Loss of human Spirit and attraction to Pessimism
How are these two thinKs connected? Subversion through religion? Lifesaving lesson from China's "cultural revolution"! Making a case for a healthy life imbued with Spirit
#deprogramming knowledge&resources
Did you know that people in general have a tendency to be more attentive towards pessimistic content?
pessimism, an attitude of hopelessness toward life and toward existence, coupled with a vague general opinion that pain and evil predominate in the world. It is derived from the Latin pessimus (“worst”). source
The reason for this lies in the fact that bad things happen quickly and good things need a longer period to rise out of invested work and energy.
In other words, progress happens much slower than the setbacks.
A popular psychologist, Daniel Kahneman’s explanation:
Asymmetry towards loss and listening to pessimists is an evolutionary trait. When directly compared or weighted against each other, losses loom larger than gains. Organisms that treat threats as more urgent than opportunities, have a better chance to survive and reproduce.
I came across above quote which crystalized my thoughts and observation of manipulation via informative content with an embedded subliminal negative message. And that was the inspiration for this stack.
Are you unconsciously attracted to negative perspectives? Would this be the case if you knew how you are missing something that is much more important for you - than this vague possibility of threat to your physical safety?
First of all, now I see how some of the creators of such content would be doing it unconsciously. And secondly, this seems to be a perfect example of the effects of being indoctrinated with a mechanistic and atheistic view of reality.
But what happens to this supposed trait of ours if we are actually aware of it? And what if we are connected to our spirituality? In that case pessimism can not take hold of us. For me that is evidence of pessimism being a side-effect of diminished spirituality. That is also why in a world like this, optimistic content will have to endure some suffering! People who are unaware will not be interested in it as much as into pessimistic content.
Well, it is like it is - in a society made mostly of sheeple - and it was always known that such is the nature of spreading the Good Gospel.
Back to the topic of ongoing spiritual apocalypse.
Is there any benefit to heeding constant warnings like "Beware! Apocalypse coming soon!"? What? None?!
No matter how much toilet paper you stocked up on, it will not save you if the shit hits the fan!
(!pun intended;)
Smart vs Dumb
For example, being prepared is one thing. Being scared and stocking up on unnecessary crap is quite another.
You can be prepared for anything and not live in fear with a small amount of resources.
Or you can be prepared for nothing while you have everything, being a scared fearful husk of a human-being who literally feeds the Evil machine with his/hers life’s output.
And only if you fall under the first category will you EVER be able to do some good - and maybe that good will be enough so that this world does not blow up around the next corner?!
You see, in the situation where there is a possibility of a catastrophe, by remaining composed and consciously choosing where you place your energy, you ALLOW for catastrophe to BE AVOIDED. Or you have stupid decisions, which are based in fear, and actually do things which place your energy in favor of the catastrophe.
And what of the issue of greedy merchants who make lots of money off of scared people? They make a living by fearmongering, plain and simple! It is a thriving sector of invention, production and commerce.
So it would be prudent to be conscious about where we place our energy!
In any case, I think it is of utmost importance to..

..know thyself! And to be fully aware of what it is that you are actually doing! Because what if you are unconsciously supporting soft installing of Communism? “How so” you might ask? Let’s find out.
Human Spirit = Optimism
It is the choice between Leibniz and Goethe versus Nietszche and Schopenhauer!
I roll with Leibniz and Goethe.
I think that Goethe presented the ultimate optimistic view of the World. And Goethe believed in the existence of human Spirit.
Let’s put it this way, it would seem that human Spirit is an optimist. Think about it, after all the millennia of its development, how could this not be the case?
optimism, the theory, in philosophy, that the world is the best of all possible worlds or, in ethics, that life is worth living. It is derived from the Latin optimum (“best”).(…) source
My overall impression is that we are in this nasty situation that can be called global takeover by demon-possesed-scum-in-power (the so called ruling Elite) because we ignore the world of human Spirit. And so we come to the most interesting part of this stack.
Subversion by religion
After some research, and thanks to Rudolf Steiner, I found out that this actually “started” when the existence of human Spirit was deviously ‘abolished’ by fiat of Catholic Church on the fourth Council of Constantinople in 869. This event is a long and very interesting story in itself! The background story which gives it its context is enough for a good movie.
The council was called by Emperor Basil I the Macedonian, with the support of Pope Hadrian II. It deposed and anathemized Photius, a layman who had been appointed as Patriarch of Constantinople, and reinstated his predecessor Ignatius.
With closer inspection we find out that it was done with a Papal canon XI that does not read like the rest of the text. Like this part was added without much discussion!
The 4th Council at Constantinople had denied the separate existence in each individual of a spiritual soul through which the individual could seek communion with the spiritual world; instead, the individual was to depend on the Church and its hierarchy for guidance.
That on such an important Council something so important wouldn’t be discussed? The main topic of the Council being the differences between modern western and eastern Orthodox theology and the issue of Photius. Ten years later, on the Eighth Ecumenical Council (greek fourth), Photius was reinstated and sainted.
Today, the Catholic Church recognizes the council in 869–870 as "Constantinople IV", while the Eastern Orthodox Churches recognize the councils in 879–880 as "Constantinople IV" and revere Photius as a saint.
We can say that the effect of such a decision is the rise of Atheism in the west. And atheism has shown what it is good for. Ecodisaster idiocracy fueled with mindless consumerism and support of wars orchestrated by greedy evil usurers!
Spirit of western man was abolished in the one place in which it should have been protected and nurtured, the Catholic Church!
It seems to me that by ignoring what is a large part of our humanity we are masochistically building a nasty hurdle on our evolutionary path. And we are late to realizing it. Seeing all the destruction and how so many more people go to death without knowing anything about the Spirit tells us how the Evil is gaining more power. So we must ask ourselves, do we want the whole world to end up like Mao’s China (and worse) or do we want China to liberate itself from the Communist degeneracy? This difference reflects the path of human evolution. Do we as human beings want to progress or stagnate on this path? Let’s put it this way - we can not stand and wait and think about it for a long time, it is a ‘flowing river’ and it does not concern itself with our wishes. But if we are navigating it in some way, we are doing much better than drowning or being stranded on a slimy stone.
That is why I think that only if enough people turn to a spiritual life do we stand a chance of somehow managing this crisis.
Because this what humanity is doing since the start of 19th century is a complete retardation of any progress and gains that we maybe had. And it is all thanks to 19th century materialist philosophies - like from Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and worst of them all, nasty vile monstrous Marx. Who, in some way, were all influenced and/or ‘chosen&sanctioned’ or even instructed by secret brotherhoods and esoteric societies. What they liked they popularized, and what they disliked they censored and burried with their influence. 19th century was VERY busy in this regard, a fact that many do not know, let alone understand its implications. All that we experience as the worst dystopia was set into motion back then! And the majority of people who built this stage were oblivious to what they were doing, acting as nothing but tools for the Evil side.
Still, if enough people realize this fact, there is ample reason to be optimistic! And even if it happens that we are left alone with no one else in sight, we can always decide to view our situation optimistically.
Losing Tradition (your Soul) to Communism
Traditional ways of living come from centuries of experience! Traditional ways are inextricably connected with the concept of family. Family is the only protection individuals have against institutionalized manipulation!! Hence the coordinated ‘LGBTQ/DEI/NGOimmigrant’ attack on western tradition!
Only hateful fools will be quick to dismiss tradition! Why do you think young people are being indoctrinated to hate everything old, no matter if it is wise to the point of being lifesaving?! Public schooling/indoctrinating model in the west was set up by the Jesuits. Essentially, the only difference between it and the one from Communist regimes is in the price tag. Both have the exact same purpose, they differentiate only in their styles.
That is how Mao destroyed China!
And it wasn’t a soft installing either.
Here is how he did it (after all the instructions were provided to him by bolshevik joos - who have picked him and groomed him for their horrific task):
- he renounced ancient Chinese culture, namely Confucianism and Buddhism which value kindness and tolerance;
- he eliminated all intellectuals, land owners, competent people;
- he also instructed the young to condemn their parents and neighbors publicly, usually in front of a crowd!
What he was left with were uneducated laborers, poor peasants and mean hateful youths with blood of their neighbors, brothers, sisters and ancestors on their hands. And these wretched souls are the ancestors of modern Chinese people!
So no wonder why urban China is such a slummy degenerate place where people fall like dominoes to the ground when touched to sue for money and where people poison and destroy SO MUCH nature like it is absolutely nothing!
What about the fact that the ruling scum wants the West to become like China, eh? All this is orchestrated by the same degenerate people who installed Mao and who are responsible for all the scientific and idelogical fraud on top of usury through banking!!! West is already being heavily purged from any dissident genes - predominantly white! And this is not your official racist spiel, involving color or religion. Maybe you heard the mindblowing statement from dr.Lee Merrit, about the targeted genes? Maybe you know of Rudolf Steiners prediction that in the future there will be vaccines that will be able to kill the awerness of the Soul in humans. And there is more stories and information that points to this evil possibility. Yep.
If things don’t change, we are right to predict things like the fall of Western culture and We are heading into the worst kind of dystopia.
Yet, that is still not a reason to be pessimistic to the point of apathy and defeatism/giving up! Quite the opposite! It is an opportunity to re-group and change the tactics and to be optimistic and thankful because you got the chance to realize all of it in the first place and while you still have time to do something about it.
Especially if you are positioned against people who wield the msmedia, the military, the police and the legal system as their tools/weapons! In such a situation one has to be very smart if one wants to do damage to the system and not waste energy and time.
Research the tactics of the so called guerilla forces. Maximum effect with minimum exposure way of dealing with the enemy. In essence, exhausting the enemy with your iron will and with being practical and smart!
Optimism as medicine
And to top it off, as you might have gathered by now, optimism is even a boon for your health! How could optimists have a longer life-span than pessimists you ask? And a better overall quality of life too? Maybe it is because optimists are not living in a state of fear while poisoning themselves with related stress alongside constantly projecting “bad things will be happening”? Of course, optimism is like everything else. If one overdoes it, one can overdose on it.
Here are two cool articles about everything related to optimism.
Using Learned Optimism in Your Life
Why It Pays to Be an Optimist... and why it's never too late to become one.
Bonus motivation
How much Gloom and Doom actually is there?
I heard this quote few years ago but had not saved it and forgot who was it that it was credited to. Also, it is not an exact copy/paste, my apologies, the percentage is correct tho - hm, I think he was French..
“92% of all worries turn out to be a waste of energy!”
So to avoid a situation in which our creative energy is wasted, or even used for evil purposes, it is key to be fully aware of what kind of content we are supporting! Vigilance and awareness!
Interesting note: we have a nice saying, accompanied with a huge smile :), for people who look at life through optimist lenses: -KLASA OPTIMIST- (a hint at the sailing competition divisions, means ‘The class of Optimist’).
And that is it for this stack. 🙏
Nosce Te Ipsum!
-all rights reserved!-
Thanks Sirius.
This is well needed.
Let us all dwell on the beauty we will always obtain!
We are all flowers in the Great Spirit’s garden. We share a common root, and the root is Mother Earth. – Hopi Prophecy