Child trafficking from DR Congo to Croatia via Zambia SCANDAL -pt. 5
Easy import of black kids is the result of WEF and guys like SOROS meddling with policies of western nations - Croatian government could not be more corrupt if it wanted to
So much happened since pt.4, let me try to cover as much as I can fit in one newsletter.
Ivica Sola: Plenkovic's authorities are not defending the accused Croats in Zambia, but themselves, the case in Italy clearly shows this
This article, from slobodna dalmacija - rarity that they print truth, states how Croatian government is just defending its criminal behavior and cites a high profile case in human trafficking from Italy, referring to accusations of snitching, here are excerpts:
From the Netherlands through Denmark all the way to Belgium and neighboring Italy, the biggest "snitches" are the adopted children themselves and their adoptive parents, not Pernar and similar people who seek their five minutes of fame, thus banalizing and "pernarizing" this serious story. In a lot of cases like that, here's one from Italy from 2016. ..
Why did I pull this case out of our neighboring country? Because, I have the right to doubt, so does the Government, which does not really defend these eight, but its own disastrous judicial and other system full of corruption. Because if it is established that any child from the DRC was adopted in Croatia in this way, or that, like Melanie in Italy, disappeared, Schengen Croatia is in a bad problem, marked as a stop for child trafficking.
“Consul assists in Zambia”, on danas hr:
This is consul Dario Klasić, who is in the position of second secretary of our diplomatic staff within the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Pretoria. Zambia was supposed to be covered by the Croatian embassy in France, but since after the death of Ambassador Filip Vučko in Paris, an organizational gap arose due to the unsettled relations between banski dvori and Pantovčak, consular affairs for the African country were obviously operationally recruited in Pretoria. Prior to his diplomatic appointment, the guy was a travelling agent! Only because he is of certain “breed“ he was allowed to obtain an DIPLOMATIC function for Croatian nation. He has strong ties to LGBTq movement, what did you think? A homo, a pedophile or worse…
Given this circumstance, it could be concluded that the croatian consul who cares about the status of Tomašević's (mayor of the Capitol) transgender representative from the “Možemo“ political party and other detainees in Zambia in order to be fairly tried on charges of human trafficking is very well versed in LGBT matters. So, the LGBT community is obviously helping, primarily its members...
from danas hr:
Citizen run public assosiation group "Mary's Farm", with which Emmanuel Kabongo, the head of the orphanage from which eight Croats adopted children in Zambia, worked, was shut down on Monday, as we learn from several sources. Kabongo has been on the run since the congolese adoption case began. Namely, from his orphanage in Ndola, eight Croats adopted children, after which they are charged with wanting to smuggle them. Association "Mary's Farm" was founded in Rijeka a few years ago and with concrete projects aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty and hunger as a global phenomenon of today's world and to become part of the global struggle for well-being and promotion of social inclusion through education. In the city of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa, there is a small farm, owned by Emmanuel Kabongo who is also the president of the civil society association Association pour le soutien des initiatives de développement (ASID), which is the official partner of "Mary's Farm".
from RTL, Kabongo’s daughter receives a stipend from Croatian government:
"RTL also tried to contact the director of the orphanage from which the children were "adopted", and who is on the run. Although it is active on applications, it does not respond. RTL unofficially learned that his daughter has been in Croatia since the end of October and has a scholarship from the Republic of Croatia.
While all the media claim that the director of the orphanage is on the run, Đurđica Krmelić is one of the adoptive parents, she tells RTLdirekt that she is hearing from the director of the orphanage and that he is not on the run.
one tweeter reported this bombastic news:
“Facebook friend of fugitive orphanage director from DRC arrested with wife for possession of kilo and a half cocaine ahahahaha FASCINATING”
“Marijina Farma”, A typical NGO like setup that is ideologically on the side of communist UN WEF globalist agendas. Of course cocaine smuggling is involved (modern diplomacy basically runs on cocaine which is cheapest in Brusseless). And there is even more proof that all this is done by help of high-ups in the government. Tweet below states that the father of our prime minister knows Marija Ivanish, the owner of recently closed “Marijina Farma“. Also, former mayor of city of Rijeka and a powerful politician, Vojko Obersnel was seen with one of the people that are known for criminal en-richment and are connecetd to the Zambian scandal.

Same twitter account says:
What is the connection between Vojko Obersnel, former Minister Marić and smuggler? We don't know exactly, but we do know that Maric and Obersnel crosses are linked to Kabonga. "You don't have to be Poirot to figure out why there are so many children in congo in shelters, orphanages, streets...." "That's why you have to be Poirot to conclude why members of Možemo, PGS, SDP, HDZ and the party with name and surname all "adopted" children of living parents from the same farm owned by Marija Ivaniš, through Kabonga, “Black Knight”, and received papers from the same court in CROATIA, "Not from these orphanages."
To show how media is used in Croatia; this journo states, subtly hinting anti-semitism towards anyone who questions buying of children from Africa. The poster referrs to accusations of snitching:
“Moral cesspool of the nation, the kind which used to snitch on jews in NDH, shows their mindless hatred in case Zambia“
I have seen news that Many zambian parents, who now have lost their kids, have recently said that they were not aware that they will never see their kids again, blaming people who run the “orphanage” for misleading them.
Soros, the main culprit behind policies which are making it impossible to adopt white Croatian kids, but allow a certain class of people to buy African kids and then parade them as saints while protesting for abortus. Nefarious intents behind it all. Rothschilds and Soros are truly an excellent example for how jews go and destroy and arrange the world to fit their psychopatic needs. And if you did not know, in the past jews were thrown out on 100+ occasions, from cities and nations, because of their criminal behaviour and practice of satanism.
Enough for pt.5. I wait to see what will be with Pernar’s stunt, he is still in Zambia.