UPDATED! Why Are Jews Tunneling Under The New York City? #ChabadLubavitch finally gets the kind of exposure which they deserve?
What are they doing in these tunnels? Is there a link to Jeffrey Epstein? Wow! Is there a link to the Son of Sam "serial killer"? And more!!!
You didn’t think I was going to let this development pass by this substack without mentioning it, now did you? Rather I decided to wait a bit and see what else I could catch. And it was a good decision, I dug up a huge pile of dirt indeed! Pun intended.
It all started like this on 8 January 2024:
“Chaos breaks out in New York City after underground tunnels were discovered under the Chabad Lubavitch WORLD HEADQUARTERS in Brooklyn. The incident below reportedly took place to prevent a cement truck from filling the tunnels."
According to the Crown Heights Info, the tunnels were made in the past 6 months in an effort to expand 770.
Other reports suggest the tunnels were dug by Yeshiva men during COV*D after they were locked out of 770.
The tunnel reportedly stretched from the Mikvah building to the women’s portion of 770.
The tunnel was discovered after someone started hearing people “in” his home. About ten arrests were made after some refused to leave the tunnels.” (source: Collin Rugg instagram)
Yeah, right of the bat they claim how the tunnels were dug up by youngsters so that they can worship during the covid lockdowns. As they say: “Hold my beer” - I am not buying this explanation for a second! Especially because there has’nt been any lockdowns in NYC since 2020.
Remember the number 770 for later. But first some
(more exclusive footage below)
What’s not clear for now, at least to me, is if those were the city authorities who were attempting to cement the tunnels or the Chabadniks themselves? Latter is much more probable, because I hear that they have been reported multiple times. And they probably found out that there would be a police raid so they then attempted to remove all evidence. I also speculate that they were too lazy and too sure in their protected status to react sooner. And If the city was doing it, than there would be no raid. I am certainly looking forward to many many MANY truthful official reports which will be coming out in the next days - LOLz!
What is clear, is that all previous accusations against the jews, concerning gentile child abuse and even sacrifice, are getting big time video confirmation in our modern times. Previously, we had to rely on rumors, buried court cases and old books.
More information on jewish bloodthirst in here:
And I am sure that there isn’t any more evidence for claims of jewish child/human sacrifice in hidden places, often underground, in modern times!?
A notorious interview with Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg on Vice from nine years ago.
There is even a joopedia page about this case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_cases_in_Brooklyn%27s_Haredi_community
Safe to say how peeps on dailystormer knew:
More pedophilia from Chabad Lubavitch, from 1991:
Hirschel Pekkar, one of Chabad Lubavitch most prominent members, admitted in 1991 to doing 'things that shouldn't be done' to a 5-year-old girl
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Added on 16.Jan.:
A case from 2008. I did not find an official affiliation to Chabad. But all other clues are there.
Gershon Selinger: Jewish Child Molester
The world of jewish news has been a buzz with yet another jewish child molester who has been convicted of raping very young children. The jew in question is a member of the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic world named Gershon Selinger.
‘In 2015, Selinger was convicted in a Brooklyn court of abusing a 6-year-old, also in 2008, and was sentenced to 10 years probation, according to public records.’
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Let us dig deeper, further in the past, maybe add some scripture as well..
What the hell is Satanic Panic?
How Untermyer Park went from botanical wonder to devil’s playground and back again.
(…)Starting in July of 1976, the year-long murder spree of the Son of Sam serial killer —later identified as Yonkers resident David Berkowitz— escalated satanic phobia into an outright frenzy, holding the city of New York hostage in fear until his arrest in August of 1977. While Berkowitz initially confessed to six murders and several other non-fatal shootings, in the years following his arrest he has consistently claimed that he acted as a part of something much greater: a large-scale satanic cult with headquarters based in Yonkers, a group which Berkowitz recounted as holding frequent gatherings in the heavily wooded grounds of Untermyer Park.
While his credibility is clearly questionable, it is interesting to note that several of the people that Berkowitz accused of being fellow cult members following his arrest soon came to bizarre and untimely deaths. Berkowitz claimed that the father of a neighboring Yonkers family, Sam Carr, was “the high official of the Devil’s Legion,” as well as being the owner of Harvey, the infamous black lab used as a transmitter of evil. Both of Carr’s sons, John and Michael, were also accused of heavy cult involvement and having a hand in multiple murders.
The brothers each died violently within two years of Berkowitz’s arrest; John Carr in 1978 at the age of 31 from a rifle shot to the face that was deemed suicide, and 27-year-old Michael Carr in 1979 from a drunk driving accident on Manhattan’s West Side Highway. Oddly, there is documentation that young Michael had a clinical aversion to alcohol and did not drink.
Even without delving into the satanic cult theory, several people prominently involved in Berkowitz’s case at the time of the manhunt, subsequent arrest, and trial have been adamant about evidence indicating the existence of more than one gunman from the very beginning, including Queens District Attorney John Santucci and police investigator Mike Novotny.
The case was reopened in 1996 and remains so, but with no further conclusive findings. Berkowitz is currently serving six consecutive life sentences at Sullivan Correctional Facility. He’s become a born-again Christian with his own website and has relinquished the Son of Sam title for his new moniker, “Son of Hope”.(…)
Oh, it’s the infamous ‘Son Of Sam’ murders. This story sounds like all other patsy stories where everyone who admits to heinous crimes mysteriously dies ASAP. In essence, three guys take the fall for an entire satanic sect that can number in hundreds, maybe even thousands of members.
There is more? Of course, from 1923:
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added on 17.Jan
The Eldridge Street Synagogue is now a museum, with a rather 'interesting' exhibition going on:
the exhibition is about SJWs, feminism and helping the blacks in the past. showing how old school "NGOs" did their dirty shtick?!
absoulute marxism, so no frikkin wonder eh?
Btw, built in 1887, it would mean the Judge Bookson mentioned in the article cited could very well have been a member since it's founding. Yet he had NO idea why there would be a woman's skeleton in the synagogue's basement.
I found a possible connection to the name of the artist behind the “lizard eating a baby“ street art from below:
Adrienne Ottenberg? Hah!
And I wondered if the artist who did "the dragon dragging a baby" street art sculpture in the vicinity of the tunnels
"The artist is Tom Otterness and the sculpture is from his series "Life Underground"
was a jew...
Such an obvious connection, I wonder are they related? That would be a confirmation! Also, many times it was observed Jews like to boast and celebrate with what they do to goyim and offer to whatever demon that they are actually worshiping!
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‘Blood Libel’ of William of Norwich
In the Peterborough Manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for the year 1137 we read:
‘Now we wish to tell some part of what happened in King Stephen’s time. In his time the Jews of Norwich bought a Christian child before Easter, and tortured him with the same tortures with which our Lord was tortured, and on Good Friday hanged him on a cross for love of our Lord and afterwards burying him – imagined him concealed, but our Lord showed that he was a holy martyr, and the monks took him and buried him reverently in the minster, and through our Lord he performs wonderful and manifold miracles; and he is called St. William.
(Source: M. J. Swanton (Ed. And Trans.), 1996, ‘The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’, 1st Edition, J.M. Dent: London, pp. 265-266)
Oh, there is MUCH more to learn about jewish ritual murder of Christians!
The Norwich ‘Jewish’ Skeletons in the Well: The Historical Context
Jewish Ritual Murder: The Imnestar Case (415/416 A.D.)
The Jewish Ritual Massacre of the Christian Community of Najran in 524 A.D.
Jewish Ritual Murder: The Case of the Prophet Samuel in Gilgal (circa 1,000 - 1,100 B.C.)
This gruesome engraving says it all!
And now for some holEy scripture:
Quite in your face, no messing about, all clear and in plain English so that there is no confusion!
So now you know and there is no turning back.
In surprise: “But but! How can this be? Chabad Lubavitch? THE most prominent jewish sect in USA?”
In fact, you could say that today they are the most powerful sect of jews in the entire world! They secretly hold Russia, USA, EU and they are EVERYWHERE else where there is prosperity of others to be used and abused (no need to mention China ever again - until Communist virus has been erradicated off of this world)! Having hard time believing how this is happening? Chabad has 27 branches worldwide and this one in New York is their headquarters. This is all VERY certifiable information!
What else was there, oh yeah. Remember
What does 770 stand for?
Well, not much gematria here. Other than this telling talk about how to go about killing your neighbors and not be liable for it, from Sanhedrin 77a and 77b.
77 - represents half of the formulation of sexual magic in both the O.T.O. and the Kabbalah.
It is also the 77 infernal names of the Devil in The Satanic Bible of Anton LaVey.
Number 770 is the address of an ancient abortion clinic in New York which was given to the monster himself, rabbi Menachem Schneerson. I have mentioned this before here.
I think it is possible that Schneerson wanted this abortion clinic when he saw the adress.
It was on August 16, 1940, that 770 Eastern Parkway, the Gothic Revival style building, was purchased by Chabad-Lubavitch (Agudas Chassidei Chabad) to be used as the personal residence, office, yeshiva and shul of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Joseph I. Schneersohn. Legend has it that the building was formerly a doctor’s office where abortions were performed.
Rabbi Schneersohn passed away in 1950. In the decades since, “770”—as the building is universally referred to—was expanded on all sides with a capacity for thousands in its main sanctuary. Today, it is the center of a complex that includes a kollel and a library of one of the largest private Jewish collections. During his more than four decades of leadership, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, conducted all of his private audiences and led Chasidic farbrengens at these premises.
Who knows what else they have done there “where abortions were performed”?
To date, thousands of weddings (chuppahs) have been held in front of 770. Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters are based here, and 770 is the home base of Chabad emissaries around the world.
But not just weddings or reading books about how to make the goys serve them better! I speculate that this is where they practice adrenochrome harvesting for their own needs. And that the entire Planned Parenthood horror story connects to it. They basically exported what they did on small scale - so that it can be done on big scale in the entire world.
Schneerson’s theology states that “the soul of The Goyim comes from the Three Satanic Circles, while the jewish(hebrew) soul is from divine source”. Only I am not sure about how much of ancient Hebrew is left in the modern Chabadnik jew. Somewhere around zero up to none I’d say! Indeed, a crushingly devastating assesment from, by Menachem’s account, an unbending Slav.
People will say that this quote can not be confirmed. But I can assure you that it is rooted in reality. Btw, I even have a pic of Schneerson with none other than Mr.Virus, or is it Mr.Vaccine. Of course it is both.
To a trained eye and an experienced truther researcher mind, this picture gives evidence of the importance and reach of this jewish sect.
It would seem how these jews, who are a danger to entire humanity, fear white Christian people the most! Hence this much needed focus on us whiteys. Moreover, once we start to learn about true history of this rivalry, and all the facts that have been obfuscated from us until now, we find out that the main obstacle to jewish hegemony is Christ Jesus. And only then we can start to discover the true meaning of this situation!
Want more corroborative evidence about these hidden jewish customs? I’ve got you covered - they can’t hide any more:
What you saw are jews in dressed rehearsal of what seems to be child sacrifice with a child effigy being hanged, very obviously celebrating the death by hanging and shooting, that they themselves caused. Sadly, I dont have more information on this video. There is a dotcom if you want to do research on it..
Who commissioned this piece? Who ordered and payed for it?
In the vicinity of Chabad Synagogue there is even street art that is lowkey pointing to the horrific truth that is now coming out of these tunnels - thanks to every one of us who helps keep focus on it! The artist is Tom Otterness and the sculpture is from his series "Life Underground".
Hey, look what else I found:
Few words in this report are strange/out of place - so I will not put my money on it being legit. But we will see what comes out in the end!
And when you think that this is all of it:
Soiled Mattresses, High Chairs, Baby-Car-Seats & Baby Carriages, found in Illegal NYC Synagogue Tunnels, that connect to Children's museum & are less than a mile from Jew, Epstein's residence! Jews crawl from tunnels, like SewerRats!
New York Chabad seems to be a people-eater:
"Unexplored tunnels proven to lead South in the exact direction of a Jewish Ritual Bathhouse at 394 Kingston Ave (900 feet away from Chabad HQ) and linked to a child rape case from two months ago."
I can’t confirm this story but it falls in line with everything we have seen so far!
I have even seen posts from a guy who actually reported them and was bitching about it on twatter and got laughed at. He now had a post where he expected from his followers to appologize for thinking him a madman.
In any case, Its not looking good for the Chabad Lubavitch, no no no! They will now try to whitewash it to oblivion, as usual!
Like this:
and like this:
How long it took them to start downright lying and offering explanations how black is not black but white - usual disonant mental gymnastics to explain weird horrific things to teenage level minds who are unable to have an insight -Ooooh, this doesnt compute because “they should not be there because evil does not exist because my TV told me and they wuz kings so I better go prepare me a bowl of 3minute carton noodles w bugz n forget about this strange event”. You know! That indoctrinated spineless atti(servi)tude character which is the byproduct of the system.
How do these vile rats stay on top in the above world of humans? They burrow their way into all institutions of Man.
as per Protocols Of Zion!
I managed to find a clip from the raid with him as well!
He seems to be assuring concerned Chabadniks. More exclusive footage:
And here is a youtube channel with an innocent normie breakdown of the raid and with more exclusive footage and pictures, runtime 28min:
SHOCK: Cops Discover Massive 'Secret Jewish Tunnels' In New York | 'We Don't Do This In AMERICA'
So much for the serious part, now on to
But first - a music video (sort of ;)
and the best for last
Btw, if anyone has more dirt on Chabad, feel free to send it to me and I will add it here. Or save it for later, I suspect (lolz) I will have to do more s(at)tacks on these sewer rats.
Thanks for sharing, liking and subscribing.
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Mathew 10:26 " So do not fear them, for there is nothing covered over that will not become uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known."
Hebrews 4:13 "And there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account."