located on the borders of the Byzantine empire) if he was unsuccessful?! What, really? This means that, thanks to this policy, their kings were a bunch of just and honest men, otherwise they wouldn’t last very long on that throne?! Such democracy from such an advanced and fine cultured society..? should actually be introduced everywhere?!! maybe not execution by state but just a public stoning for corruption in government!!! Weird how these vile satanists offer such fine democratic and smart characteristics, innit?
And someone present me with legitimate sources (other than cliff@q_high..) that show how the Khazars were "hard core Satanists" and that this was the main reason why the Russian Tsar Sviatoslav supposedly went to Khazar kingdom to put them all to the sword, buuuuut, when he arrived he decided to just order them to convert to one of the three Abrahamic religions, when they feel like it - which was the pushed story a few years ago when almost all of us fell for it! Yes, he first went to slaughter them for their cruelty and wicked ways, and then he quickly changed his mind and decided that most evil Khazars can now choose to be his brothers in religion or go with his enemy’s religion - I sense quite a bit of cognitive dis-onance floating about..!
I guess it won't be hard to imagine how "Khazar Satanism" was created and spread around with the aim to pin the Satanism that we are finding in the Babylonian Talmud/Zohar/Mishna on someone else. Otherwise we should not find it there, don’t you think?
Additionally, to me this story about Tsar Sviatoslav looks like an attempt to insert the Khazars in the place of those who were, following the mass retaliation and exodus, killed or escaped from Tartary after they helped arrange the murder of Jesus Christ! And so that the history of Tartary, which could not be completely eradicated, is more successfully hidden. And as I mentioned, first recorded mass expulsion of jews happened in Crimea in 1016.
Furthermore, the Khazars are said to have been mainly engaged in trade, due to their strategic position and small numbers. Well, if they were few in number, then they certainly could not have posed a big and terrible problem to someone, let alone powerful “Russians”(Rus, tribesman that had RED hair)! Another "legitimate" source describes how they had to convert because they were surrounded by Christians on one side and Muslims on the other, without mentioning Judaism at all. Hmh, why would we then have a story of a Kagan who, based on a dream, invited one Greek, one Arab and one Jewish theologian so that he can decide (he had time and grace to go about this important religious question and was not feeling threatened at all..) which religion the Khazars will be switching to - and BAAAAAM - it was Judaism - just a COHENincidence, I am sure!
One thing is for certain when it comes to the Khazar conversion fantasy, here you don't know who is drinking, let alone who is paying for it! Which is a very good proof that there was a lot of shekel driven unicorning in this regard! And if they had to shag it out that much, then it is obvious that we have another case of bullshit disguised as nice stuff, oy vei!
I am aware that anyone who is scientifically trained/minded might have issues (muahahah) with my style of reasoning, but my reasoning is on display precisely because of scientifically (possessed) trained monkeys - who lie for shekels and act like gods while being evil douchebags - wait, who would even consciously do such a vile thing? Are they all possessed? Questions that need to be answered keep on piling up!
Maybe the reason why I am able to arrive at my conclusions is the fact that I keep an open mind when researching in a very broad spectrum of topics. All that I find points to radically different reality than the one in the officially accepted historic timeline.
But SIRIUS, in the case of Khazars, is there anything that we can be 100% sure about?
There is! Koestler's character/motivation alongside Elhaik's ignorance/motivation!
So let's first see what's up with Koestler
Arthur Koestler
Interest for the Khazars in our modern times was initiated by Arthur Koestler, around the time I came to this side from that side, in 1976. So the Khazars were completely IRRELEVANT to modern jews until then!? Interesting, noted. → What, Only after they did all the purges in and after the WW2 and Israel was nicely established with the generous help of the weapons from WW2, eh?! And remember all those anti-jewish pro-white movements from the 50s and 60s? Might be that these guys were trying to save USA from communist-jewish takeover? That you are witnessing today!?
And why are the Ashkenazi jews the only problematic ones when there are plenty of examples in the past of how Sephardic jews, maranos, kaifengs and cryptos (etc.) behave exactly as we should believe for the Khazars - stealing/changing names and practicing what we can call Satanism - drug dealing, extortion, prostitution, pornography, human trafficking and gambling being what we are taught to call criminal - which is the largest justification for the need for more laws and government! This is a direct result from the design of the concept of A CITY - and all the “benefits” that “learned” city dwellers get from their monarchs - R ya gitn all dah connected impleehcations therah mah matey!?
Another confirmation of my thinking, I note it as well.
Arthur Koestler - communist/capitalist/inte-quak-tellectual/psychopath, a weakling
Arthur Koestler (1905 - 1983)
The son of a Hungarian man and an Austrian woman..
in reality:
Arthur Koestler was born in Budapest, Hungary, on 5 September 1905 to parents from the assimilated, prosperous Jewish bourgeoisie.
(wiki-joo-pedia hides this fact, but I got it covered)
He was a world-famous novelist and writer on political, scientific and philosophical topics, also was later in his life interested in parapsychology. Koestler attended the Polytechnic High School in Vienna and studied mechanical engineering, and then studied science and psychology at the University of Vienna. As a young man, he became a Zionist, and when he worked as a journalist he joined the Communist Party. He was also a journalist in Spain during the Civil War, where he ended up in prison as a communist (wiki fails to say that he spied for the communists!), from which he was released only after the intervention of the British government (but why was this nosy communist so important to Brits? Espionage, the very popular spiel with double-agents? or…
..what an excellent opportunity for an important, but a very related digression:
→Can it be that the British monarchy was secretly in league with the Communists and aligned with their evil goals - har har har bloody har! paying attention yet?
Remember how the British monarchy was at first goading on and saluting Adolf Hitler? It is obvious how that is why later Winston Churchill had to work SO HARD at making England go to war - because the people were under impression that Hitler was a good guy (British people emulated everything that their monarchs did in public). Besides, how could they not think like that when Hitler was so magnificent at calling out what jews did to Germany, especially with his “Mein Kampf”! But was he the “real-deal”? If it is true that Hitler visited Kurt Eisner’s funeral (Eisner was a jewish communist politician that created the Bavarian Soviet Republic in 1918. He was gunned down a year later) - that is good evidence for a double allegiance! Later there was the “Transfer Agreement” which made sure that enough jews will be re-located to Palestine. And there are more clues. Available only if you start thinking coherent thoughts, cognitive dissonance will just not do! WW2 was the ultimate purge of every opposition that these communist/nazi rabbis had on their lists.
So many things start making sense once we realize that Germany was played just as all the other nations who switched to central banking system - that was inaugurated by Freemasons and certain other secret societies who all, knowingly or unknowingly, worked on instructions from the most powerful rabbis of that time - which of course were connected to certain theosophic societies from England, Europe and USA!! Not to say that monarchies were the good guys! Think about the Reformation and all the purges that were accomplished through it. Of course, Hitler’s supposed wish to get rid of Rothschilds was just a smoke&mirror play. He gladly accepted their type of money from other sources. Now back to the pervert/psychopath Koestler.
Later, disillusioned with communism, Arthur moved from Austria to England and joined the English army as a newly minted monarchist-capitalist. Pure chameleon-ism eh!? Clearly, a man with no allegiance -except to rabbis and their secret goals. Yeah, these rabbis can be very VERY deceptive when they are instructing prominent personalities from their flock on what to do with their wealth and influence!
In his 1940 book "Darkness at Noon", as well as in his later symposium "God Who Failed: Six Studies in Communism" from 1949, Koestler rejected communism and all other totalitarian regimes, which he considered corrupt, inhuman and cynical policies aimed only at power over people, confirming how he is now a nice little British imperialistic drone. Koestler joined the British Army in 1941 and became a British citizen after the war. In 1955, he ceased to be actively involved in politics.
And then, in 1976, he wrote his controversial book entitled "The Thirteenth Tribe", in which he develops the Khazar theory with which he tries to show that the Ashkenazi Jews are not ancient Israeli Semites, but descendants of the Khazars, a Turkic people who collectively converted to Judaism in the eighth century AD, allegedly under the threat of death from the Russian Tsar Sviatoslav. Academic criticism of his research was generally negative, while his motive for writing this book was obviously his desire to weaken anti-Semitism in the world, which he himself admits.
As sources for his book, Koestler used the previous works of Douglas Morton Dunlop, Raphael Patai, and Abraham Polak. Works with which hardly anyone agreed and which are of questionable quality - same as is his.
Another slight digression opp.: Anti-Semitism is another Jewish spiel with which they convince people how anyone who has something against Jews is mad and has a mental illness and absolutely no reason to hold a grudge against → jews who practice Satanism! → Quite a telling sign is how ADL themselves say that anti-semitism started ONLY in 16-17th century!? As if there was no jewish mischief prior to this period!? And gentiles/goys readily believe it!? Truly like cattle lead to slaughter!
And at his end, he let his character shine through. Arthur Koestler, who was proclaimed as a great authority on many subjects, suffered from leukemia, mental illness and later Parkinson's disease! So, on March 3, 1983, at the age of 77, he was found dead in his London home. It was found that Koestler committed suicide together with his third wife, Cynthia Koestler - the punk had no balls to do it alone? I wonder if Cynthia was forced into it..
That from a man who is claimed to be one of the most stimulating intellects of the twentieth century, who received the Danish Sonning prize! Which was previously awarded to stinkers such as alcoholic judas Winston Churchill, EU founder and eugenicist Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi and equality pushing aristocrat philosopher and eugenicist Bertrand Russell to name a few..
→super quick tangent: Paul Joseph Watson (you know, the screechy voice color changing obnoxious yt celebrity truther) is supposedly related to B.Russel and homosexuality seems to be a trait in the family! My my, isn’t the Sonning Prize list of laureates quite a nice gathering of pedos, deviants and satanists!! Damned Marina Abramović, the very well known Clinton-Podesta-Pizzagate satanist-”artist” received the latest one!
And just a quick mention, there is also the story of Shlomo Sand. As his Jewish brothers say, a post-Zionist - who teaches at Tel Aviv University. Sand also has a great desire to prove that the Ashkenazi Israelis are actually intruders in the Middle East, and I guess that's why he supports Koestler's lie. Nevertheless, Sand is happy to continue living/enjoying and working in that very inappropriate and damn hot sandy part of the Middle East which is Palestine. - Does Mistery of Golgotha ring any bells?
So much for these two. And now let's move on to this interesting Serbian author
Milorad Pavić(ch) - author of “The Khazar Dictionary”
For some reason (another COHENincidence, I’m sure..), in 1984, Milorad Pavić, who seems to me like a very well-connected man, inspired by Koestler, experienced great success with his novel titled “Khazar dictionary”. Admittedly, it is difficult for me to classify his work in the category of a hoax because he wrote a novel for a wider audience. This is immediately evident from the quantity of sexual references with which the "Khazar Dictionary" is adorned. And his readers could hardly fail to notice that, unlike Christians and Muslims, Jews are the most evil of the three. Was he playing on the "anti-Semitic" feelings of his fellow citizens - Serbia had been diligent at eradicating Jews in WW2, as opposed to Croatia whose NDH nazi years are tainted with a lot of jews as officers!? He was certainly adding to the myth of Vuk Branković.

By the way, there is plenty of crooked theology, glimpse of cosmology, esoteric, mythology and witchcraft in his novel, so much so that it was difficult for me to distinguish what is important and what is fiction, what is mixed and what is pure, or is it all arranged in a way to impress and hook the wide-eyed wider public while throwing bits at the initiated. He tries to be satirical and has a light, but a bit inconsistent and easy going and “appealing” style of writing.
Today it would be hard to find someone knowledgeable enough about all these topics that they would be able to decipher everything that Pavić threw on his Khazar fantasy pile. The fact is that his novel with his academically dressed half assed convincing popularized the alleged Khazar conversion more than it was the case previously. And not just the Khazars..
Basically, his novel boils down to the story how the Khazar Kagan in the end did the smartest thing and then switched to Judaism, even adding that the next Kagan in line reformed Judaism. Well, no surprise that we get some interesting and expected implications arising out of his writing.
Let us see his bio:
Milorad Pavić (1929 - 2009)
A prose writer and poet, who comes from a very old family of writers and who was a professor at the universities of Belgrade and Novi Sad. In 1984 he wrote his second novel, called "Khazar Dictionary", for which he received the NIN Award for Novel of the Year. What is even more interesting, in 1987 his novel was among the two most sought-after titles of the great Frankfurt Book Fair, one could say an international bestseller! And this news was even reported by the Sunday Times of London and the American Publisher's Weekly! Which in itself is significant and telling!
Sublime epistemological instability, formal innovation and brilliant poetic language make Pavić's stories a fascinating exercise in the boundaries of artistic representation.
Was Milorad Pavić a Freemason? I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case! The spelling in the title (II) from the word REČNIIK sure reminds me of two masonic pillars, it should have only one I. And, knowing that, unlike the Croatian lodges before and during the Second World War, Serbian Freemasonry was hostile to (certain) Jews in Serbia ((a quick tangent: one more sign that points to the possibility that Hitler was a communist agent - see this interview from the good meaning geopolitical monkey Mike Adams with Christopher Jon Bjerknes - a puzzle of a Christian “errudite scholar“ - or is he an agent of chaos, my senses say that he has quite a jewish feel to him - regardless, I posted him because of the, by the looks of it, valid information that he divulges and it is up to you if you will take this info into account or dismiss it)), his novel acquires a bit deeper meaning. Although I am not so sure that he was just fooling around and playing with Koestler from an anti-semitic position of view. Because the fact is that his novel was very popular! Which means that the world's publishers have given it permission and supported it all the way. And when we know that ALL important publishing (large circulations and developed marketing networks) is controlled by the jews, the thing becomes more clear! Additionally, and I hope that you noticed the use of this tactic for manipulation - the vermin that manipulates us with the mass media also readily uses negative publicity to further their evil goals! Kinda like how in every bookstore there was the hit bestseller Mein Kampf alongside newspapers filled with stories about jewish nazi-hunters.
An analysis of Pavić's novel in English:
Analysis of Milorad Pavić’s Dictionary of the Khazars
And finally we come to
Eran Elhaik
Admittedly, I think that the most gasoline on "Khazar fire" was added by the "scientist" Eran Elhaik in 2013 (more popularization of Koestler was needed for the modern goy), when he boldly proclaimed that his research on Jewish genetics had found how majority of Ashkenazi Jews were actually of Khazar origin and not jews at all.
The fact is that we live in a time when the average man completely blindly trusts only the scientist god in a white coat, while everything else, led by rumors and gossip (and whitecoat-knit instructions), he decides to question, with spitting on it! So, if Eran said so, that's it! But but but.. it looks like Eran has gone out of his way to just take a huge dump and call it valid scientific evidence! So far, even several "honest" Jews and academics have called him out for it! Now here is a call out from one ex-atheist as well. And I do not suffer from the shekel disease so I can go as deep as it gets! → ((DO not think that I degrade anyone who honestly and honorably works for money, I have to do it as well! But I am satisfied with enough and would never choose shekels over truth or look to earn them on someone else’s blood and sweat, fair deals only!)) Back to soyentist on display.
In 2013, Elhaik published his genetic research in which he claimed that most Ashkenazi Jews were descended from the Khazars.
Here is a quote from him, about his motivation for his “research“:
Elhaik first became fascinated by this idea 10 years ago when he read Arthur Koestler's best-selling book "The Thirteenth Tribe", published in 1976.
Koestler calculated that the Jews could not number 8 million in Eastern Europe without the contribution of the Khazars. ///this seems like a joke!///
"After reading his ideas, I couldn't wait for genetic data that would allow someone to publish an estimate of Koestler's hypothesis," says Elhaik.
Funny, Koestler admits that his work is jewish apologetics, and Elhaik admits that the only reason for his work is to fortify Koestler’s claims.
But, as it turns out, Elhaik backs up his research (his projecting) with very bad soyence! And despite this, which is telling, his “research” was followed by the mass media with great approval! Which mass media you ask? Especially Israeli and other jewish run media platforms, a good sign that my thinking is correct! How convenient for jews, the theory of Khazar conversions implies that Ashkenazi jews are not of Semitic origin and are not jews.. → look over there goy, it’s not us that are flailing you!
Hah, who has not realized by now that the jews always try to divert attention from their ranks and pin the blame for their misdeeds on their opposition or on (non-existing) aliens and unicorns, accusing them of their evil actions, is very poorly in-formed!! Never mind how they go around spraying swastikas and desecrating their cemeteries to report it to newspapers as nazi crimes..
I'd like to emphasize this rather obvious fact here as well:
Are Jews a race/ethnic group?
Judging by everything, Jews are not a race at all, but an evil and dangerous interest group! So much so that they do not even deserve a capital j when being mentioned...
We can half-jokingly say that they are a multi-national/multi-religious circumcised corporation!
- quote by SIRIUSispodstruje -
you heard it here first folks!
This claim is supported by Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal who, in 1953, wrote "What Price Israel?". This claim is also confirmed by the conclusions from A.T. Fomenko!
We can easily conclude that today's Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews are not exclusive descendants of the Khazars, not even close. Also, new genetic research from 2022, published by Kevin Alan Brook, shows that modern Jews supposedly still have their roots in the ancient Israelites, while the supposed Khazar gene is present in them like a tiny drop. I think that this is also a possible projection, but I am no damn geneticist! Modern jews are the ones who have not been purged in WW2!
The modern story of the Khazars is based on a multitude of contradictions and lies. The goal of this story is to divert attention from the true character of Jewish talmudic (Babylonian Talmud) culture and attach that character on the poor Khazars.
But there is also the possibility that the story about the Khazars is actually invented and used to explain who these FAKE JEWs are - that we hear about all the time! Jesus Christ (John 8:44 - Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9) was very specific in this regard! And we here, thanks to the work of A.T. Fomenko (no, Fomenko is not a Russian psyop, only superficial and useful idiots alongside cognitively underpowered would tend to think and say so) have a slightly different knowledge of their true identity. And they are not descendants of Khazars!
SO! We can now proclaim with some certainty that the modern Jewish question has NOTHING to do with the Khazars!
And as I have already mentioned, there is a strong possibility that the story of the Khazars was actually designed to hide or rewrite some part of the history of Tartary that survived despite the purges and/or just invented to hide The Evil ones. It is the descriptions of Khazaria that reminds me of the multi-culti Tartaria. And all the contradictions indicate that this could indeed be so!
In any case, I think that we will never get a true answer from the academy that "deals" with it! These are already very interesting/stressful/dangerous times when the smartest thing for us to do is to be our own academia! Just as it turned out that the smartest, even of vital life-saving importance, is to be our own doctors!
If nothing else, at least now you know that people who every five seconds have Khazars on their tongues are actually just parrots and no researchers at all (along cliff high, alex jones comes to mind, etc - to me they are all a part of the Q spiel). Or even worse, they are probably mischievous Jews/cryptos/zionists who deliberately spread this story to divert attention from Jewish evil and sects like Chabad Lubavitch, and make a buck while doing it! And I am a stupid goy for giving this to you for free, eh?
Some food for thought:

New Khazaria seems to be a distraction or just a projection to cover for usual perpetual war and subversion of nations that is orchestrated by evil jewish sects, bolsheviks/communists and parasitic monarchies. Russia today is run/owned by commie cryptos in capitalist skins. Yeah, they will own the Ukraine as well, but somewhat secretly, not like they are trying to own Palestine!
Also, search terms for true nature of BRICS, because of the relation of Israel to Russia and Middle east:
#Wellenbergs → #PetroCurrency!
That's it for this stacking!
Lijepi pozdrav and have a nice day :P)
-/all rights reserved!/-
For new readers → all my previous texts in English are available here:
The comments are also worth reading! I am glad that this "Khazarian" lie invented by the Jews will finally be revealed.
So, good stuff Sirius, thank you. What about Ben Fulford? My view is on hold at present but he does offer some credible links. Thoughts?