Child trafficking from DR Congo to Croatia via Zambia -pt. 10 - ZAMBIA AFFAIR -
Croatia has become a HOT SPOT for TRAFFICKERS of African children! More and more Croatian citizens becoming vocal about systemic corruption of govt and failure of its institutions.
As I said in the beginning, the potential of this affair is huge. It is the reason why I even decided to add English to my blog and to write about it. It was a good decision, English speaking readers seem to be much more interested and receptive to my writings. Alright now, lets get into part 10.
Well, this affair is still evolving. And in significant ways, not just small irrelevant details. Of course, the state media will not cover any of it, they will only do what is ordered by the corrupt government, and that is LIE SPIN LIE and then LIE some more. Thanks to their attempts, it seems that a growing number of citizens started to look at this current set of government puppets in a different light. And these are the people who, before this affair, were uninterested and indifferent to the corruption, though they seen it all. Also, all that was said in pt.9 of this series gets confirmed by what is below:
An excellent article on the Zambia Affair
Here is most of it, since it is quite long I could not fit it in its entirety so I cut out a few bits. But I think this will not be a problem, most of it is here and it is very well written. Credits at the end.
The Zambian affair was born outside the will of the ruling elites, indeed against their will, and shows the truth, shows them as they really are; it shows the truth about society in this moment in time. It also shows the truth about everyone, above all about ourselves. And, last but not least, it also possesses what frightens and scares the ruling elite the most: the upheaval moment and its potential, the depth and scope of which are not yet fully seen. The Zambian affair with its X-ray-like multilayering scans the very real unfeigned, unacted, demythologized structure of society, to put it in a Spencerian way: its anatomy and histology.
X-ray layers of analytical reading and rigidity of this Mother of All Affairs, which I would like to analyze in this review are: legal, political, ideological, media and sociological.
But before embarking on a journey with the described itinerary, let us begin with the very concept, etymology, or as the Book says, in the beginning it was the word: affair (French affaire: business, thing, question), suspicious, dishonorable, illegal business or procedure that arouses public interest, often a public scandal (espionage, political, financial, sports, criminal, love affair). In history, the Dreyfus affair and the Panama affair are known. It is obvious here that already from the etymology we come to the vestibule of etiology, because obviously in this affair we have suspicion of dishonorable, even illegal, jobs of numerous actors, involuntarily or willingly involved in the affair, and we also have a clear interest from the public of various kinds and even of various latitudes and longitudes, as well as a special relationship between the public media, who should report impartially, fully and objectively on all facts and aspects of any such event of public interest. It's about the public interest right!
I suppose that every reader of this review is at least familiar with the crudest facts of this case and knows that in December last year zambian police arrested eight Croatian citizens in the zambian border town town of N'Doli, on charges of trafficking children. Trafficking children is a complex crime and includes, in addition to the toll-free supply and falsification of documents, the illegal transfer of children across the state border.
Eight Croatian citizens, and in nature they are four married couples and partners, were first arrested and tried at the first instance court in N'Dola, the so-called magistrate, which – translated from the Anglo-Saxon common law system as opposed to to our continental – would most closely suit our (former) misdemeanour court, which in common law has the authority to conduct investigative proceedings, deciding on the defendant's status issues (e.g. detention and bail determination), trial for milder offences and imposing fines, as well as imprisonment for a maximum of three years. In the common law system, therefore, magistrates have the power to try for milder crimes, but they can also try more serious crimes that exceed their jurisdiction if the defendant admits the commission and the state attorney accepts the jurisdiction of the magistrate to impose a lighter sentence as the representative of the indictment.
In the event that the defendant persists in denying that he is guilty of a crime, the procedural laws of common law (and Zambia, as part of the Commonwealth, heir of that legal philosophy) allow the defendant to stand trial in a higher court that is empowered to try for the more serious offences for which he is charged. Croatian citizens, as it is known, have passed the magistrate level in this procedure and are now in a higher (real) court. Approximately this should be the kind of trial we are used to seeing in numerous films of Anglo-Saxon and Hollywood production, solely because of the specifics of Zambian common law, without a jury. The question is how many real life stories actually end with a happy ending.
The aforementioned Croatian citizens have so far, either by instruction or out of conviction, denied guilt and responsibility for the acts charged by the indictment. This strategy, with the diplomatic help of the Croatian state, almost brought them the possibility of getting out of the whole nightmare, but as we know in the end, this strategy and tactics ended in failure. The question that is currently hanging in the air is whether this strategy, after this failure, simply needed to be reprogrammed and started with plan B – to plead guilty to the magistrate, probably to receive a light sentence (in all likelihood fined with suspended prison) and then go home? It is also possible that lighter prison sentences, which would hardly be stricter than one-year ones, are served by convicts in their home country, and in Croatia this sentence can be replaced (repaid) with a fine. Is it better, to put it simply, a sparrow in your hand or a pigeon on a branch? Or, let me be absolutely clear, can it now – before the final battle itself, without the general's wit – be said that those who insist that Croatian prisoners in Zambia are not guilty of anything (and this is almost the entire state and ideological apparatus of the current regime in Croatia) help or actually fatally hinder these prisoners?
We will leave (briefly) Zambia and cross its border and enter the Congo. It should be said that the border between Zambia and the DRC is quite significant for a number of reasons. First, it is a boundary between the two legal systems as well, the Anglo-Saxon common law and the so-called continental or Franco-German legal system. Of course, the (both) Congo, as well as the entire Francophone part of Africa (plus the "German" Namibia, plus the "Portuguese" Mozambique, Angola and Cabo Verde/Cape Verde Islands), inherit this system unlike the former British colonies that Zambia also belongs to.
How is it possible to describe the shortest possible difference between these two systems, one of which is this one that we inherit and know from everyday life, and the other Anglo-Saxon, familiar to us from the movies? Movies are more ideal than life. The difference, however, lies in the criterion of the role of courts in both legal systems. In one, this one of ours, courts only apply abstract laws to a concrete relationship, while in common law courts also represent a significant legislative source. In the continental system, the legislator is (exclusively) the parliament (with some governmental/executive exceptions), and in common law the legislators are both the parliament and the judiciary, that is, every court can change in concreto, i.e. with its specific judgment to create a new legislative rule, a regulation by which others can act in futuro. The development of both legal systems leads to convergence, with a stronger influence of the continental system on the Anglo-Saxon system visible than vice versa. The influence, as well as the number of written laws, in common law today is incomparably greater than before, and we can say that convergence goes towards merging into the continental system, with acceptance by continental systems of procedural "flexibility", flexibility of common law, as well as many of its institutes (for example, the institute of settlement with the prosecution, leniency witnesses, etc). (…)
Here is more description of the legal system and history of DRC which is targeted by every imperialist government due to loose legal system and the wealth of its natural resources, specially minerals used for advanced technology. And how its greatest resource, children, can be subjected to so much exploitation.
Nevertheless, the DRC is still characterized by an unsettled administrative reality and above all a life of total scarcity – we would call it misery from these Euro-centric horizons of ours – but which nonetheless no longer exceeds the lower limits of survival. In such a state, which is also a diagnosis of poverty, the great wealth of the Congo is sold in the most unrefined, unprocessed state: mineral wealth, soil, wood mass and – people. And while the goods described are legal goods and part of the world regulated trade, the last "commodity" is, of course, illegal, but also uses all the benefits of a weak and still insufficiently strengthened and built state. This, of course, corresponds to crime and criminals of international proportions. In particular danger are the most valuable goods, but also the most expensive goods for criminals – children. Child trafficking in the DRC, precisely because of the nature described and reality, quickly brought the DRC to the top of international crime with children (Congo is at the top of international child trafficking lists). DR Congo, in other words, has become an Eldorado for child trafficking!
It became such a problem that USA had to pressure DRC authorities which then passed a law in Kinshasa on June 15, 2016 banning all international adoptions of children and suspending existing procedures. That law came into force (vacatio legis) on January 1, 2017. Previously (under the same pressure) the government in Kinshasa withdrew from the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Relation to International Adoption, and is also not a signatory to the International Apostille Convention (Hague Convention on the Abolition of the Need for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents, dated October 5, 1961).
In doing so, the Government in Kinshasa, that is, the STATE of the DRC, has created a strong legal framework that prevents or at least significantly hinders international child trafficking. Courts can no longer rule on foreign adoption. Any document issued by Congolese courts that allows it is illegal! Adoptions of Congolese children by foreign nationals are not prohibited, but this adoption can be "consumed" exclusively in the territory of the DRC.
As the DR Congo is not a signatory to both of the aforementioned Conventions, the alleged so-called Congolese court judgments on adoption, that is, the verdict by which a court in the Congo (specifically, in Lubumbashi) allowed international adoption for four Congolese children in favor of four Croatian couples, arrived in Croatia and were subject to judicial processing in the courts in towns of Zlatar and Varaždin. We repeat that it is impossible that this is a lawful, and probably not even credible document for two reasons already stated and described. First because DRC law expressly prohibits such a judgment, and secondly, because of the nature of the continental legal order itself which does not allow, contrary to common law, for a court to deliver a different judgment than that prescribed by law.
In such cases, the Croatian legislator has raised the power of control of a foreign document from authorized state bodies and notaries, precisely because of the need for increased control, to the highest level of perceived expert knowledge – to the courts! And what was the judge supposed to do and what did he do? The court should have verified the document, both in its credibility and in its validity. As the DRC is not a signee of the Apostille Convention, all seals and signatures on that document, even if true, are not valid. All the facts of the judgment represent no more than mere information and data that ordered the court to conduct the re-trial itself and take out all the evidence. Then the court would check and find out that the DRC was not a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Relation to International Adoption and would refuse adoption, if it did not refuse to accept the document due to lack of Apostille. Therefore, there is no legal variant according to the laws of the Republic of Croatia (and international conventions are part of the internal legal order) according to which it was possible to "recognize a foreign court decision", as the spokeswoman of the court in Zlatar stated.
Exactly as I described, the Court in Slavonski Brod acted, which rejected the attempt to allow the adoption of Congolese children in Croatia through that court. Because of this, therefore blatantly illegal, conduct of Croatian courts in Zlatar and Varaždin, which – as we can see – have the support of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia (at least at the moment i am writing this), Croatia has become a soft spot for international traffickers of African children. And as such, it is obviously recognized in criminal circles. According to the latest analysis, about fifty percent of all adoptions of Congolese children in the world, in the last five years (since the ban lasts) have been realized in Croatia!
In last 5 years more than 500 children were taken from DRC.
Here we move on to the long aspect of this case, which is state and administrative, therefore we move from the judicial fiasco to the fiasco of the rule of law itself. It catches the eye that all four couples received Croatian documents for children who were unaware of anything in Congo at that moment. The fact of the ease of providing documents for adopted absent children, and even more so the speed with which this was done, especially comparing with our daily experience with the speed, efficiency and problems we have with the exercise of our status rights, especially in the Ministry of the Interior, are striking.
It is also noticeable that other state authorities, those whom we might call controlling, and which after the affair broke out into the public – despite an apparent attempt at dampening – have not reacted at all, at least so far. Not PNUSKOK, therefore police, not USKOK, therefore DORH, nor SOA (secret services). Thus, the control function of the state after the judicial phase also experienced a real fiasco. To this should be added the bizarre case when HRT (national television) organized the first panel discussion since the outbreak of the affair (where the participants who all defended and justified the Croatian "Zambians") were carefully selected and in which in this pro-adoptive euphoria as a contributor to the "discussion" a certain "Africanist" appeared who so meticulously described his participation in the trafficking of children, and toll trading with a certain "Black Knight" (I reported on these details in pt.7), that for the indictment of the state against him, it is enough to quote his words. To this day, no charges have been filed. When we compare this with the media's habit of not giving up on hysterical campaigns to accuse and usually arrest targeted persons, which most often resemble the law of lynching, then in this case the media silence is very significant.
But before we move on to the media, which in this case require a special chrestomatia and phenomenological monograph, we will dwell a little longer on another question that consequently arose from this affair. It's a question of the citizenship of four unhappy children. The most excellent lawyers in Croatia have made their contribution to this issue: the President of the Supreme Court and a full professor at the Department of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, prof. dr. sc. Frane Staničić. Both, therefore, claim with the authority of their positions that the children who are now in the care of the Zambian state – Are Croatian citizens. This is also the official narrative of the Croatian state and is most loudly emphasized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. With what arguments? Non-arguments and fiction.
Prof. dr. sc. Stanicic says that "the children lost Congolese citizenship by leaving Congo, and since they have Croatian documents, they are now Croatian citizens"! Therefore, for no one in the world – except for a handful of rulers in Zagreb and their associated pretenders to more lucrative authorities in the perimeter of a few kilometers from the center of Zagreb – these children have not lost Congolese citizenship; neither for the Congolese state nor for Zambia, nor for the rest of the world. And a respected professor should know (because that's how he teaches his students) how to stop being a citizen of a state. Crossing the interstate border certainly does not mean losing citizenship, because that way we would all lose it multiple times over.
On the other hand, the very disputed validity of Croatian documents and children and the almost evident nullity (which is also the basis of the indictment against eight Croatian citizens in Zambia), and which is visible to everyone, does not bother anyone in Croatian government and its institutions!?
Let us look at this reversed, from the top down, if an act was passed on non-existent, fabricated, falsified facts, is it even a legal act? In this case, the logical conclusion is that legally it is an equally non-existent act based on non-existent facts. Building something on a non-existent can only lead to a non-existent superstructure.
Speaking of the adoption procedure, one of the leitmotifs in the attempt to legitimize this chain of evil, this jungle with canopy in the Congo, but with roots here in Croatia, is the constant repetition that our adoption system is slow, indeed sluggish and bad, so it is legitimate, on the contrary, humane to skip it with a short jump to Africa. First, no system is bad just because it's sluggish. Adoptions all over the world are a slow process. Why? That's because that's how they have to be. Not to go into further elaboration, I will say that the Congo case clearly confirms this. This is not an attempt to defend the bureaucratized system and its immanent, additional sluggishness.
The biggest and first cry led to only adoption legislation. Our law(s) is more or less identical to all other European legislation. It commits to a broad and in-depth solidification not only of adoptive persons, but also of their realistic readiness for adoption. If someone wants to plug some holes in their life with adoption, satisfy themselves, first of all they should find company, let them go to the first pet shop or to the local kennel or cat shelter. Because human beings are not pets. Human beings, even the smallest ones, are many times more complicated and are looking for immensely more. Adoption comes into your life with a human being with its, most often a very turbulent history (however short) and its genetic burden.
There are objective experiences that adoptive parents, the more impatient they are (and everyone is impatient), the less eligible they are for adoption. There wasn't just one case, and I personally witnessed that adopters told me, "If I'd known..." or "If I could, I'd rather bring the baby back"... It is interesting that everyone criticizes adoption slowness, and no one would accept a faster and simpler way – fostering. In that way child enters the life and home of the adoptive parent much faster and easier and with the child he grows both as an educator and as a person, and after the foster/adoption procedure he can become his parent.
To this should be added the narrative that, allegedly, our adoption legislation, except that it is over-regulated and too complicated – and thus justifies the motives for purchasing children by shortcut in the Congo – paradoxically both insufficient and insufficiently regulated, because, in this case, a multitude of so-called "black holes" appeared in the legislation. All of them should be told what lawyers are taught in the first year of a (better) law school in (continental) Europe: The story of black zones and "legal loopholes" in competent judiciary does not exist! It exists only in the minds of those who would scam! The lawyer is trained by his studies and professional experience to properly, in accordance with the Constitution and the basic legal intention of the legislator (in these matters: the protection of children and the legal order), de lege ferenda, to apply the abstract legal norm to a specific case.
What would lawyers (judges, barristers, etc.) say in common law, where entire legal zones (at least until recently) were not at all prescribed by laws in the continental legal sense!? By the way, to the “black-holers”: signed international conventions are also part of internal Croatian legislation, even superior in legal force.
Also in this case, by the highest officials of the state and parties, and as the head leitmotif of all mainstream media, the thesis about the good and noble intentions of "our Zambians" is drawn, which would thus by the power of their nobility have to overcome that slightly exceeding some norms. In tort law, every tort (even the criminal offense as the most important) is divided in its structure into the so-called corpus and animus. Simplified: there is the (evil)act itself (corpus) and there is a motive of the perpetrator (animus). In order to determine the responsibility of the perpetrator, it is only important for him, in the judicial proceedings, to prove the (evil)act, and he thus becomes guilty. Animus is of no importance. The animus (that is, his motives, awareness of committing, etc.) is of great importance, however, in the sentencing; the more socially acceptable and "justified" the motives, the less the punishment and vice versa. In this particular case, the defense with the noble intentions of the defendant is a de facto admission of guilt (A LOLZ MOMENT for me) and represents a bearish favor to the defendants in Zambia. (…)
Other perspectives
In addition to the legal dimensions in the introduction, I also listed other dimensions that provide us with a perspective into the deep layers of our reality revealed in this tectonics. The sociological phenomenology of the problem seems particularly interesting, because in this case, no matter how much it has been hidden so far, a completely new, although socially almost antique, social layer has been revealed. Namely, this "Zambian case" showed us that in this society, in this Croatia, we are not all the same. There are equals and more equals, there are us, of less noble intentions, and noble intentiooners no matter the nature of intention! In this case, we see that it has established itself, an emancipated class in this society, which:
A) uses the state apparatus as a fast and efficient apparatus for personal needs,
B) uses the state treasury as its ATM,
C) and when it gets into trouble, it uses the state as a highly motivated rescue team.
This case has therefore revealed to us the existence of an “elite” class completely above and outside the laws of the Republic of Croatia! Members of this class are not subject to the laws that apply to us, those in Croatia can end up in prison only as losers in mutual court fights, and as losers they are then thrown out of their circle of consecrated and protected and handed over to the mercy of guard dogs of the regime and order – the judiciary and the media – to tear them apart, in front of the cheering fans. Have you seen or heard of someone from that stratum ending up in court or prison for favoring, corruption, enjoying or trading opiates, stealing state property, robbing, domestic violence, even murder, high treason? And they do it repeatedly! After all, that's their modus operandi. Infact, they do incomparably more evil they do than us serfs. They can make clear acts of high treason and the one who points to it will get hurt. They can illegaly buy kids and the whole state will stand behind them.
Thus, contemporary anti-Tudjman Croatia has achieved one of Tudjman's ideals. It has turned into a society of "stables" as it was pre-industrial, not to say feudal age. The empire of aristocracy and wealthier classes! In Zagreb and Zlatar, then and now there are stables! We, and now it is clear in black and white, after the red bourgeoisie we have come to a transition to a higher sphere – a new aristocracy! They live on hereditary rents, most often family/ideological, some literally (as future contessa Ursula von Sakcinsky). When they soon appear (or New Croatian: coming out) their still hiding coats of arms (for now they show us all the Bosnian coat of arms!), I have no doubt that they will write on them, their modus vivendi: "The more you hate Croatia, the more the State will love you!"
The media dimension of the Zambian Affair proves the basic thesis that this is a real, not in the political mise-en-scène constructed affair, like all the others. Namely, the media, and this is about the mainstream media, i.e. all the more powerful media in Croatia, except for a small number of indie portals and social networks – therefore, it is about 99% of the official media narrative – from the beginning took a defensive stance towards the Affair. (…)
The political dimension of this affair is perhaps the most visible because it shows the synergistic behavior and activities of the two currently most important political parties: the allegedly right-wing HDZ, which rules on the state level, and the activist network/platform renamed into a party, and so far with the attributes of the ultra-leftist movement, We Can, which rules Zagreb. And it is known: he who has the Parliament/Government and Zagreb, has the whole of Croatia. By all the dimensions that come out of this Affair, it is justified to talk about a real and value-and-operational coalition of two supposedly ideologically most distant political worlds. Already this realistic coalition shows the unusability of the current political science tools of division into left and right, but also the direction of transformation of contemporary mainstream politics. If both parties do not have significant negative repercussions in the election results in the next elections because of this coalition, we will be able to throw this political science tool in the trash basket with a calm soul. Admittedly, since this is a coalition that has not been legitimized by the HDZ (Croatian Democrat Community party - supposedly right leaning/conservative, most seats in the parliament, in reality it is nothing more than a NATO lapdog, and no one asked the citizens if we would even want to be in the NATO!) membership, but is about the politics of the top of the party, not only the general elections, but also the internal party movements in the coming time will give an answer to these questions. …
All these questions show the described multi-layeredness of this Affair, but also the thesis presented here that political parties do not rule Croatia, but only govern it according to the will of the Real Authorities.
Political parties blackmailed by their own corruption and incompetence that cannot comprehend the image of today's time at the end of modernity and step up to postmodernity, are reliable agents in the social degradation of fundamental principles of civilization, and the fundamental stones of society, among which is the protection of the child, one of the most fundamental cornerstones of any civilization. Therefore, this Affair is also important as a platform that shows the manipulative nature of the ruling ideologies, which are predominantly (self)understood as left and advanced, although they carry in themselves the retrograde seeds of re-feudalization of society. Personally, I think it is even more important because it shows the very essence of manipulative software by which it succeeds, beyond all systems and modes of government, despite the will of the majority to maintain the elitist and totalitarian nature of its power.
Therefore, the struggle for truth in this Mother of All Affairs, the struggle against imposed pseudo-ideological divisions, carries a considerable reversal and subversive potential, of which the holders of power in Croatia, namely prime minister Plenković's HDZ and the left group gathered around the platform We Can/Možemo, who as executors most zealously serve the true masters of chaos in Croatia, are well aware and will not allow this affair to overthrow their governance of Croatia. Croatia which is in the transition from being the Homeland of all its citizens to being an impersonal political territory at disposal of self-elected elites.
author: Ivan Pletikos, published on
translation: SIRIUS
There are few other developments. One Zambian ciitzen is implicated and arrested in Zambia:
“Verification of Congolese decisions will not be carried out by courts, but by adoptive parents”
ZAGREB, April 1, 2023 (Hina) - The Ministry of Justice has sent to the debate legal amendments stipulating that foreign court decisions on adoption will not be recognized without evidence of legalization.
An adoptive parent from Croatia who wishes to adopt a child from Congo or any other country that is not a signatory to the Convention on Child Protection and Cooperation in Relation to Interstate Adoption will have to undergo a much more complex procedure in order for the Croatian court to recognize their foreign adoption judgment and so that adopted children can obtain Croatian citizenship.
As it was explained in the Ministry of Justice and Administration, which yesterday sent the necessary legal changes to the public hearing, Croatian courts will no longer be able to recognize the verdict from the so-called third countries if the adoptive parents do not provide them with evidence of legalization that they obtained in the country where they adopted children. "Adoptive parents should first have a final court decision on adoption from the country in which they adopted the children, and then that court verdict, as well as all other documents on the basis of which the verdict was rendered - such as a birth certificate or birth certificate - must be certified or legalized in accordance with the legal provisions of that country," the Ministry of Justice and Administration said.
They add that the verification of the legality of the foreign judgment on adoption and other documents will not be carried out by the Croatian court through international legal assistance, because this is not a practice in private law, but legalization will have to be obtained and evidence of it submitted to the court by the adoptive parents themselves. (Crazy stuff right!? They are doing this now, in the heat of this affair. Playing dumb and dumber and mentally ill.) What the adoptive parents will have to do specifically in the Congo, the Ministry cannot specify because they are not familiar with the Congolese law on legalization in international traffic.
Judicial inspection found no irregularities in courts over congolese adoptions
The Ministry of the Interior's judicial inspection did not find irregularities during the extraordinary supervision of the work of the municipal courts in Varaždin and Zlatar, which recognized court decisions from the DRC related to cases of adoption of children from that country.
What? You thought they will incriminate them selves? Right, me neither!
That is it regarding Zambia Affair.
Now to add few bits from around the world
This strikes me as relevant information. It is related to how kids are being subjected to government allowed degradation and loss of dignity.

Someone on gab posted what progressive liberalism is starting to look like, at least on communist run reddit:
I had to add these since we are on the topic of kids and human rights. Or are we not seen as humans any more? Maybe they are more human and we, the plebs are less human? That is the question everyone should be asking themselves. If you are interested in the answer, look up the definition of “goyim”, you will then be able to understand. Because that is how governments and war-mongers justify the killing. They demonize the other people as less human so that they can be attacked and killed without much remorse. By useful idiots who go to wars for bankers and military industry.
All wars are orchestrated by the owners of the Central Bank system and their allies and puppets worldwide, you can be sure of that.
And a HOMO-PEDO-CIDE of entire nations is under way and growing.
Pedophiles who are created in such vast numbers they are now half way to legalizing their lowlife perversion, and all other atrocity that comes with it. Kinseyfying of society is relentless. To contrast it, do you think the migrants will adopt what western societies will? Nah, in fact, in one generation in all western countries there will be such natality rates the world has not seen. And in 2-3 generations more than half of population will be constituted from imported low-brow genetics who are easily controlled and subdued by Islam and brainwashing with media. The pattern of destroying action and who is the primary target is getting discernible rather well, wouldn’t you say?
Right, that’s it!
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