I Totally Approve this Message! Lol !!

I feel overwhelming pride for these Farmers & Folks that are standing up for the right to feed ourselves & not be burned out. BRAVO!

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but forgot to hit compementary like? ts ts ts so its like that eh 😂

SIRIUS depends on reader engagement hellooooouuu

what a guy has to do to get a share like and subscribe SHEESH😜

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Sure enough I DID forget, Clearly, I totally SUCK ! Bad brain day ... Some days if I have more than one thing to do...It's too overwhelming & I forget to hit the like button apparently !:) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thankfully it didn't slip past YOU.... with your full on brain intact ! <grin> You're Funnae!

♥ 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝒴❁𝓊 👍

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Thanks JM. Im no Karen Kingston so I have to fight for every like 😁

More likes = more new subs.

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But, I tried to like ❤️ MORE times...It won't let me! I TRY........

Thank God your NO Karen Kingston! We wouldn't be having this conversation AND I'd have to disown you. If You ever fake your own kidnapping, I may have to reach out & slap the crap out of You!

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Im cracking up :)))) 😂 Now you are b3ing funnay!

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Got to love the Farmers versus Climatards... :)

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Look at those jew foot soldiers and lap dogs. They probably all come from wealthy families so they never have to work for a living. Disgusting parasites and useful idiot useless eaters.

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