Public Domain Issues
Why am I anonymous online? Where is a valid social contract when you need to attach it as evidence for murder and rape? Humanism vs Transhumanism!
The Public Domain?
Apart from the public space in which humans meet to communicate, work or frolik together, it is also the HOME of our COLLECTIVE EGO. Where this human ego should be able to serve it’s purpose in human/Earth evolution. Powerful psychedelics use by complete ignorants situation that we saw being pushed prior to the Plandemic2020 shows us that it is yet another crafty and evil manipulation of the public. Just like how many ayahuasca experiences end up in a case of extortion and demon possession when the only observable effect should be healing.
All of it could be avoided if everyone was in a friendly connection with THE SPIRIT!
But since majority is completely removed from THE SPIRIT, this is how the Public Domain currently looks:

Public Domain should not be copyrighted and spied upon by the evil people who control the money (a money system which is intentionally designed for unlawful begetting of power and installment of worldwide usury) and therefore own all the governments with their militaries and police. Is it any wonder that LAWS are written in such a way that they allow for abuse and tyranny from the authority that by the social contract is mandated to uphold ONLY honesty and fairness?
Yeah, it is VERY OBVIOUS that we are quite far from the ideals which framed the concept of a social contract that exists between The people and the governments.
Tyrannycal centralization? Social contract? To an average person these topics are unreachable? We few with the needed capacity, to see it for what it really is, are then left to our own ends and means, the collective seems to be lost due to Jesuit designed brainwashing, oops, public schooling.
But try and think about the Olde Continent as a territory populated with 1000 small castles, each with their own resources and a sphere of influence, some more stupid and greedy than others.
No wonder that lord Palmerston renamed the Game of Nations to
Making humans believe that they are nothing more than evolved APES was easy. - Darwin
And so now it is really easy to experiment on those DUMB APES - primarily to see how they can be harvested (while they live) without them ever fighting back!
Yeah, esoteric sellers of transhuman centralization focus their marketing on the mantra of universal peace/income -read: slavery-. It is thanks to their advanced seership and mystical knowledge that they hold sway over powerful individuals that they influence, claiming how they know what and how and when IT will happen…and no doubt, they do it in a persuasive way. But but but, the fact that in modern times they have to depend mostly on enforcing by brute force, murder and rape… or with extortion, after they have corrupted with one of the trillion adored ways of corrupting fearful humans, tells us that they do not posses the full power of divine - their claims to divinity are fake. If they at all manage to be serious about their supposed occult ways, they can work only with retarded and discarded divine powers while they create demons. Tis the nature of self-serving one-sidedness.
In the start it was all based on a promise of upholding all what is right and to avoid a situation where every family, which finds itself in a position of being attacked or in a position of wanting to attack others, can push for resolvement of the blood feud which inevitably ensues, well.., if it wants to and is capable of it - or better said, if it is capable of it. Dynamics of power and greed among humans should be understood by the correlation of parasite to it’s host - it is a natural character of the parasites - they exist solely thanks to their parasitic machinations.
Quite a parasitic situation, → and it is damn gross even without having the ability to actually see the etheric world of spirit in which the parasites reside! Yeah, do not forget their astral pals too! Whaaaat, I thought everyone knew that there are good and evil invisible entities/beings!
So, can it be said
that people who have control over the PUBLIC SPACE are controlled by The Evil Powers?
That was an easy quest-ion wasn’t it?
Which means they have an interest to remove any opposition as soon as it appears! Remove it in any possible way, subversion, corruption or elimination. Yet they are not all-powerful and they need a name with an address and a photo. And then they can start to think how are they dealing with that particular case. Note that I am not talking about already exposed individuals, who work for governments or are in any way connected to the corporate-government networks or any big industry and mass media. I talk about and represent what they are calling the serfs, the goyim.
Which is why I have a bit of pride because I am being hated upon by some demon-owned scum,
evil human clamidia of the whores of Babylon that they are.
Action movies, thrillers, spies and harlots? Fun fun fun
I will not go into details of how I think they can/could do it - use your imagination. Isn’t that the reason why they entrained our minds with popular entertainment (PsyOP “Art”<SHIT>), to hypnotize us with nice looking stuff and to show us what can be done to us if we step out of line? To fortify the lies that are called scientific research? To make us project their world back out of us? Sure thing → everybody knows how human eyes WORK!? Whaaaaat, I thought everybody knew WHY mirrors are so good for use in casting MAGIC spells.
Here is a question - What happens to a person that uses a mirror in an unconscious way every day?
It becomes a dumb blonde prostitute that is addicted to selfies…
If you kept the main points in mind, and did not get transfixed by my constant tendency2tangent, it is so damn obvious that
the only way to oppose them is with some guere-illa tactics(point1).
So you can now start with the explosive work-out regime you’ve held under sub-conscious thus far, also, contacting all your Vietnamese pals if you have any. Thankfully, EU is full of Vietnamese in the Czech/Prague area. Remembering your past lives as a soldier in a number of world-conquering armies of the past could also come in handy.
But also note the fact implied by the question at the start!
Physicality is just a part of the whole human experience! Which means that those invisible Evil Powers CAN also be contested.
And this contesting is not done on the physical plane. It is done with-in the SPIRIT(point2).
So you can now go and poor yourself some of that ancient schnapss/RAKIJA/liquid-alcohol-spirits that you have been hiding in the closets and the basements. If you don’t have any, have piece by knowing that there are entire nations of people who without exception have some hidden RAKIJA … alongside lost of guns from previous periods of orchestrated mass-altercations with their neighbors.
You know, being a SICK-DEMENTED-OLD-DEMON run societal system, it will tend to constipate in it’s digestive areas. It will then want and tend to purge them more frequently, than say
what could be called purging in a divine healthy being(bonus point)
(and you will have to do some proper work if you want to see one of those!!).
Also, now you can go source some living sauerkraut and celebrate your Microbiome
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Public Domain issues? How about some solutions to those issues?
The solution to the problem of Evil Transhumanism that is un-lawfuly shaping human life?
The way forward is pure Humanism. We need to push for the revelation of the New Human my fellow humans! We have to roll up those sleeves my friends!!
Good luck to all that do good!
No need to say Bad luck to all that do bad, they already have plenty of bad luck!