Child trafficking from DR Congo to Croatia via Zambia SCANDAL -pt. 8
Zambian minister: "The documents are falsified"! More Croatian courts now suspect of falsification and corruption. There is NO rule of Law in Croatia! Capitol city mayor involved up to his neck!
Quite a lot of new developments. The truth is coming out from all sides because many people are looking and digging. Sad but telling fact, it is done more by croatian citizens than by the responsible authorities. As I said, I surely did not expect to write this many reports. But as it stands, I will have to write more as new information gets out. Please share this with as many people as you can so it can not be covered up. There are other countries in EU which are involved along with Croatia.
Few days ago a “UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances” in Geneva was held
Spanish representative Juan Pablo Alban Alencastro said the following:
"Referring to Article 25. In accordance with Article 10 of the Convention on the Protection of Children, an expert of the Commission said that the Commission had received information that persons of Croatian nationality had been arrested in Zambia in the case of illegal international adoption."
What did the investigation establish, including the origin of the adoption?"
Dickson Matembo, State Secretary of zambia's Ministry of Interior and Internal Security and head of delegation, stated the following:
“Eight Croats had crossed into Zambia from the DRC together with the children. Zambian border officials reviewed their documentation and contacted Congolese officials. These children came from an orphanage. THIS WASN'T THE FIRST TIME THIS GROUP WITH CHILDREN HAD CROSSED THE BORDER. They were charged with illegal adoption and investigations were conducted, and Congolese authorities found their DOCUMENTATION TO BE FALSE.”
“The owner of the orphanage from which those children were taken is on the run, and the case is now in court. The children were protected by the Ministry of Community and Social Affairs in cooperation with the Congolese authorities responsible for childcare. They would have to be handed over to the Congolese government," Matembo said.
Now a wow moment, because: Our corrupt government already gave a statement that Zambian minister is lying and making pressure on UN’s council!? Wtf? It would seem that here in Croatia the modus operandi of the government, the judicial system and msmedia is covering up, spinning/lying and acting dumb! Crazy stuff! My nose tells me there is treason in the air.. these same people are selling out Croatian land and resources AS WELL as people. Communist scum!! Acting all nice ‘n liberal and honestly democratic! Sounds familiar my dear awakened Americans? In fact, not just you lot, this pattern is now very well recognizible in ALL western and developed democratic countries! All that are under the boot of central banks and their true owners.
MVEP contradicts Zambian police and pressures UN: 'We have no information that the documents are fake'
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia has announced the case of eight Croats arrested in Zambia on suspicion of child trafficking. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims that Croats did not enter the Republic of Zambia from the DRC together with the children and claim that they have no official information that the adoption documents from the DRC are not credible.
Croatian professor of Law on Zambia scandal:
..One of the participants of the conference that gave a very notable speech was a professor from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb Dubravka Hrabar. Speaking at the conference of the Belgian Foundation New Direction in Zagreb, Prof. Hrabar pointed out that she wonders why there is no register of adopted children as well as statistics on how many children from abroad are committed by Croatian citizens. Furthermore, Prof. Hrabar noted that since the Republic of Croatia does not have a register of interstate adoption, it discriminates against those couples and children who have undergone the adoption process and are in state records. In view of the practice in the EU, dr. Hrabar points out that Croatia belongs to the second category of EU member states where some excesses in international adoptions also occurred, but these countries, unlike the Republic of Croatia, reacted.
What surprises Prof. Hrabar in this particular case is the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, that they simply did not recognize, and there is talk of Congo, this moratorium on the establishment of adoption. Accordingly, Prof. Hrabar thinks that it seems to her that the world has awakened, that is, that Europe is waking up, i.e. that it is certainly more vigilant than Croatia and that there are more countries in the EU where such things about adoption will only come to the surface.
Numbers DO NOT add up! A VERY good sign of systemic corruption in Croatian judicial system.
Zambia affair: At least 11 and maybe 48 or even 97 court decisions are missing for DRC children?
.. If 17 of our courts in the period 2013-2022 recognized 83 decisions of the DRC on the adoption of children, it would mean that there are just as many children from Congo in Croatia. But the reality is different. The exact number of DRC children remains unknown. 180, 131, 94 or 68 – these are the figures that have been mentioned so far when it comes to children from the DRC who have been adopted by Croatian citizens.
However, it is worrying that all the figures vary greatly, including the last one presented by State Secretary Žarko Katić, who during the parliamentary debate on the Law on Travel Documents stated that in the last ten years 94 minors born in the DRC received Croatian passports.
Our prime minister and the head of High Court had dubious statements that can be interpreted only as lies or stupidity and incompetence. Its truly a wonder how so many seem to be buying this rhetoric which politicians have worldwide since 2020. and not even starting to realize the implications of the fact that the root of social contract which people have with governments is completely gone.
Zambia affair: How to interpret the statements of Plenković and Dobronić and what is known about the abruptly defunct association?
The Zambia affair continues to bring to light many interesting facts in Croatia as well. As we have already written, the association "Mary's Farm", whose official partner is Emmanuel Kabongo, the head of the "orphanage" from which eight Croats tried to adopt children in Zambia, has been abruptly extinguished. "Marija's Farm" was founded on November 18, 2018, and entered in the register of associations on January 18, 2019. According to information from the Ministry of Finance, the association received HRK 106,546 (15k EURO) in donations in 2019. In 2020, HRK 62,504 (9k EURO), and in 2021 HRK 47,838 (7k EURO) in donations.
Although little is known about the association, it is known that among its donors is the Rotary Club. The association was a member of the Croatian UN Society, which promotes the activities and principles of the UN.
Marija Ivaniš, assistant professor at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka, was the president of the association. In the same year, a few months before she founded the Maria's Farm association, with which she collaborates with the director of the "orphanage" in Lubumbasha, Ivaniš adopted a boy – from the same "orphanage" in Congo. In media appearances, she revealed that she had adopted a child whose parents were alive and that she is in "contact with his son's biological family."
According to her for the portal RYL, the parents of her adopted son gave two children for adoption because of poverty. She didn't go to the Congo to pick up her adopted boy, but to Kenya. Ivaniš adopted a congolese child in 2018. Two years after Congo banned children from leaving the country for international adoptions.
From her case it is clear that she did not adopt an orphan but a child from a poor family. And she justified the adoption through Kenya with "the danger of Europeans entering the Democratic Republic of Congo." Although, advertising the work of the association, she talked about volunteers going to Congo "to scout the field".
“Chances that defendants in Zambia will see old age in their country reduced to minimum”
Zagreb, march 23. 2023. – Croatian Sovereigntists presidency member and lawyer Davorin Karačić commented on the new details of the case of eight Croat suspects suspected of child trafficking in Zambia.
The news that the State of Congo confirmed that the documentation on the adoption of Congolese children by eight Croats is counterfeit, including the councilor of the We Can party, is a moment that we could determine within half an hour, but the Croatian authorities and institutions for some reason did not determine, i.e. "they conducted an investigation".
Dickson Matembo, state secretary of zambia's Interior Ministry, said DRC authorities had determined that the documentation on adopting children was falsified. As it can be read, or what terminology was expressed, this is about forgeries.
Therefore, it is not even about the result of abuse of official duty, nor about a case that could theoretically help the defendants, and which the case was described some time ago by the President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia Radovan Dobronić.
Counterfeit means that no decision existed in this sense, but is the result of illegal actions in the sense of the production of a document of the same form and content, as it is otherwise used, by the persons involved in the work.
If this is true, it means that the chances of Croatian defendants in Zambia to live to old age in their own country are reduced to a minimum. The only thing left for them to do is swear on their mothers that they didn't know, but whether they knew or not will be questioned according to the circumstances of the case.
If Zambia condemns these eight Croats, the only thing left to determine in Croatia is who else participated in it and whether the champions of certain political organizations, holders of functions within the state apparatus and some journalists who gave themselves a lot of effort to justify the whole event in front of the public were criminally involved.
Someone caught this nice clue to how this is all connected. “Zagorski List” published this story in 2021. How Tomislav Tomašević, the mayor of the city of Zagreb, from the “We Can/Možemo“ platform, had spent his childhood in the town of Zlatar, in which the highly suspect court house is located. Any investigator with half a brain could now find the connections between current politicians and criminally disposed Croatian judges. If only USKOK (Croatian State Prosecutor's Office for the Suppression of Organized Crime and Corruption or Bureau for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime) and DORH (State's Attorney Office of the Republic of Croatia) would do their fucking jobs!! Alas, they are instrumental in hiding the systemic corruption and ties to communists that were in power before the war for independence in the 1990’s. Pernar, the ex-mp who is now as a witness still awaiting the trial for the 8 Croats in Zambia stated that he went to Zambia because he was sure that the corrupt Croatian government had no reach there!
This twitter user posted a list of all the cities/courts which issued documents for adoptions from a country WHICH FORBIDS ADOPTIONS!

Another user had this to say:
The "Zambia" affair shows that progressives consciously use their privileged position to deprive the poor and marginalized (Africans) under pressure from the most valuable resource (children) to satisfy their needs (parenting). The colonialist approach.
That is it for part 8. More than enough eh?
If it is up to us citizens to have this case and all who are responsible brought to justice then LET US GIVE THEM HELL!
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