1962 Kennedy Vaccination Act explained by Dr.SHIVA™ Ayyadurai, MIT PhD - Shatter The Swarm?!
Shocking facts on saintly Kennedies, RFK in particular! Joe Rogan shilling for Monsanto? Tucker Carlson limited hangout douchebaggery? Trump, Musk > top scumbags and more/// INSIDER SCOOP on steroids!
undercover agents, snitches - disinformation/censorship
grifters, scumbags, trannies and drug addicts
To be clear, this is not a political endorsement, or a newly published interview. But if Americans decide to go voting, why not vote for Dr.Shiva? An independent candidate without hair on his tongue! Yeah, they will not let this guy get anywhere near the actual presidency.
For the following reasons. He knows too many implicating details about the ‘elites’ firsthand and he is offering proper solutions with the aim to displace them - what he calls ‘Bottoms Up’(go local, go health, reduce government and screw/shatter The Swarm - on the page with “Radical Self Responsibility”; the only ideology that can steer humanity → towards more humanity), which is too radical to be allowed by the current power structure. He does not act according to the mainstream script and he even comes off like a maverick. He is smart (and intelligent, four phDs at M.I.T., a Fulbright scholarship - he gives his bio later in the video) with airing it all out into the public arena and organizing different events and working with lots of people. Now he has more supporters and many more witnesses. So they are trying real hard to censor and defame him. Good evidence for that is the type of lies which are spread by junkies and the lack of support from mentioned ‘truthers’ like Trucker Crapson and Joe Boldtard Rogan who should be the first to endorse him instead avoiding him. It all becomes ‘OH SO CLEAR’ when you hear how these sell-outs are behaving and what are they doing when Shiva tries to ‘break into’ their ranks!
Regarding his tone in this interview, which could be marked as ‘Explicit Content - Parental Advisory Needed’, it is somewhat understandable why he would swear and cuss. His experience with the ‘elites‘ obviously leaves no room for him to be cagey. And he might have issues with self esteem, having to ask if he is shunned because of his skin color - kinda makes him look not sure of himself - because in his case it is not the color but his ancestry. And I think you will agree that it would be smarter for him if he would better control his temper and if he would act sly and tempered in his presentation. Who knows, maybe he already made up his mind that he will not be allowed to achieve as much as he hoped for - so in his frustration he decides to let it loose. On the other hand, these are such grave and serious times, people are fed up and such a break of PR might actually have a pass, we will see.
You see how the interviewers, Ken and Tom, who seem like proper normies, look ‘uneasy’ every time he let’s it fly, and indeed he does! But note that they also support him and that they give him their time and respect, agreeing with all the points which he makes.
Is he a plant like Trump? A plant who claimed that he would do the opposite of what he actually did!? If he is, he is on a higher level than Trump. Or maybe it is just the difference in cultural background and the fact that he grew up in a poor environment. Guy invented Email and System solving approach to medical treatment. He is probably well connected with Indian pharma companies, which are rooted in Ayurvedic science and doing business in a more honest manner than their western counterparts. So the only important question is if Dr.Shiva is the real deal or just your usual spiel, for which there are signs, that was described by Albert Pike, freemason 33rd degree.
“Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him“
With all that is said and after watching the entire interview (first hour), I think you will have to admit that the information which was shared is important and goes well beyond gossip. And yes, few months ago I saw one of his older presentations, where he explains how the Swarm operates, and moved on thinking there is no way he could have success with being THAT blunt. But there he did not go into so many details and actual names and events! Of course, this interview is from almost half a year ago and there is chance many of you have already seen it. If so, feel free to add your perspective on it, it would be nice to hear your thoughts.
5 months old interview;
runtime 1 hour 35 minutes;
channel: https://www.youtube.com/@drvashiva
In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist & Engineer, Candidate for U.S. President, challenges RFK Jr’s contradictory stance on vaccines. RFK Jr endorses full vaccination but claims they’re unsafe due to corrupt officials. Yet, he vaccinated all his children and guests at his home. He endorsed pro-vaccine candidates and supported lockdowns, yet attacks Fauci. He wants corrupt agencies to create safe vaccines but ignores the outdated 1962 Kennedy Vaccination Act.
The real problem is the government controlling our bodies.
A new act based on personalized medicine is needed.
That was a FUN interview!
To it I add some nice pictures.
First, one with an ex junkie and his pals
under a portrait of The monster.
And second,
Monster Inc. = Chabad.org
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