Yap...I think we are on "no return" way. they tried also to incite a civil war since '90s with the immigrants involved in terrorist acts, no succes...

But these pieces of s...t are working hard from all the corners in all the ways possible. I don't see anyone to comment, to be against their work, we are kept in the same web of "news" or discutions. So things are just happening and soon nothing can be done to stop anything. Already too many traitors and too many brainwashed.





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Since there are SO many criminals and since there is a big possibilitymany are trained "soldiers", it would seem that we are in for a rough ride. I do not see how It can be resolved peacefully. Because I don't think that these hordes will be waiting for native populations to die out of natural causes and on their own terms...

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It depends on what the invisible bosses of Europe want and the secret services and soros, why not, he invested a lot in illegal immigration. I don't believe in the possibility of a natural mobilization to resolve the situation. Lots of people are too busy with their cell phones, tiktok, diets and influencers. Now, at a point, when it will be not much of an economy, or agriculture because almost everything is destroyed and all the plans are for this, we'll see what will happen. Universal computer/virtual income, some countries with natural resources without people, some countries with more army/slaves, urgent agenda 2030, a world government etc. Easier to destroy than to build something. And it will not last, nothing against the nature can last.


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They want a reset/war/purge to avoid a situation of a global awakening/uprising against banking/usury and corruption in the governments and pedophilia everywhere. They are probably afraid that we could evolve into a better humanity.

Our chance lies in the possibility how maybe they over-calculated and rushed their plans! And I see a lot of signs which would confirm this.

But without some strong cosmic influences that would make people see through their hypnosis, they will continue to be "cannon fodder". And this spiritual war can not be won with physical means.

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Surely I should have said "what they decide", not "what they want", I was in a hurry. You're very right, I also know what they want, (since 12 years ago) . And they can't make their "order" without causing trouble and chaos. I wonder how many more centuries do we need to seek justice, since we have not been able to find any real traces of it until now? It is a spiritual war indeed, and we, prople, we are like ashamed of the simplicity of some small duties that we have as human beings ( us are excluded, we do well:): wake up, think hard, pray...

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Yes. These are all indisputable facts you've outlined here.

So, in addition to the genocide through the last couple centuries, under the false guise of their so-called "science-religion," which has culminated (and still persists) with the "c19 vaccines" - the satanic cult of usurers is running out of alternatives to sustain this abhorrent "financial system" ...

The "financial system" based on their so-called "central-people's banks" of which the elite of the CULT are the unquestionable owners.

The system is collapsing, and the only thing they (the CULT) have left is the Great War ("great reset"), meaning to have the dumbed-down masses annihilate each other en masse, thus "fulfilling" precisely what was planned in this shit "Protocols"...

And it wouldn't surprise me if this "great reset" would not be only "the third", but who knows which in line...

Indeed, the ignorant goyim could never really learn anything in the so-called "schools" - because public schools are precisely the worst means of indoctrination introduced by the "philanthropic" Rockefeller family in the late 19th century.

Literally all "official science" is under the total control of the usurious CULT, because they - (like all other participants in this financial system owned by the CULT) - work solely for "shekels".

And this has been the case al least, for 15-20 generations of goyims.

It never crosses anyone's mind (especially "educated economists") to ask - WHO owns "ours" the "financial system"...?

And even if by some chance someone does inquire - there's always the overly ignorant mass of "educated experts" - who will label them a "conspiracy theorist"...


So, as I see it, the usurious CULT that is the absolute owner of the "financial system" - (and thereby the entire "narrative-science-religion" and thus every so-called "state") - must do everything in their power to - save the collapsing "financial system"...

And the easiest way to do that is through fear - which will lead the goyim themselves towards total control by the Cult.

Whether it's fear of pandemics, climate change, or war - it doesn't matter...

(although I think that war is one of the Cult's favorite and most effective "solutions") ...

Yet it seems to me that for the usurers, the most important thing is to instill fear into the goyim's bones (alongside the immense naivety and stupidity that has already "slept in goyim bodies" for centuries).

So... a system that is based - on maximizing the private materialistic gain of each individual...

How is it possible, to make any functioning system of individuals - whit this main goal ...?

Moreover, this slogan (of individual profit maximization) has undoubtedly become an integral part not only of the so-called "educational system" - but also of religious and every other system that this satanic CULT has created.

The aim is quite simple - to rule by dividing others - who, through generations, have no idea what system they were born into and live under really IS ... (as said - their "education" could never teach them anything about it.)

Now it's evident that any "great war" (reset) can only be staged through some form of virtual-reality "spectacle", so it's expected that there will be more of such spectacles in the near future (like the circus of "bombing of Israel-Iran" recently)...

Indeed, literally every so-called "state" is under direct control of the cult, as anyone could see during the PLANdemic.

The forced influx of a huge number of non-white goyims from all parts of the world into territories historically dominated by white populations is - just one way to destroy the Civilization (as we know it) - and further poison and dumb down the already quite poisoned and dumbed-down goyims, creating a significant potential for NEW divisions among people, which is always encouraged by various "philanthropic organizations" like Soros's or Rockefeller's NGOs...

As I see it now, the satanic cult of (fake) "Jews" is still doing quite well with the insertion of hundreds of thousands of non-whites into the "White Civilization" - however, despite the unparalleled idiocy of white goyims in "responsible positions" in the System (including the "financial" one), more and more people are realizing the enormous (centuries-old) deception of the criminal usurious cult.

And they can only succeed - if they have public opinion on their side (i.e., if the dumb goyim - are still just too dumb)... (... remember the Covid-idiots during the PLANdemic...)

It seems to me that every day the usurious satanic cult - is losing precisely that battle for public opinion.

In any case - we live in "interesting times."

We'll see how it goes...

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Very good summary @Istrazuj.

The main problem from my perspective is how too many still do not understand that essentially we are in a spiritual war! Such a war CAN NOT be won with physical means!

Which is why I think how the only way we can ever "win" is if majority of people start a spiritual life after they learn about the true Jesus Christ.

Yeah, hold my beer...

So it seems it will all continue as "hell on Earth" for quite some time.

And I hate when I have to be pessimistic ;)

But as you know, I am always open for miracles! And I believe that they can happen..

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Well, listen, everything you're writing is easily verifiable, and even what some of us add in the comments too...

For example, the Zionist ADL doesn't hesitate to brag about the FACT - that they support every illegal immigration into the USA in the last 100+ years...



However, the goyim, lobotomized by "science-religion-patriotism...":

1 - simply can't even reach that data - and even when they do...

2 -... they're not able to process it in a reasonable way...

So, I completely agree that this is a "spiritual war", because first and foremost, there's a battle for the goyims Perception....(has been captured by Narrative and lies for several centuries)...

The PARASITE has indeed taken over the goyims Perception (as well as the "shekel printing presses") - in every so-called "country" in the world...

And there's little doubt about that... (we've all seen and experienced it during the PLANdemic)...


* Personally, I believe that the chronology proposed by Anatoly Fomenko is extremely important, as it directly exposes these centuries-old lies... And one of the most heinous lies being the HIDING and MANIPULATION of the story of Christ - which has literally created this satanic, inhuman Pyramid of EVIL, thriving on the blood and ignorance of the people of the World.

* However, the question is whether everything had to be exactly like this... (similarly to what Christ claimed, when his followers wanted to protect him from execution... but also, for example, Bruno Gröning in the 1950s to his followers...

* I am currently reading David Icke's book "The Trap" and I can only say that, despite many things that he fascinatingly and in detail describes (with some descriptions I personally disagree with :-) ) - the Essence of his claims does NOT differ much (practically not at all) from the claims made by Eckhart Tolle about this matrix we are living in...

* Essentially - if all around us is just a "virtual reality" i.e. NOT-Reality, and we are all just a part of the immortal Consciousness - then it doesn't matter much, whether some PARASITE (in this "VR" or on the next level of "simulation") has taken control of a part of the Matrix.

* The main thing is (for both Icke and Tolle) - personal connection with the Infinite Consciousness (God) and thus understanding our own essence...

I'll write something about this soon on Kamen... :)

Best regards.

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It is MUCH better to view this illusion/life as a game/school, and not as a living hell.

Hey, that is perhaps the miracle that can save humanity! Awareness of immortality of our soul and that we are a part of God consciousness! Perhaps we will reach the critical mass and then we should see some proper miracles!?

Cheers @Istrazuj

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I am in San Diego, California. 100% replacement happening here. It has been sped up greatly since 2020, even more so in the past two years. A complete demographic shift over the past two decades. The cultural Christian underpinnings that most European-Americans here had--even the most "liberal" of us--have been totally undermined. My sense is that they plan to fully implement a Chinese-style control system here; it's already happening. I pray to God for all of us. I am still dumbfounded by the speed at which this is occurring.

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Yeah, after 2020 they switched into high gear. Like there is no tomorrow!

It is like we are all being sold to China and Saudi Arabia for meat?!

We have to play this very smart!! Those of us who are aware of what is going on must avoid falling down with the useful idiots who allow for all of it!

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We were warned by Pedo-Joe.

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