Lone Neuralink von Skum, Robert Malone MD, RFK Jr., ADL, GDL, feds, undercover disinfo agents, snitches&transgender politicians! CO-OPs - GATEKEEPERS - PSYOPers - SHILLS
Jews acting as white supremacists? Anti-vaxxers pushing for vaccination? Selling FEAR is BIG industry! Wtf eh? The stench of shekel driven manipulation and subversion is getting obnoxious!
A growing COLLECTION OF GATEKEEPERS, SHILLS, PSYOP agents and other such scum - UPDATED with new information!
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Vladimir Lenin said:
“the best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
This is a post for all who are concerned with censorship, disinformation and subversion on the internet, a huge chunk of this ‘military platform turned public’ which it is. And as you could expect from the title of this stack, alongside the topic of gatekeeping, and certainly sadly for some of them who are innocent, this post includes the forbidden topic: ze j e w s.
First things first! Based on info below (and some other obvious signs - like all the satanist symbolism from his mom) I’d bet that Elon Musk is a crypto jew. Lone Skum is just a convenient, cohenincidental anagram, eh? Btw, I was among the first to spot this interesting fact. Only after months and months have I seen someone else start calling Musk like this. Today the net is full of Lone Skum accounts.
The origin and nefarious meaning of the Lone Skum character comes from a Japanese anime show. Sadly, I have seen the name of the show somewhere but did not save it. And my duckduckgosearch came up empty. But this is not so important since we have enough info on Skumy skum:
Elon Musk
Elon Musk: "Nächstenliebe halte ich für ein gutes Prinzip"
“I think charity is a good principle”
Er habe eine anglikanische Sonntagsschule und eine jüdische Vorschule besucht, sagte Musk im Interview der "Welt am Sonntag". "An einem Tag singe ich also Have Nagila, am nächsten Tag Jesus. Als Kind singt man, glaube ich, einfach mit."
"Elon Musk (49), tech entrepreneur, says he believed in God as a child. In an interview with “Welt am Sonntag”, Musk said he attended an Anglican Sunday school and a Jewish preschool. "So one day I'm singing Have Nagila, the next day Jesus. As a kid, I think you just sing along."
Here we can see his charitable character towards free speech, the thing which is the backbone of twater:
2 hours later
Indeed, Musk is the free speech messiah we all need! To lead us into long awaited talmudic dystopia..
Ok? Ok!
Then there is the issue of Musk’s SpaceX! It being
one of the biggest defence contractors with the military industrial complex!
SpaceX is currently one of biggest beneficiaries of the US Government when looking at overall total value of contracts awarded to that company!
Government repeatedly bailed out Twitter when it lost money! That in itself should be enough to tell you all you need to know about Elon’s true nature. He is owned and controlled. Not allowed to say anything that does not fit the pre-scripted content!
There is more!
Musk and CBDCs?
→ Au10tix
Twitter policy states:
We share face data with a third party, Au10tix, who acts as our data processor. Au10tix processes and stores the data as detailed above.
Au10Tix is an Israeli identity verification company founded in 2002 and its CEO is a guy called Ron Atzmon!!
Got it? Nice!
So →
It is clear how Musk was chosen to be presented to the serfs as a tech messiah - but is actually an agent for dystopia while doing the most evil things imaginable - just like the clowns Gates and Zuckerberg !!!
Re: mr. micro virus(B.Gates), let’s hope India will get her hands on him, they call for his death sentence to be honored.
Pictures and memes to confirm everything I have said so far.
Let’s see what his mother wants to show to the world
All crystal clear.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
RFK according to → Dr Shiva.
RFK Jr., according to Michael Ginsburg → ActionableTruths&Actions ←, is blackmailed into acting as he does. Well, Dr.Shiva revealed that RFK Jr. has (or had) a heroin habit. So no wonder about that.. It is funny to learn that RFK’s handler is rabbi Shmuley Boteach.
Yes, RFK Jr. hangs out with members of ChabadLubavitch, just like Donald Trump.
ADL, the media strong arm of B’nai B’rith, which is a jew run organization just like Freemasonry (freemasonry is for dumb goys), but strictly for the jews and certain jewish goals, namely zionism - jewish hegemony over the world. And I always have a laugh when I remember how according to ADL, anti-semitism did not start until 16th-17th century?!
So, what is ADL doing these days? Well, you know how many many jews were caught desecrating jewish cemeteries? Or how they were caught spraying/drawing swastikas and anti-semitic graffitti in their neighborhoods? Yes, that is a legitimate jewish tactic to support the holocaust hoax and ever growing threat of anti-semitism, the greatest hoax cash cow that this world has seen.

And in the same vain, ADL creates teams which in turn create fake white nationalist movements which ADL then shows as a growing white supremacy threat and then proceeds to snitch all these people to the feds while calling for more censorship and stricter laws against speaking the truth about jews.
But they are becoming sloppy. GDL (Goyim Defense Legaue) just got their start and we have already found them out!
Now Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit has covered this story. Hoft is a disinfo/chaos agent. Hoft and Loomer.
First of all, this is not news to me. I know of accusations against Handsome Truth (Jon Minadeo, guy who runs GoyimTV) for quite some time. He is the one next to tatooed up ginger guy called “Hammer” which got recognized alongside that other tattooed “Azov guy”. These pics were circulated everywhere but were quickly abandoned since many recognized the ginger Hammer-tard as well as the bald and tattoed Azov freak.
Jon Minadeo - HandsomeTruth (GoyimTV)
But what about this Minadeo, Handsome Truth guy? See for yourself:
Minadeo Sr. has jewish ancestry along with a record of arrests and releases, just like his son. Just like millions of snitches around the world.
Yep, the cat is out of the bag, thanks Geena!
So, to sum up, it looks like HT is a mexican jew. And an agitator, a snitch and a psyop agent that is pushing nat-soc ideology and possibly engaging in sodomy, very possibly engaging in pedophilia as well.
Laura Loomer ?
Let us see what is this Loomer guy is up to (oops):
Yep, he. Loomer is a transgender and a jew. So, we might only guess what would be the goals of a jewish transgender politician who pretends that he is a white woman.
Here’s more
Before he became Laura
More pics of this jewish congressional candidate in this rumble video! Nice eh?
So, yeah, I am not buying this chain of events or actors and all the roles. Neither should you. And yeah, tranny conservatives seem to be a thing. No surprise really, because there are SO MANY tranny democrats it would be weird if there were no tranny conservatives!
And if you have not heard, being a tranny gets you in the game even faster than being homosexual or queer or wtfDEVIANTever.
Hm, Handsome Truth had a post a week ago how he is burned out and being accused of homo and pedo stuff (which is obvious, he dresses as homo to approach teenegers on Omegle and says that is his cover because otherwise he could not reach so many people kids). Guy is tatooed up and has a military build. Hmm?
And now he is outed by Hoft and Loomer, so they will be deemed legitimate and not jew-friendly. Ok, I see what is going on here. I hope you do too.
Meanwhile, they are catching naive white guys with this GDL ruse just like with Pride Boys. Im not so familiar with the case of PBs except that it was an obvious fed stint, but few days ago I’ve seen that a guy got 18 years in prison for being part of “Proud Boy militia”. Which is a win for ADL and the feds.
In fact, I am getting information which shows that there is a network of feds and actors which were on J6 protests and in Ukraine as well, friends with these new group called GDL.
All funded by tax payer money and ever rising debt while we boldly sprint toward a digital gulag.
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To many all this will sound crazy, I know, but that is the tactic of the control system which is regularly used on case to case basis. Confusion, divison and elimination of opposition with subversion and deception. Although, we have to look at the good side of this as well. Because they are obviously getting short on actors, just like in the case of ISIS or UN white hats in Syria. Even their near-infinite resources are not enough when it comes to making masses of people work against them selves. So here is an extra -SCREW YOU- to them. Yes, overall → globalist scumsters are a bunch of highly incompetent idiots.
The meaning of Limited Hangout?
“When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting — sometimes even volunteering — some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”
Robert Malone
Here is ALL that you need to know about this planted whistleblower
But have you seen the recent childish ruse from Robert Malone and Karen Kingston 😂? And what is even more funny, Malone could’nt stay quiet and ten days after the farce with the ‘missing Karen‘, he is on Gab, crying/kvetching at the same thing as does ADL. But, this being Gab, he kinda screwed the pooch and was reminded that he is on Gab and not on fakebook or twatterX. Here, just one of many (now over 1.5k, more than likes) comments:
Check all other awesome comments that he got , he has not deleted his status… yet. Otherwise he might loose his promised shekels. And shekels are obviously the biggest priority in Mr.mRna’S life.

His own words:
“I’ve been involved in every major outbreak since AIDS; this is kind of what I do. I’ve won literally billions of dollars in federal grants and contracts. I’m often brought in by National Institutes of Health to serve as a study section chair for awarding $80 to $120 million dollar contracts in vaccines and biodefense.
“I’ve spent countless hours at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meetings. I have multiple friends at the CDC and I work closely with the defense threat reduction agency and it’s one of my favorite clients, teaming partners. I work with the chem biodefense group; there’s other branches but this is not the branch that funded the Wuhan Labs; that’s another branch of Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
“I’ve got many friends in the intelligence community so I’m kind of a pretty deep insider in terms of the government. I know Tony Fauci personally; I’ve dealt with him my whole career. Then we had this particular outbreak, and I was tip of the spear on bringing the Ebola vaccine forward that we now call the MerckEbola vaccine. I’m the one that got Merck involved.”
If you need more than this than I am puzzled about your tolerance to evil doctors… but here you go
OUTRAGED HUMAN found that Malone is also involved with development of nanotechnology:
Malone is associated with other MDs that are limited hangout co-op health freedom movement, like Peter McCullough and Dr.Pierre Kory. He is also a part of the Unity Project
Charles Wright touches upon Malone’s funding schemes here.
To some, Malone's involvement with the bio-security apparatus is troubling, as is his admission of having "many friends in the intelligence community". His wife Jill Glasspool Malone, on the 'interests' section of her LinkedIn account, had marked: Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Melinda French Gates and Justin Trudeau as her 'influencers' - which she later deleted; also deleted are her chosen 'companies': Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Sanofi and others.
In October 2022, Malone started a defamation lawsuit against Breggin for 25 Million USD. Breggin commented on the effect: "Does he want to make us too afraid and too exhausted to criticize his public policy theories and his numerous highly destructive attacks on leaders of the health freedom movement?", while Malone comes across as oversensitive to the charge of being "controlled opposition"!
Breggin’s lawsuit was dismissed by the judge who then proceded to ask Malone why he should not be forced to pay for Breggin’s legal fees?!
Alex Jones
Info Wars (A.Jones) supposedly is tied to Stratfor Intelligence:
"AJ was created at Stratfor Inc. Stratfor is an Israeli/US security/intelligence company based out of Austin just down the street from AJ."
Alex is also included in the worldcrimesyndicate wordpress. It states that
Alex Jones - Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Colonna, and FBI COINTELPRO Project Megiddo shill
Alex Jones is initiated into the Royal Order of Jesters [and is a masonic jester] and when acting like a Jester he operates under Prince Alexander von Furstenberg.
Alex Jones former father in law is Edmund Lowe Nichols who worked at the US embassy in Rome and was knighted by the Italian president.
Michael Ginsburg covered a lot about Alex here! Jones is such a douchebag brrrrrrr, so no wonder Infowars are gay af!
So much for now.
Stay tuned in!
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For some reason, and I have seen this today (26 August 2024), dpl has erased his GATEKEEPERS stack! Not cool!
So I have removed it!
Big Mike is certainly not the the only crypto-tranny running around DC:
You’ll never convince me Chuck Schumer is married to a woman.