Man that Croatia birth rate data is very alarming, especially considering that only 55% of Croatia took the poison poke (according to the terrorists at the WHO).

Dr. Toaff's book is required reading for anyone trying to truly grasp the nature of the threat we face.


As you probably know, ritualized murder has been used to keep the populace in a state of psychological terror, and therefore mentally pliable, for millennia.


This practice continues today, and its ties to the Mystery religion are covered extensively by researchers like Dave McGowan in his book, Programmed to Kill.


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Yes, I was surprised to see such stats. I suspects It is the legacy of communism. That would be the main difference.

Now that I know more about jews and their subversions, it is obvious that communist elites of Yugoslavia are all jews or cryptos as well. And they have obviously worked relentlessly to subjugate and exterminate all unwanted genes in countries which expelled them in the past.

Thanks for the review for Ariel Toaff, I will include it in my post. Excellent reply Scipio!

Yep, Im well aware of the tactics for subjugation and manipulation of masses in the past. It cant get worse than torture, ritual sacrifice and cannibalism.

And not only humans, cattle mutilation that is pinned on UFOs. I bet it is done by jews or members of secret societies, hence jewish puppets, to instill fear and confusion and silly belief in a super powerful alien which is always hiding from sight and touch. And you know how jews believe they can move their sins into an animal and then sacrifice it to wash those sins away and feel righteous while being evil.

Cheers Scipio, thanks for the AWESOME links!

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They just don't hide it anymore, the secret society's not so secret post 1990's internet

99% of euro jews are faux ashkeNAZI jews, and just two weeks ago ZARKO right hand man of netanyahu called for 'murder of all ashkeNAZI jews in Europe & Israel", there is a civil war right now of faux-jews vs real MENA jews;

While Israel was created by ZIONISTS ( London satanic assholes, a cult) post 1948 they brought in real Jews, who are now a majority (LIKUD) and the faux jews treat them like shit )


All the NATO wars you see are just the neo-con ashkeNAZI obama, nuland, blinken, HRC doing their satanic shit, all know that "EU" was created by CIA, "NATO" was created by CIA,

CIA is homo pedophile Satanism since they were created by operation-paperclip post WW2 airlift of +2,000 Nazi-HOMO scientist's from Germany to USA and placed into Witness Protection Programs WPP



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Yes, ritualized murder, and with the advent of mass communication entire populations can be traumatized by horrifying events that are, in fact, completely scripted. This is why the flood of gory, terrifying stories of "serial killers" and the like. I believe very little of this is actually real. Ted Bundy certainly wasn't and neither was even Charles Manson.

This all occurred as part of what military intelligence called "operation chaos" back in the 60's. The "Manson Family" staged "killings" were the big kickoff event for all this. It has never stopped since and now they have added mass shooting events to the mix. It is through events like the "Taylor Schabusiness " ridiculousness that all of this can become crystal clear even to skeptics.

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They make finding the crime scene photos from the Tate "murder" really hard but it's so obvious that it's fake blood. She was stabbed 16 times according to the coroner and this photo was almost 12 hours after her "murder".

Pants on head idiocy, straight up.

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Scipio, The Intelligence Service facility "Lookout Mountain" was just right up the hill from the Tate "murder" house. This was their movie propaganda facility in Hellyweird. The house was in full view of this facility and Sharon Tate's dad ran the place. They couldn't even get Tate to stop grinning for the death photos. It has been proven that the "body" was repositioned for various photos long after rigor mortis would have set in. The photos of Tate are as fake as they can be.

They got Tate to come back and play a "third sister" in the early 90's, that never existed before then, for the 25th anniversary. Tate still looked fantastic and had no trouble convincingly playing this younger sister for the cameras. They milked this thing for every last drop of drama. Ditto the phony prison "interviews" with Manson over the years where he was wearing street cloths, rings and other jewelry not allowed in any prison. THEY know people are that easy to fool.

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Sirius, I'm sure they wish they could flood the US with Muslims as well but what they have to work with, primarily, is Latin America. They are rolling out the red carpet for these people once they have gone through the Masonic humiliation ritual of mucking through the filthy Rio Grande like drowned rats. They are given grocery cards alone with up to or over 3,000 dollars on them. Issued phones and who knows what else at tax payer expense.

Of course what even many aware people don't realize is that the politicians are happy to go along with all of this because if they aren't actually "Jewish" they are then Faux-nician, crypto Jews. Show me a politician that is not one of "them". Their just aren't any. Until people realize this nothing could ever change. Europeans better start "out-fucking" these people themselves in the mean time. The fate of the white Europeans is now all in the hands of healthy, unvaccinated young people. May God bless their endeavors.

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Hey ET, yeah, alongside secret services there must be a lot of NGOs operating there, pumping poor people with hate and ideas and promises. And free resources, so that they are hooked. Same MO is used in USA as in Europe.

There were reports how immigrants get credit cards and how banks dont even request IDs. Drivers licenses are another matter. Vaccination mandates yet another. And majority of people dont have issues with any of it because they inform themselves with propaganda only, or not even that lolz.

Yep, I think that the crypto-jew issue is worse than we can imagine! Its safer to say that the ones who claim that they are not jews are ALL cryptos, just based on their actions. Like there is a difference between a shabbos goy, a crypto jew or a zombified useful idiot, they all put their energy towards evil goals, consciously or not.

Yeah, a White Renaissance would be awesome. May God allow for such miracles.

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Flooding the USA&EU with wetbacks is more for future cannon-fodder, the current gen will not fight, all being cucked homo's in EU&USA

But almost all the wetbacks flooding into USA&EU are of fighting age, and both cases if promised 'citizenship' they will go to war for ZOG, who might they fight?? Most likely sent into battles against CHINA&RUSSIA.

Let's call them the disposable people, also what they're doing is getting the most dumb in Africa&South/Central America out of those country's and pushing them into the meat-grinder of death, as both USA&EU is scheduled for demolition by 2025. (deagel report)

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