The text is good and has a lot of facts, many of which I have already heard. However, you know very well that after Fomenko's chronology - I simply cannot trust anyone who refers to the Jesuit (false) so-called. "history".

I just can't.

So, all of the above are probably 100% true facts, and to be honest, I think the matter is even - FAAAAR worse!

But, let's say, seeing this claim is enough to make me lose confidence in the writer's intelligence:


The Jesuit order was started by converts with the goal to subvert the Catholic Church which was going after practitioners of Satanism, the jews.


Namely, it is obvious that the writer refers to Scalieri's (false) "history" and invents some kind of "Jesuit order" (related to today's (false) Jews) - against which the Vatican - allegedly fought.

After reading Anatoly Fomenko's Chronology, I found out and understood - this has nothing to do with the truth.

That satanic cult preceded the age in which Jesus Christ was born and killed (so in the 12th century, not the 1st as Jesuit (false) history claims) and probably represented the "religion" of that time...

After the killing of Christ, serious disturbances occur in this material matrix - until the 15th century, when precisely these representatives, i.e. the so-called MILITARY nobility of "Imperial Christianity" ("Blood of Jesus") - flee from Constantinople (today's Istanbul) to today's Italy.

THEY are the ones who create the Vatican and imitate "Apostolic Christianity".

The first 5 generations of "popes" were always officers of the former military nobility of "Imperial Christianity", and the so-called "Jesuit Order" is the practical embodiment of their doctrine.

As for the "ideology" (Satanism, pedophilia and blood drinking) - it is clear that they took it from those "before them" - that is, from the time BEFORE Christ...


However, WHO were they "before them" - so to say, before Christ - or before the 12th century...?

Were they - human beings - at all...?

Now I'm reading "The Book of the Prophet Enoch"... (so one "biblical book" that is only "canonical" in the Coptic Church, and NOT in the others... Why?) It seems to me that right there (between the lines) - we can find the answer to this question.

Those same "before Christ" - according to the book of Enoch - were not people.

They were the "Els.

It was they who gave KNOWLEDGE to people.

Who are the Els?

It's only obvious that those who control the system today - clearly KNOW something about these "Els" and that it has to do with today's sect of "false" Jews...

(even those 2 monkeys who wrote the Superman comics are of course - "the chosen people" - and both Superman and his parents are on "Krypton" (for the goyim there is still an "endless universe") - their names ended with EL. ...Weird...? :)


Are those Els still among us human beings...?

Whether those "ELs" came from other parts of the Great Earth (about which "your" Belgian or "my" Greek are talking) ...?

I don't know... However, I wouldn't be surprised if it was like that.

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Thanks for the awesome reply!

Hey, thats why I said I started writing this a bit before I learned about NC :)

The story of Jesuits seems important as to show how the Catholic church was something different in that earlier period. Because if we take away 1k years and change some names, we can confirm some of Fomenko's statements. And catch the inversion, when the faux jews came on stage and all the other possible truths or lies.

But we can agree that the practitioners of Satanism of today are the best evidence where it came from and where it went.

"That satanic cult preceded the age in which Jesus Christ was born and killed (so in the 12th century, not the 1st as Jesuit (false) history claims) and probably represented the "religion" of that time... "

Just like the false story. Jews were jewing and being satanist and usurers, in comes Jesus, their long awaited messiah and they kill him because he orders them to stop being EviL. So we could say that jews are the satanist/evil side of ole days. The ones that came before Christ. Just based on their affinity to satanistic practices.

Its complicated eh? hahahha... we will get to the bottom of this somehow, damnit! .)

Btw, I wonder if these EL you mention are Archons from Rudolf Steiner. Gnostics had this knowledge as well!

And yeah, what when we take these new theories into account .. some being really out there bu also making TOO MUCH frikkin sense!

Also, I still havent caught the time to check the french guy lolz

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"... Btw, I wonder if these EL you mention are Archons from Rudolf Steiner. Gnostics had this knowledge as well! ..."

Very possible.

Language is a very powerful thing and Fomenko pays enormous attention to this item. Namely, language is a living thing. It changes in time and space.

It would be completely wrong from the present - to draw conclusions about speech, even in the same area, but 100, 500 or 1000 years ago.

Well, you have seen those inscriptions on the armor of Russian emperors, but also soldiers and mohans from 15-16th century...?

So it is very possible that these Archons Steiner talked about are exactly the same as ELs Enoch talked, but also Jins in Arabia or Chita-huris in Africas old tales...

But I have a feeling that we will get answers to these questions very soon

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Idk, if its better sooner or later in this case haha:)

Absolutely. And its crazy how fast the separation due to different languages came about. But I learned that it was done because of the revolt in Babel.

I think Carlos Castaneda describes these energy parasites as well. And it is obvious how every culture has stories about these entities. Native American have the Wetiko, Sufis have The Shaitans, Hindus have Rakshasas.

Yeah, these entities are not newcomers. But their energy seems to be rising. And now it becomes obvious that they are the directing force behind all the transhumanist technology and industry/money which is pushing it.

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Good research.

With the scum it all goes back to sodomy to open up the 3rd. eye. Anyone out there with triggers please do not read.

Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key

Interview with Marion Knox by Elana Freeland


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&thank you for the linkagge!

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The answer is very simple, “they” are all PSYCHOPATHS, that’s why. “They” are all the children of the devil who IS A psychopath tranny baphomet. It’s really sick and disgusting what “they” do. The wrath of God is upon all of them very soon.

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Have I ever mentioned what a great researcher you are? Have I neglected to tell you that I appreciate the concise way that you break all the facts down & get the message across? I always learn so much from you. Thank You :)

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