How is Croatia-ZAMBIA Affair similar to the newest LGBTQ Scandal in Hungary?! #IlariaSalis #Antifa #NGO #EU #GovernmentCorruption #LGBTQ #Terrorism #UN_Agenda2030
What do Italian queer-terrorist Ilaria Salis and Croatian trannie Noah Kraljević have in common? Other than a deviant character and mental illness?
I have to admit, when I started reporting on the Zambia-Croatia child trafficking scandal I was still a bit naive to think that ordinary citizen “protest“ outcry could have any meaningful and immediately observable impact in a case like that! All my illusions have been expunged for a short while now.
My last report on Croatia-Zambia affair (thumbnail posted at the end) from more than a year ago.
So I am certainly not surprised with the development in this fresh Hungarian-Italian LGBTQ-NGO-GOVERNMENT connected scandal!
How is it similar with the Croatia-Zambia scandal?
Quick way to high status and big pay → just be gay, or queer or trans, you little deviant you :wink wink:
Aftermath of the Zambia-Croatia scandal - where we saw evidence of a huge number of political figures having relations with smugglers and trafficking with children from Africa to EU!
The accused Croatian transgender man Noah Kraljević, now under the name Dalija Pintarić, in Zambia on charges of trafficking children from the Congo, being a a member of the “We Can” (“MOŽEMO” → currently a mayor of the capitol of Croatia is from this shit party, Tomašević → Marxist ideology trained monkey beneath a jewish looking crooked and thieving smile) political party, was freed and then promoted to an advisor on the government's program "LGBT youth in the school environment", which is intended for teachers, professional associates and principals of primary and secondary schools from all over Croatia!! Kinsey allowed for pedophilia in the academia to be normalized, which is what we are seeing everywhere where they do not want a growing natality.
So where is the similarity when here we have an Antifa queerctivist who is not a tranny and is not engaging in human trafficking?
Italian Antifa/LGBTQueerctivist
Ilaria Salis was accused of attacking protesters →attempted murder in Hungary!
And after she spent 14 months in prison - while facing a potential prison sentence of at least 20 years, Salis was released under the immunity of a newly elected Member of the European Parliament!
This is a publicly available reaction (on twatter) by Robert Špehar entitled "An astonishing mockery of justice – Europe faces the consequences of its flaccid laws against left-wing terrorism":
"An unimaginable scenario, almost grotesque in its irony, unfolds before the eyes of a shocked public. Europe is reverberating with scandal, mockery of victims and legislation by international terrorists under the guise of left-wing progressive politics. Namely, through the elections for the European Parliament, the "on-woke" wizards of mass hypnosis managed to free a queer terrorist, who faces 20 years in prison. Antifa activist and left-wing terrorist Ilaria Salis, who has already spent 14 months in detention in Hungary for attempted murder, now enjoys diplomatic immunity. Salis, convicted of attempted murder on Honour Day in the company of the "Hammer Gang", now sits in the European Parliament, thanks to the left/green/red alliance that made her election possible.
This is not only an ironic mockery of justice, but also a serious threat to the security of European citizens. Two German co-defendants are still in custody, while the other gang members are still on the run. But Salis now has the power to create policy for the whole of Europe. If the German left-wing extremists like Lina E., Maya, Jonas and others had known about this legal possible maneuver, they too could be sitting in the European Parliament today, instead of in prison!
This sounds like a bad joke, but it really happened in the 2024 European elections!
This travesty of legal possibilities is not a coincidence, but the result of decades of marching through institutions, led by judges brought up in the spirit of Marx in the late 60s. What awaits us in the future? We can only fear a march through the institutions of radical political Islam, led by lawyers and future judges sympathetic to the Islamic worldview. This case reveals a deep rot in Europe's legislative systems, which now allow terrorists not only freedom, but also political power.
While European citizens are wondering where their security and justice have gone, terrorists like Salis are free to create legislation that should protect these very citizens. This situation is not only a disgrace to European politics, but also a serious wake-up call! If Europe does not act quickly and decisively, the consequences could be catastrophic."

What did I expect? That the trafficking of cheap black kids (and their pristine organs) will stop? It can not stop as long as these kinds of people are shekel-installed to be the "elite" of the society and as long as sheepish majority accepts it!
Yeah, so it can only get worse and worse! And so it does.
Such travesty of legal system has now become the norm! The aftermath of the arrest of the Italian queerctivist, because of her violent behavior display in Hungary - trying to kill a person with a hammer in a public protest as a member of Antifa (deviants that are brainwashed with Marx’s clever diarrheas and showered with mountains of money through NGOs while being cheered on by their university professors) is all the evidence you need for it!
Be sure that this onslaught of deviancy is done through public education system first and foremost. And naturally, the developed countries which dare to have populations that could protest about these UN-lawfull plans, are the main target! So please DO NOT wear steel-top boots while kicking uniperversity professors in their shreenked balls. Btw, this news came while I am finishing writing a nice fat stack on above mentioned onslaught and pedophilia!
And now WE, who have remained mentally well, can see that the legal system is a complete 100% joke and a scam to make goys think how there is something that they call the “Rule Of Law”! Constitution, justice, fair governing? MEGA LOLZ!
Legal courts of today, as well as all our governments, exist only to be of service to the “elites“! And the “elites“ in general are greedy dumb retarded clowns, murderers and pedophiles - so they will be the ones who win huge majority of legal cases regardless of anyone expecting some justice - or what plebs understand as -the laws-!
In short, we are being lied to, intentionally poisoned, indoctrinated, humiliated, pushed into usury, abused and used as weapons against each other as free-slaves.
Laws are written as loopholes - and the “legal language” is designed so that it allows corrupt judges and fraudulent lawyers to speak like they are upholding the laws → when, in fact and in principle, they are just servicing the “elite“ → which means skinning the goys arse on their own expense!
EU? A communist/socialist/eugenicist/Marxist run scam! What is the real purpose of it? To make sure the “elites“ can pillage, plunder, thieve and kill Europe while targeting mainly the white population to go homo or kill themselves in frustration and rising poverty → while installing the globo sHlOMO invented UN Agenda 2030-2050!
Check the stats for fertility rates that they project in their publicly available 2022 World Population Prospects report that shows the projections regarding implementing 2030-2050 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Looks like it started with modern vaccination programs and industry foods that were invented after WW2. And there is the expected dip in 2020 as well. To me it is somewhat obvious how this is all planned and executed by the same people who orchestrated the Bolshevik and the Communist revolutions, WW1 and WW2. You know, the list of monarchies, super-old-wealthy parasitic families and screwed up religions.
Nevermind how entire big industry is steered towards poisonous exploitation while servicing complete tyranny BY DESIGN!
Europe and Northern America seem like places of special interest for, I’d say, some rabbinic reason!
UN do an excellent job eh? Death-rate = Growth-rate:
Our governments ARE using us as monetized cattle while they provide services to THE PRIVATE SECTOR (all big industries and multinational corporations) and THE SHAREHOLDERS who are the muscle and funding for the owners of all central jew-banks and advertised philantropathic billionaires, plain and simple.
Because rabid rabbis and their deviant legions want it so!
Right as I wanted to hit publish I hear this news about the Hungarian PM Orban:
about a car having fatally plowed into Viktor Orban’s motorcade in Germany, killing one staffer, or bodyguard, and seriously injuring another.
More geopolitical games for geopolitical plebs, no doubt!
-/ all rights reserved! /-
Don't call these lousy Jews "Italian", "Croatian", "Hungarian", etc.! Only the Jews are in power in Hungary! He owns the press, the business, and everything was stolen from the country! And of course the courts too! Anyway, what you write is correct! But this is just a signal to us, goyim, that they can spit in our mouths in public, without hiding, because there will be no consequences for them! And the EU is full of them too!