What is the way out that Sabrina talks about? I want to watch her but most of her podcast videos on tik too which they are saying is full of China Netware which attacks us,.

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Tik toc is full of China Netware, sorry had to clarify.

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Yes, I heard that tik tok is better avoided.

Here, her oddysee channel: https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f

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Was excited to see mention of Sofia Smallstorm, whose work I hadn't seen since she ripped Sandyhook to shreds in oh-so-calm manner! But I've gone to that SGT video on bitchute several times today, and all I get is a never-ending circle, circling. [The ads play just fine]. Any idea what's up? Censorship? [I'm using cell data via cricket/AT&T; wifi not available where I am.] Or does SGT not leave their videos up forever. Thanks if you gave any ideas or suggestions. I'm the opposite of a tech need FYI. A know-nada as it were

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