This is close to what I am experiencing the last couple of days in Munich, Germany. (Except the fires) it's boiling hot all of the sudden (after being between 12° - 18° and pouring rain the last weeks most of the time) The sky is nearly uniformly the same grey coloured cloud wall and it's very humid, hard to breathe.

This is a concerted attack against all of us. I agree, you need to be an absolute imbecile to not notice it, but apparently most people are.

It's especially sad for me to see, that same, same in Croatia, because I was always under the impression, that Croatian people retained a lot of their naturality.

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Dear Mara, thanks for the comment!!

Yes, sadly, we are being poisoned for profit and eugenicist goals. And the majority are imbeciles that allow for it so that the minority of us, who have brains that work are left to eat shit and be depressive and even suicidal!!! GOD HELP US!!!

This is so DAMN infuriating to me that I barely keep my shit together! I wonder if I will be victorious against this ONSLAUGHT of evil and negativity that unconscious humans are ALLOWING AND CREATING in their indoctrinated and delusional state of mind!!!!!

Croatians do have a natural streak that is poised against the globalist scum, but for now we are outnumbered by the sold-out delusional souls who are consciously or not responsible for the evil that is being done! Cities are the breeding ground of demons who aim for destruction of good life...


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That's what is green agenda, poison, death and money. And so "science" says that people's breathing, all their activities, heating with wood and cows' flatulence are more harmful than anything, even the sun has to be covered because it makes a mess. When it comes to the intentional poisoning of everything that exists on earth and in the atmosphere, when armaments and wars are at the top of the agendas of those who think they are the masters of the world, science either sleeps or does not exist. With the complicity of governments, of course. Which government would ever want its people healthy or rich....

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Idk what to say about "people" who allow FOR ALL OF THIS!!!!

What a nasty situation eh? It is REALLY hard to avoid depression and defeatism in situations like these! I pray that the spirit helps us to WIN in this fight for our souls and natural way of evolution of life on Earth!

Cheers my mate Papillon!

Be safe&well


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This cancer of corruption and criminality is hard to beat, the pus has become so big that it will break, with God's help, even with great costs paid with our lives, freedom, health and money. Europe has become the cesspool of all dirty interests, like all the places in this world.

All the best in the world to you and your loved ones!

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